"Why Izuna?"

Feng Qi looked at Black Zetsu who thought he was showing off and asked curiously.

"Because Uchiha values ​​feelings, especially brotherhood, only Uchiha Izuna must die in order for Uchiha Madara's Sharingan to evolve into the Eternal Mangekyō. He used Uchiha Izuna's eyes and could never forget the hatred of his brother's murder. I just didn't expect that they still..."

Black Zetsu was upset and aggrieved when he talked about this.

He had killed Uchiha Madara's last brother, and he died at that time, but Uchiha Madara actually cooperated with Senju Hashirama...

Built a village and stopped fighting?


What about his plan that lasted for nearly a thousand years?

"Go on, what did you do afterwards?"

Feng Qi didn't want to see Black Zetsu's expression. The combination of grievance and pride was really ugly!

"After that, I found a guy named Uchiha Obito. Now he is missing. I suspect he is afraid so he hides. No matter where he went, he always believed what I said..."

Black Zetsu continued to talk about how he fooled Uchiha Obito into being obedient and made that guy believe that the infinite moon reading was to create a beautiful new world...

The focus of his talk was about what successful things he had done.

During this period, not only did he not expose some of Uchiha Madara's stupid behaviors, but he also directly said that some things that Uchiha Madara had already admitted were all planned by Black Zetsu himself.

And the existence of Uchiha Madara, in his story, was just stupidly controlled...

[Host, please don't doubt it, Black Zetsu has no intention of helping Uchiha Madara]

The system came out and told Feng Qi that Black Zetsu really didn't do it for Uchiha Madara, really not!

Moreover, Uchiha Madara didn't actually intend to label himself as a good person.

At that time, Black Zetsu would be responsible for some things, just because he didn't want to make Izuna sad.

Because he has seen Izuna now, and Izuna is in good condition.

Of course, there is also the relationship that Hashirama Senju accompanied him to revive, but the biggest reason is Izuna!

'Let them be, for Izuna, the brother filter has long been shattered into slag...'

Feng Qi thought of what the system once said, that brothers in this world all have brother or younger brother filters.

This thing, at least for Izuna, is completely non-existent.

But even if the brother filter is gone, even if his brother has done a lot of stupid things, he is still the brother that Izuna cares about.

[Host, do you like this world? ]

The system asked suddenly.

Do you like it?

This world...

'I like those creatures that bring me warmth and happiness. They are in this world, and I like this world...'

Feng Qi looked at Black Zetsu who was still showing off some conspiracy details in front of him, and smiled with a silly feeling on his face.

[Host, your smile now is a bit like Senju Hashirama...]

The system's complaint instantly made Feng Qi's expression restrained.

Laughing like Senju Hashirama, this evaluation...

It's a bit, too much!

"What's wrong?"

Quan Na saw Feng Qi's smile suddenly disappear, and immediately began to observe the surroundings, worried that some special creatures appeared.

There were no other people around, but it was hard to say if some non-humans would come to make trouble.

"Nothing happened, I was just thinking about where we would live next. I will go home and discuss with my father. We can build some simple residences on the ground first, and then slowly expand..."

Feng Qi directly skipped the fact that he smiled like Hashirama, and found an excuse to start chatting with Quan Na.

Senju Tobirama on the other side of him looked at him a few more times with doubts, and a few silent smiles flashed in his red eyes.

His students are so cute!

"You guys, do you still want to listen to me!"

Black Zetsu was talking about how he tricked Obito into killing the Fourth Hokage and his wife, when he turned around and saw two adults and one child discussing how to build a new home...

Although he said that he was the one who tricked Uchiha Izuna's death, why do you two get along so harmoniously!

One of you is holding the child and coaxing him, while the other is watching with a smile on his face. What are you doing!

Are you all mentally ill!

"I've heard almost everything. If you have anything else to add, continue. If not, I will seal you up and let you out when we go to the moon."

Feng Qi looked back to let Black Zetsu be more self-conscious.

If you want to talk, continue talking. If you don't want to talk, seal it up. Anyway, he still has Uchiha Obito sealed here, so it doesn't matter if there are more Black Zetsu.

