Start to realize the truth of the heavens from the wilderness!

Chapter 18 The Three Giants of Danta, Bone-Growing and Blood-Melting Pill

Zhongzhou, vast and vast, is the center of the entire Dou Qi world. There are countless strong men. Dou Huang, who can be king and hegemon in those remote areas, is nothing in Zhongzhou.

"There is a lot of fun in this Shengdan City."

Zhou Fan smiled and said that since entering the city, he has bought a lot of small things.

"It's definitely a lot more fun than it was ten thousand years ago."

Dan Jun was holding a book in his arms, but it had nothing to do with cultivation. It was a storybook, telling the story of the rise of a talented alchemist.

And this is just one of them. There are still hundreds of books piled in his space ring.

"Aren't you tired of reading story books every day?"

Zhou Fan looked at Dan Jun. This guy was a fighting emperor after all, but he just fell in love with story novels. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it.

"You're not bored. There are so many good stories, how could you be bored?" Dan Jun was confused, as if he didn't understand why Zhou Fan felt bored reading the book.

Because of Jun Wu, his attitude towards Zhou Fan has improved a lot, and after getting along with each other for the past few days, he found that they have a good temper, so they can be regarded as friends.

The key point is that all you are looking at is a template!

Zhou Fan couldn't complain. It would be fine if there were more types. The ones that Key Danjun looked at were all the same template, basically with different names. He didn't understand why Danjun was so fascinated by them.

But then, Zhou Fan seemed to have thought of something, and smiled at Dan Jun: "Dan Jun, I have a book here called "Fights Break the Sky", which is also very good. Are you interested?"

""Fight to Break the Sphere"?" Dan Jun blinked. This name sounds interesting.

"Yes, this story tells the story of a young man who walked step by step from a remote town to the core of the Dou Qi world, and finally became the most powerful Dou Emperor and saved the world."

Zhou Fan said with a smile that Emperor Pin Chu Dan found it interesting to read "Fights Break the Sphere" and he could ask Dan Jun what he thought after reading it!

"Show me quickly!"

Dan Jun hurriedly asked, among the books he is reading now, which one will write about Dou Di? At most, they can become one of the three giants of Danta, or become a fighting saint.

Suddenly a book about fighting the emperor appeared, and he was naturally very interested.

"Don't be in a hurry. I think you should complete the task first. If the boss comes back and you haven't finished it yet, you will suffer the consequences." Zhou Fan said with a smile.

After leaving the Ancient Emperor's Cave, Jun Wu went to the Soul Palace branch of Ming City alone.

After all, they promised to give Xiao Yan a Dou Zun-level body, so they would definitely have to ask for it from the Soul Palace. After all, they were the ones who killed Yao Chen in the first place, and now it's time to repay the debt.

"you're right!"

Dan Jun was silent for a moment and nodded heavily.

The next step he took was directly across the space.


Zhou Fan had no choice but to laugh. This Dan Jun's temperament was really like that of a child. I don't know where he has lived for tens of thousands of years?

It can't be that he has slept for tens of thousands of years, right?

Shaking his head, he turned into a breeze and flew towards a simple tower at an unimaginable speed.

The Dan Pagoda is the holy place in the hearts of countless alchemists.

Here are gathered the top alchemists in the Dou Qi world, and now the three giants of Danta are standing at the top of the pyramid.

However, at this moment, when the three giants of Danta faced the twelve or thirteen-year-old boy in front of them, they could not suppress the uneasiness in their hearts, as if they were ants seeing a giant.

"I wonder... who is the senior?"

Among the three people, the old man in the white robe in the middle asked in a vicissitudes of voice.

"You three are the ones in charge here?"

Lord Dan looked down at the three of them, looking like a playboy.


Xuan Kongzi nodded. Although Lord Dan's attitude was very bad, they did not dare to be dissatisfied at all.

The mere energy emitted by the other party made them feel fear from the bottom of their souls. It seemed that as long as the other party snapped their fingers, they could be wiped out.

"It's good if it's you." A smile appeared on Lord Dan's face, and then he said: "You all know how to make alchemy, right? Who can refine the bone-melting blood pill, come and teach me."


