Start to realize the truth of the heavens from the wilderness!

Chapter 122 Luo Tian Style, Explosive Force Style

The sword light was mighty, and the infinite sword power and mental power blended together, with enough power to rival the world realm.

The vast and boundless Mirror Lake was surging and rolling.

The Mirror Immortal at the level of the World God was constantly suppressed in the face of such killing.

It was really that Jun Wu was too strong. Although his magic power was still at the level of the Ancestral God and Ancestral Immortal, his combat power was too terrible.

In addition, this Mirror Immortal was the first in this stage, and he only barely reached the level of an ordinary World God. After a long time, he was suppressed by Jun Wu.

More importantly, Jun Wu had not used all his trump cards, but only exerted the power of sword power and mental power.

Of course, his attainments in these two ways were already very high, especially in mental power. Thanks to the state of mind of unity between heaven and man, he would not have any demons or knots in his heart at all, and he had been steadily improving.

To this day, his mental power has reached the peak of the fifth level, but it is nothing to reach the peak.

In the endless chaos, there are many creatures whose mental power has reached the peak of the fifth level, countless!

But so what?

In the endless chaos, true mental power practitioners are still rare. From the fifth to the sixth level of mental power, this is a natural chasm that cannot be crossed just by wanting to.

At least until now, Jun Wu has not yet touched the barrier of the sixth level.

However, this does not hinder his strength.

Now, with the combination of mental power and sword power, he can already rival ordinary world gods. If he uses all his trump cards, he can completely rival the top world realm.

"Killing Sword Style!"

I don't know how long the fight lasted, Jun Wu shouted lightly.

The next moment, the sword light surged, with a resolute intention of going without return, death without life, instantly tearing through the void, and descending on Jingxian at a speed far exceeding the limit of the heavenly way.


The sword light was brilliant, and the power was unmatched. Jingxian didn't even have time to resist before his body was pierced.

Killing Sword Style, this is the second style of "Heart Sword Art".

The first style is the Heart Sword Style. If it is cultivated, it can rival the peak ancestral gods and ancestral immortals.

If one comprehends this killing sword style, one can even use it to reach the threshold of the world realm.

Of course, both the heart sword style and the killing sword style are a realm of swordsmanship and mental strength, not fixed sword moves and sword techniques. They can be performed by other secret methods to increase their power again.

It is precisely because of this that the killing sword style performed by Jun Wu, relying on his own powerful foundation, directly makes the power of this sword even greater, comparable to the full force attack of ordinary world gods.

"What a strong sword!"

"Very pure mental strength and sword power, it seems that this evil ancestor god is mainly practicing these two great ways."

"Amazing talent! I can see an evil ancestor god with my own eyes. This trip is also a great harvest."

I don't know how far away they are. One by one, the world realm masters are watching this scene, and while sighing, they are also considering whether to make friends with Jun Wu.

After all, the evil ancestor god is really rare. It may not appear in hundreds or thousands of chaotic eras. I don't know when I will see him again next time.

Of course, Jun Wu didn't know what these world realms were thinking at this time. He was comprehending the inheritance of the mirror fairy.

This is a boxing method that condenses the meaning of the chaotic stars. A punch is like the supreme stars such as Taiyin and Sun in the three realms crushing down.

"Top world realm level boxing."

Jun Wu's eyes lit up slightly. This boxing method is quite suitable for him.

Since it is to condense the meaning of the chaotic stars, he naturally chooses the most familiar Taiyin and Sun. These two stars are both supreme stars, and their power is naturally not bad.

It is impossible to destroy these two stars below the world realm.

The key is that Jun Wu is very familiar with these two chaotic stars. He has practiced the Great Way of Stars and has a lot of insights into Taiyin and Sun.

In addition, he has also practiced the Great Way of Tai Chi, and has some understanding of Yin and Yang, which is enough for him to practice this boxing method.

"Taiyin Fist, Taiyang Fist?"

Jun Wu chuckled. It seemed good. There was one more means of attack. However, he had just begun to comprehend it. His level was naturally not high, and the power he could exert was not high.

After comprehending for a while, Jun Wu began to gradually integrate the mystery of Taiyin and Taiyang. He moved forward again and walked deeper into the Mirror Lake.

Soon he came to a place close to 20 billion miles.

Besides Jun Wu, there was another creature here.

Although you must keep moving forward to get the opportunity of the Mirror Lake, it does not mean that you can only move forward, you can also go to other areas.

Just like the world realm in front of him, if Jun Wu remembered correctly, he came from a position of about 100 billion miles to his right.

However, this method generally has no effect.

This Mirror Lake is like a series of concentric circles. Every certain distance, you will meet a Mirror Fairy.