"Then, then what do you want to say?"When will I go to the moon? Can you wake me up before going? There are descendants of Otsutsuki Hamura on the moon. They should still exist. I just want to release my mother. Help me release her. I can help you do things..."

Black Zetsu's face was directly pressed against the wind-swept wall.

He is now sealed and can't get out. The previous plan also went wrong. The shell of the Ten-Tails was given to this child by Uchiha Madara...

However, this child seems to be the descendant of Senju and Uchiha. As long as he can grow up, he can definitely open the Samsara Eye!

As long as his mother comes back, he believes that no one will be his mother's opponent!

"I have to wait until I am ten years old. I can start trying to use ninjutsu and Sharingan at the age of six. It is counted as an improvement once a year. I can open the Mangekyō at the age of nine. When I am mature, I can open the Mangekyō. I know, probably when I'm ten to twelve years old..."

Feng Qi put his two little hands together and folded them. He promised to start practicing ninjutsu and eye techniques when he was six years old, so naturally he would wait until then.

Before the age of six, he only learned some theoretical knowledge, and then ate, drank, and had fun, doing whatever made him happy!

"Then it's a deal, you have to let me out at that time, I can really do a lot of things..."

Black Zetsu felt the wind ball shrinking, and quickly shrank into a black ball in it.

Before being sealed, he shouted again, hoping that Feng Qi would remember that he was really capable...

"Seal it, and let him out when you are bored..."

Feng Qi looked at himself and saw that he had After the negative five thousand points, I took the wind ball in my hand and looked at it, and it was directly received in the parcel column that was rarely used.

Negative points or something, the system will slowly deduct them.

I am not in a hurry, just relying on these daily tasks, I can earn these one million points in a few years!

[Daily tasks:

1. Every activity range reaches 1000 meters, reward 1 point

2. Every jump reaches 1000 times, reward 1 point

3. Every time I study hard for 1 minute, reward 1 point

4. Every time I study hard for 1 minute, reward 1 point

5. Say hello to the existence of the existing bond every day, and each person (soul) can get 1 point every day]

The original 3 tasks have now become 5.

Moreover, the original reward once a day, except for the last Except for the greeting, all other skills have become infinitely cumulative.

Probably, ninjutsu cannot be used for the time being, but he can do whatever he wants with other skills.

For example, when he is carried flying around in the wind, his range of activities will be calculated.

"Regarding what Black Zetsu said, Izuna was not killed by Tobirama. I think we need to have a good talk about this..."

Senju Hashirama had been listening beside him. When he found that except for Tobirama, the two brothers of the Uchiha family were not going to mention it, he couldn't help but want to say something.

Ever since Izuna died, Madara's knot is that Tobirama killed Izuna.

Whether they were all dead souls before, or he and Madara are resurrected now, this matter is an unsolvable knot after all...

"What are you talking about? I don't like Senju Tobirama because we have been enemies since childhood. Whether he killed me or Black Zetsu secretly killed me, that was just the way I died, not the reason why I was against him! "

Uchiha Izuna looked back at Uchiha Madara, and when he found out that his brother was also struggling with this matter, he couldn't help but get angry again.

Can you be a little more normal!

Even if he wasn't killed by Senju Tobirama, can they ignore their hatred that has lasted for nearly a thousand years?

He couldn't control whether these two people wanted to be friends, and they had already died, so he didn't want to care now.

But if you want him to be friends with Senju Tobirama, that's absolutely impossible!

"Madara's knot has always been that you were killed by Tobirama..."

Senju Hashirama scratched his hair in a tangled manner. He just wanted to say, was Madara not You don't have to keep an eye on Tobirama all the time.

If this matter is not made clear, he will always worry about Tobirama's safety...

"Before the village was built, my brother didn't kill Senju Tobirama alone, and after the village was built, he didn't do anything to Senju Tobirama. Even if you died, he didn't run out to kill Senju Tobirama..."

Uchiha Izuna looked at Senju Hashirama, he was very unhappy now!

Despicable Senju brothers, you are so bad!

And brother Madara, you are so stupid!

You never thought of secretly killing Senju Tobirama to avenge me, but the two brothers have been guarding against you for two lifetimes!

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