Xuan Kongzi, Xuanyi, and Tianleizi were stunned at the same time.

That's it?

As the top alchemist in Zhongzhou, which of the three of them can't refine the Bone-Melting Blood Pill?

"Senior, if necessary, junior can do it for me and refine it for senior..." Tianleizi, who had dark skin and a serious expression, said, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Lord Dan.

"Who wants you to help me refine it? I want you to teach me!"

Dan Jun frowned, looking unhappy.


But at this moment, he was slapped on the head, and Zhou Fan appeared immediately: "Have you forgotten what your master said?"

Dan Jun wanted to get angry, but after hearing these words, he immediately became obedient. Zhou Fan was also helpless. How long did he watch? This guy is offending people everywhere.

"Three of you, I'm sorry. Lord Dan has only been incarnate for a short period of time, so I don't understand the world. Please forgive me."

Zhou Fan said to Xuan Kongzi and the others.


Xuan Yi, the only woman among the three giants, raised her eyebrows and looked at Dan Jun with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Well, Lord Dan is the elixir incarnation. My friend... who is also his master, asked him to come to the Dan Pagoda to learn alchemy, and at the same time, he could learn how humans get along with each other."

Zhou Fan did not elaborate, but he believed that this was enough.


Xuan Kongzi and the other three were all shocked. They naturally knew about the elixir's transformation. It was said that the ancestor of their elixir pagoda was the ninth-grade Xuan Dan's transformation. Unfortunately, even they had never seen it.

They just didn't expect that their ancestors would see another life that took the form of a pill before they saw it.

Doesn't this mean that there is another terrifying existence in the world who can refine at least the ninth-grade Xuandan?

"Haha, you three don't have to be surprised."

Zhou Fan smiled: "This time, I still hope that the three teachers will teach him how to make alchemy, especially the bone-melting blood elixir."

The three of them, Xuan Kongzi, looked at each other, then raised their hands and said, "It's an honor for us to be able to help senior, please!"

"I don't know if I have started learning yet."

In the western region of Zhongzhou, the city of Hades is located.

This is one of the sub-halls of the Soul Palace. In the original historical trajectory, Yao Chen was also imprisoned here for a period of time.

But now it was completely silent, without any life, except for a corpse lying in front of where Jun Wu stood.

"We have a Dou Zun-level body. The bone-melting and blood-melting pills are refined by Lord Dan. We also have a substitute for the essence and blood of the Sky Demon Phoenix. Now, all we need is the Soul Infant Fruit to restore the original soul energy."

Jun Wu thought, these things are all needed by Xiao Yan, and they are all used to help Yao Chen reshape his body.

However, Lord Five of the Bone Fusion Blood Pill did not plan to refine it himself, but asked Lord Pill to learn it. After all, Lord Pill was the incarnation of the Emperor Pill, and he was indeed more talented than most living beings in the art of alchemy.

However, his foundation was too poor and he wasted tens of thousands of years in the Ancient Emperor's Cave. Even if Jun Wu wanted to teach him, he would have to start from the basics.

With this in mind, he decisively threw away this troublesome matter and asked Lord Dan to go to the Dan Pagoda to learn alchemy.

At the same time, it is also a good way to temper his temperament and let him learn how to get along with others, so as to avoid causing trouble everywhere in the future.

Otherwise, how much time can this little thing waste?

Just like Dou Zun's body, it can be completed in three steps, traveling through space, killing the target, and then traveling back with the body.

With his strength, he can complete it in just a few breaths!

The same is true for other things. If he does it himself, it won't take much time at all.

However, he doesn't want to keep a useless person around him. After all, Dan Jun is his alchemy boy, and he must be trained. He may not be good at fighting, but he must not be bad at alchemy.

Taking advantage of this opportunity is also to lay a solid foundation for him.

As for Zhou Fan, Jun Wu gave him a kendo enlightenment stone and asked him to help look after Dan Jun. Although it is not a complete kendo, it is comparable to the level of those top kendo immortals. For Zhou Fan now, it is completely enough.

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