Although each creature encounters the Mirror Fairy in a different position, they will only meet the Mirror Fairy once on the same concentric circle. Even if they go to other directions, it is meaningless.

So basically no one will run to other directions.

"Junior Huajun, meet the senior."

Jun Wu came to the world realm and bowed to greet him.

"I don't deserve to be the senior." The world realm waved his hand with a smile: "My name is Lingju. You can defeat the mirror fairy in front and arrive here, which proves that you and I are about the same strength, or even stronger than me. Just call me Taoist friend."

Although Jun Wu is the ancestor of evil spirits, his strength may be stronger than him. With the same world realm combat power, whether it is an ordinary world god or a perfect world god, it is no problem to call him Taoist friend.

It is impossible that Jun Wu has the combat power of the Taoist monarch level.

"Okay." Jun Wu smiled: "Fellow Taoist Lingju."

"Fellow Taoist Master Hua." Lingju World God smiled and nodded: "Being able to meet an evil ancestor is a blessing that not many living beings can envy."

"Excessive reputation." Jun Wulian said.

"This is not an exaggeration!" Lingju smiled: "Fellow Taoist can rival us as an ancestor god and ancestor immortal. With such strength and foundation, I am afraid that once he reaches the world realm, he will be a strong man in this realm."

Jun Wu smiled and shook his head: "Easier said than done? I haven't found an opportunity for a breakthrough so far."

Whether it's a World God or a Chaos Immortal, it's very difficult to achieve success!

There are at least 80,000 or 90,000 Chaos Worlds in the huge Great Mo Realm, but what about the World God and the Chaos Immortal?

There are definitely less than 10,000 statues, and this includes those who are traveling in the world realm!

Otherwise, world realms such as the Black Lotus God Emperor and the Misty Rock Star Master would not be able to control dozens of chaotic worlds.

"No hurry, no hurry."

Ling Ju smiled and said, "I think my fellow Taoist has not cultivated to the level of Chaos yet, but now he has such strength. There is no telling when he will have an epiphany and enter the world realm."

"Following the auspicious words of Taoist friend." Jun Wu said with a smile. For him, even if the time spent practicing using the time magic weapon is included, it is still very early to reach the era of chaos.

Moreover, he is very close to the World Realm. Maybe just like Lingju World God said, one day he will become a World God with an epiphany.

"This is a rare opportunity. Fellow Taoist, would you like to discuss Taoism with me?"

After chatting for a while, Lingju World God finally asked.

Naturally, Jun Wu would not refuse. The other party was the World God. Although his strength may not be as good as him, as a World God, he still had a lot to learn from.

Because of this, on the mirror lake, Jun Wu and Ling Ju sat and talked about Taoism. As time went by, they actually attracted three more world gods and chaos immortals.

Among them are many creatures who have traveled further.

A group of World Realm warriors sat and discussed, and there were many strange phenomena. Unfortunately, this place was Mirror Lake. No matter what kind of power it was, or how terrible its power was, it would not leave any traces in the end.

This discussion took ten years.

Jun Wu also benefited a lot and gained a lot of insights on how to achieve the world realm, whether it was physical or qi refining.

The other world gods also have their own achievements, but they are definitely not comparable to Jun Wu. They have been world gods for a long time. In just ten years, even if they talk about Taoism, what improvement can they make?

"They do this mainly because they want to make friends with me, right?"

After the World Gods and Chaos Immortals left, Jun Wu couldn't help but smile. The evil ancestor god was indeed worthy of this.

Monster Ancestor Gods and Ancestor Immortals are rarer than those in the World Realm. As long as they don't perish, becoming a strong person in the World Realm is a sure thing.

Although these world gods are not sure how far Jun Wu can go, in their opinion, it is definitely worth spending such a small amount of time to get acquainted with a creature who is very likely to become the top powerhouse in the world.

However, Jun Wu's current goal is to make a breakthrough.

As for the sophistication of people and so on, he was too lazy to think about it for the time being. He would talk about it later when he had the opportunity.

Thinking of this, Jun Wu quickly set foot in the 20 billion mile area, and a mirror fairy appeared.

At this stage, even Jun Wu is no longer eager for success. Every time he defeats Jingxian, he calms down to understand the magic and understand his own gains and losses.

Unlike other world gods, he still has a lot of room for improvement. After entering this stage, the inheritance he received is at least at the top world level. Whether it is the air refining flow or the body refining flow, it not only opened his eyes, but also made him Many insights arose.

Because of this, although it took a lot of time, he was still making steady progress.

"The third heart sword, Luo Tian style!"

