"Feng Qi, don't pay attention to this guy. You are still young now. What you need is to learn. If he changes, let him explore it himself..."

After bringing snacks, Tobirama Senju heard the question from his good student. His first reaction was that the evil Uchiha was making trouble again!

He is dead, but he still wants to practice. Can you Uchiha family be quiet!

This silly child is too soft-hearted!

Seeing that the guy is not in a good state, you have to give him some soul practice method. You will be tired!

"Teacher, are you angry?"

Feng Qi raised his head and looked at Tobirama Senju who was staring. He felt that he really ignored the teacher's mood.

Before he wanted to teach Orochimaru to learn, he took the trouble to deduce and adjust, and spent more than 20 days to research a special practice method.

But he really never thought about asking the teacher if he wanted to practice.

Even though I thought about waiting until I was stable, I just thought about it and never asked...

"I'm a little angry. You're being silly. We all know that your situation is special, but you shouldn't tell us about this kind of training now. At least you should wait until you are strong enough to be sure that no matter how we train, we can't hurt you. Then tell us these dead souls who obviously won't be at peace..."

Senju Tobirama is really a little irritable now.

He had always told the child that the most important thing is to protect himself, and all kinds of information that shouldn't be known to others should be hidden.

As a result, he was directly exposed in front of Orochimaru, without any idea of ​​hiding or disguising.

Fortunately, Orochimaru really cared about the child and didn't hurt the child.

Later, Uchiha...

He knew that he was not in a good mood at that time because he suspected that the child might be Uchiha, so the child found another dead soul.

But in this case, shouldn't this child know that these dead souls can't be completely trusted...

What a silly child!

"But, the teacher and Izuna are very good to me, and they are getting better and better..."

Feng Qi shrank his neck, lowered his head honestly, and explained in a low voice.

It was because he confirmed that they really cared about him that he began to have ideas.

However, it seemed that he was heartless in their eyes...

"Being good to you now does not mean that he will always be good to you in the future. Even if it never changes, but... If you ask this guy now, if his brother is in danger one day and he needs you to pay something to save him, just think about it, it is not fatal, at most it will make you a little unhappy, or make you uncomfortable for a few days. What do you think he will do?"

Senju Tobirama saw that the child still didn't understand, so he rubbed his head with his fingers a few times, supported his little head and looked up at Uchiha Izuna.

What he said are all things he might do himself.

People are like this. When both parties care about each other, they will basically expect one party to pay, because the part of the payment is small and has little impact, but it is a matter of life and death for the other party...

But for the existence that is expected to pay, he does not need to pay at all, and does not need to face those things that make him unhappy!

"I know, they must want me to help, and the teacher is the same, but if I am unhappy first, the teacher will also ask your brother to take care of me, or to make me happy..."

Feng Qi did not let Quan Nai say anything, he had already said the result.

He has always known about this kind of thing.

Just like he hated the current Konoha high-level officials, and then when the teacher returned to the Pure Land, he told Senju Hashirama a lot of reasons why the Konoha high-level officials must be replaced...

"Don't bother with this idiot, he just has no brains, giving is a two-way street, we like Feng Qi, we want Feng Qi to be happy every day, Feng Qi also hopes that we can be happy, instead of focusing on whether we can control us..."

Izunai was still thinking about how to explain this kind of thing, now that Feng Qi said it first, he doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

However, what Senju Tobirama said was not wrong, he really needed to think about how to make his brother not cause trouble for Feng Qi.

After all, Feng Qi never wanted to bully his brother, but Izunai knew that his brother occasionally made stupid mistakes, and if he didn't control it, he might create some annoying things!

"You need to practice now, evil Uchiha!"

Senju Tobirama couldn't refute it for a while, but he just felt that this was not good.

Moreover, he has never thought about asking Feng Qi to give back anything!

Not only him, Orochimaru also didn't think ofLet the child pay!

They all just want the child to grow up happily, and it would be best if he could become stronger and live freely in the future!

But he couldn't say this kind of words when it came to his lips, because he knew that the premise of all this was that he was already a dead soul, and his brother would not do anything risky.

If the eldest brother was in danger, he would still hope that Feng Qi could help...

People's hearts are like this. When nothing happens, they don't want anything, but once there is a need, their ideas will change...

"Teacher, don't be angry. The purpose of cultivation is to become stronger. When you are stronger, you can solve problems better and more easily, and you don't have to worry about whether it will cause trouble to me. I can play whatever I want with more peace of mind..."

Feng Qi held Qianshou Tobirama's face with both hands and rubbed it back and forth for a few times. Seeing that his emotions eased a little, he found some new reasons.

"That's true, but the current situation is that this guy and I can't control my brother and his brother. We can't help but teach them after we learn..."

Senju Tobirama thought about it. He could ignore other aspects, but the key point is that they all have a terrible brother...

This is the most troublesome!

They can't control it at all, and it's impossible for them to practice by themselves and hide it from their brothers...

"I can watch my brother, you... weak Senju Tobirama, you don't need to learn it first!"

Izuna thought about it, he can prevent his elder brother from doing anything too much.

Now he has this ability. If he doesn't listen to what he says, then he will confront his strength. He is not weaker than his brother!

"Then don't learn it first. When things are stable, learn it!"

Senju Tobirama admitted that he couldn't control his elder brother in any aspect.

He couldn't beat him, couldn't talk him, and even scolding him would have little effect.

So when he couldn't guarantee anything, he should finish what he had to do recently, and then consider other things.

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