Start to realize the truth of the heavens from the wilderness!

Chapter 41 Traveling through the Three Realms, Jingguo Zhao Hongzhuang

"This "Tianxin Sword Technique" was created by my master in his early years. If you can practice to the seventh form, it will be easy to survive the catastrophe." Beixiu World Shinto.

"Tianxin Sword Technique" has ten moves in total. The first and second moves require mental strength and sword power to reach the first level, the third and fourth moves require reaching the second level, and so on.

If all ten postures are completed, the mental power and sword power will reach the fifth level, which is enough to traverse the three realms!

After practicing to the seventh form, it stands to reason that one's mental strength and sword power have reached the fourth level. Such strength is already at the top among the gods and true immortals, let alone a mere heavenly tribulation.

"Disciple, thank you Master for teaching me the Dharma!"

Jun Wu was excited. It was obvious that Beixiu World God really wanted to teach a disciple, otherwise he would not have been able to teach Jun Wu such sword skills from the beginning.

"No need." Beixiu World God shook his head, and at the same time took out an orb as bright as a star, and said: "In addition to the "Tianxin Sword Technique", this star bead also has many secret magic powers, all of which are What I have collected over the endless years..."

Having said this, Beixiu World God's eyes flashed with sadness, and then he regained his composure and said: "You only need to complete the tests left in the restriction to obtain those secret magic powers."

"Besides, you don't have to stay in the Sword Immortal World all the time. Whether you practice swordsmanship or cultivate your mind, you need to go out and understand all things in the world and experience all living beings in the world."

"So, you can travel to the Three Realms and come to me once every ten years. If you have any doubts about your practice, I will answer your questions then..."

Beixiu World God instructed.

"Yes, Master."

Jun Wu took the star bead and said respectfully.

"Well... go ahead."

Beixiu World God waved his hand, and Jun Wu was moved again, back to Qingxiao Realm, the Qingxiao Sword Valley.

"Star Pearl..."

When Jun Wu came back to his senses, the first thing he thought of was the Star Bead. When his spiritual consciousness penetrated into it, he was stunned on the spot.

The Star Bead is indeed made from a star, but it is only comparable to the ultimate magic weapon of the Immortal level.

But the problem is that there are countless secret magic powers scattered on this star, but each secret magic power is surrounded by restrictions.

"You can get it by killing the gods and true immortals..."

"You can get it if your sword power reaches the third level..."

"You can get it if your mental strength reaches the third level..."

Jun Wu's consciousness sensed all this, and after a long time, his mind returned to calm: "It's so cool to be a disciple of a powerful person..."

There are even secret magical powers that can only be obtained by reaching the fifth level of mental power and sword power, or by killing the True God Taoist ancestors.

Needless to say, Jun Wu could also guess that these secret magic powers would be very powerful.

And this number... can only be said to be worthy of a world god who has lived for countless ages of chaos.

In later generations, Ji Ning was able to obtain ninety-eight swordsmanship and "Heart Sword Art" and other secret magic powers, which were rare!

"In the "Tianxin Sword Technique", I can only master the first and second forms now. However, mastering these two forms is enough to dominate the realm of heavenly immortals!" Jun Wu thought to himself.

"Tianxin Sword Technique" is extremely profound. If you have mastered all of them, your strength will be at the forefront of the Three Realms today. Even if you only master the first two styles, you will still be invincible in the realm of immortals!

Although this immortal is only a third-class immortal.

"Since I want to travel, let's go to other worlds as well..." Jun Wu thought to himself, and immediately began to think about which world would be better to go to.

Of course, this time he will leave a clone of himself in the three realms, wandering around in the three realms with the second soul, confusing the sight of the powerful people in the three realms.

In a splendid palace, Zhao Hongzhuang was dressed in palace attire. She looked graceful, but her face was full of nervousness. When she saw a whirlpool suddenly appeared in front of her, her heart skipped a beat. .

"What's wrong?"

A gentle voice came, and a figure walked out of the whirlpool. He was dressed in white robes, with a face like a crown of jade, and an indescribable aura that made people feel good about him.

"'s okay!" Zhao Hongzhuang blushed, then bowed Yingying and said: "Zhao Hongzhuang of Jingguo has met Jun Wu Immortal."

Immortal... is indeed a wonderful title. In this world, there are only two words: saint and immortal. Zhao Hongzhuang also learned about it from the story novels in the chat group.