Close to a thousand billion miles away, Jun Wu placed a Time Immortal Mansion on Mirror Lake, where he practiced and gained enlightenment.

But on this day, Jun Wu, who had been in seclusion for a long time, struck out with a sword. With this sword, the heaven and earth fell, and the universe changed. Like a bright light in the endless darkness, it broke through the chaos of the void.

The third form of "Heart Sword Art", Luotian Form!

The kendo realm contained in this style is already comparable to the ordinary kendo world realm, but Jun Wu takes it lightly.

First of all, he is not majoring in swordsmanship. Even if his swordsmanship level is sufficient, he will not make breakthroughs with swordsmanship as the core. After all, this is related to his future cultivation path.

Secondly, it’s not like I’ve comprehended the sixth level.

Not even the sixth level, even if you become a world god, you will still be an ordinary world god, and you still have to practice slowly, which is of little significance.

"However, with this sword, even without using other methods, I can still match the previous Mirror Immortal."

Jun Wu thought to himself that he was already standing in front of a hundred billion miles at this time. According to the previous situation, after crossing this threshold, he would face the top world realm.

The previous Mirror Immortal, the one located 90 billion miles away, was considered powerful in the ordinary world realm and was not far from the top world realm.

Moreover, he met a Mirror Immortal who used swordsmanship and was extremely good at attacking. Jun Wu also used other methods to defeat him.

However, after comprehending the swordsmanship inheritance of the Mirror Immortal, Jun Wu also successfully understood the Luotian Style. Even if he only used swordsmanship and mental power, he would not be weaker than the Mirror Immortal.

"It's a pity... it's still a bit difficult to deal with the top world realm." Jun Wu smiled, but he was not disappointed. These things were within his expectation.

It's nothing more than using real means next.

"We still have to rely on the explosive force flow!"

Thinking in this way, Jun Wu also strode into the next stage.

"Entering the next stage!"

"Can he match the top world realm?"

"If so, it is not something that the 'evil ancestor god' can describe."

"Let alone other things, I feel that the sword realm he showed before is not much worse than some sword world realms."

"A monster, even more evil than the disciple of the Great Mo Daojun."

Even in the Mirror Lake, there are very few world realms, probably only more than 30, most of whom are ordinary world gods and chaotic immortals, there are about five or six top world realms, and one world realm is perfect.

The world realm is perfect, and it is said that he has entered the Mirror Lake for hundreds of chaotic eras. It is said that the Tao he cultivates is the same as the Wanhua Daojun who opened up the Mirror Lake.

If he can get the inheritance of the Wanhua Daojun, he is very likely to go further, create his own Tao, and become a Daojun!

However, he has been stuck in that stage for dozens of chaotic eras, and it is unknown how long it will take before he can make a breakthrough.

While these world realms were wandering in the void, Jun Wu, who had set foot in a range of 100 billion miles, also encountered the Mirror Immortal.

As expected, it was the top world realm level.


However, when those world realms were curious about how Jun Wu would deal with this Mirror Immortal, a scroll opened in the air!

The material of this scroll is a kind of chaotic sacred tree, which can carry all things in the world. It is even said that there is a chaotic world that is supported by this chaotic sacred tree.

However, for Jun Wu, it is the best material to carry the secret painting of infinite war.


The scroll unfolded in the air, covering millions of miles, with a beast's nest painted on it. When the scroll was completely unfolded, a series of beast roars penetrated the scroll and resounded in the void.

Then, one beast after another walked out of it, and each one had the aura of the ancestor god level!

Facing the world realm, the ancestor god level is naturally nothing, but... here are not one or two ancestor god level beasts, but hundreds and thousands, densely packed!

And there are not only painted beasts, but also secret painted gods and demons.

In addition, there are crystal clear and beautiful creatures, flapping their translucent wings, with stars and stars, appearing in the void.

That is the Zerg Queen. Behind them, there are insect nests, and Zerg warriors are constantly flying out of them.

Jun Wu has long wanted to expand the "hero pool" in the Infinite War Secret Painting. This painting is the first successful new version of the high-level Infinite War Secret Painting.

The "new hero" Zerg Queen has been added. Although it is still a high-level Infinite War Secret Painting, the power it can burst out is much stronger than that of a simple high-level Infinite War Secret Painting.

"What is that??!"

"It looks like a treasure that a Taoist friend said."

"Are you talking about the Infinite War Secret Painting that has been very popular in Yibo City recently? But the strongest of that kind of secret painting can only cultivate secret painting gods and demons close to the level of ancestral gods and immortals?"

"What if, Hua Jun... is really good at painting? This Infinite War Secret Painting is drawn by him?"


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