"No need to be polite." Jun Wu smiled lightly, his eyes were like stars, looking into the void, with joy in his eyes, and finally fell on Zhao Hongzhuang, and said slowly: "According to the agreement, I can give you some small gifts, if you want What do you want?”

Just like the last time he went to Xiao Yan's world, he also gave some small gifts.

Of course, the small gift is for him, and for most living beings, it is already a rare and great opportunity.

"I...I..." Zhao Hongzhuang seemed to be hesitating.

"But it doesn't matter." Jun Wudao.

"Hongzhuang, I want to learn painting from the immortal." Zhao Hongzhuang clenched her silver teeth and immediately saluted respectfully, saying at the same time.

"Hua Dao?"

There was a look of surprise in Jun Wu's eyes.

He is naturally familiar with the art of painting. The first path he completely mastered was the art of ink painting, which is derived from the art of painting. In fact, Jun Wu in his original trajectory was best at painting.

It's just that Jun Wu in this life realized this Tao by accident. He just happened to listen to a piece of advice from Bodhi Taoist Patriarch when he was learning ink painting, and he became enlightened overnight.

Moreover, due to the influence of his original trajectory, at the beginning he was even a little distanced from Hua Dao!

It was only later that I joined the chat group that this impact on my mood gradually dissipated.

After all, the chat group has the function of enlightenment. If he has enough life, Jun Wu wants to comprehend all the ways, and even... try to comprehend all the ultimate ways!

However, as soon as this idea appeared, he was immediately extinguished.

What realm is he in now? How dare he dream of comprehending all the ultimate ways?

Fortunately, he quickly extinguished this idea. If this idea is deeply rooted, it will not be a death wish. He will fall into the great tribulation of the heart demon in a minute without waiting for the tribulation!

Moreover, this kind of heart demon tribulation is absolutely beyond the level of the heavenly way. Even the heart demon ancestor cannot control it. After all, it involves the ultimate way. The heart demon tribulation that comes down may come from the origin of the chaotic universe.

With him... Don't think of escaping until death!

But if it is only at the level of the three realms, like Jun Wu in the original trajectory, comprehending all the small ways, the great ways, and the heavenly ways, Jun Wu is indeed tempted.

Moreover, no matter what the core way is in the later stage, you have to practice the ten thousand ways. There is no harm in understanding it earlier.

However, it is not suitable in a short time. His primary goal now is to survive the heavenly tribulation. He is confident of the first three tribulations, but he is really worried about the inner demon tribulation.

Therefore, for now, cultivating the heart power is the most important thing, and he will survive the tribulation only when he reaches at least the fourth level of heart power.

As for other avenues... he can only dabble in one or two at most, and will not delve into them in the short term.

"If you want to learn the way of painting from me, it is not impossible." It happened in a flash. Although he thought a lot, it was actually just a thought of Jun Wu.

Zhao Hongzhuang heard the words, and there was a light of expectation in her eyes. She stared at Jun Wu closely, waiting for his next words.

"Don't be happy too early." Jun Wu smiled lightly: "Now I don't have much time to study the way of painting. What I realized in my early years, plus what I learned by analogy, my current realm of painting... is probably only equivalent to the fourth realm of painting in your world."

What a "only"!

He is worthy of being a big shot!

Zhao Hongzhuang secretly complained in her heart. Now, there are only two masters of the fourth realm of painting in the entire human race, and even the contemporary painting master is only in the third realm!

Moreover, from ancient times to the present, no one has ever entered the fifth realm of painting. It can be said that the fourth realm is the pinnacle of painting in the world!

Jun Wu, on the other hand, commented on the fourth realm of painting with just one word "only"!

The key point is that she really has nothing to say. After all, according to the standards of the fifth realm of painting, Jun Wu is a genius who can go from nothing to the fourth realm of painting overnight!

It's just that the gap between the fourth realm and the fifth realm is too big, otherwise Zhao Hongzhuang really thinks that Jun Wu can step into the fifth realm just by "learning by analogy".

"Hongzhuang is willing to learn painting from the immortal!"

But Zhao Hongzhuang is unwilling to miss such an opportunity.


Jun Wu nodded. He always keeps his promises. Since he promised to give a small gift, he will naturally do it, and it is not a difficult task. He can teach Zhao Hongzhuang by splitting a divine thought.

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