Start to realize the truth of the heavens from the wilderness!

Chapter 50 Star Wall, baby, please turn around


Fang Yun looked at the golden bracelet in front of him, and then bowed and thanked him for a long time: "Student Fang Yun, thank you sir for the treasure. If the student can survive the punishment of the Moon Tree God this time, he will definitely repay your kindness in the future."

"Yeah." Jun Wu nodded.

Then, he looked at Ao Huang, pointed a finger, and a piece of Holy Crystal was submerged into the latter's body.

"Your sister is now practicing with my incarnation. When you become the Great Dragon King, you can go find her." Jun Wu said slowly.


Ao Huang's body trembled, and he immediately knew Jun Wu's identity.

The monster who took away his sister Ao Yuwei from the Dragon Palace!

According to what the Dragon Saint of the East China Sea told him, although this person was not yet a half-saint, he made the Dragon Saints of the East China Sea feel the threat of death. Looking across the world, he could not find anyone else.

What's more important is that this person has many holy and rare objects. When he took Ao Yuwei away, he gave the dragon clan a holy weapon and promised to give Ao Yuwei another holy weapon when he succeeded in creating a spell. pieces!

Even the sacred objects were so indifferent that the Dragon Saint of the East China Sea suspected that he had dug the tomb of the saints!

"Take the exam well."

Finally, Jun Wu said something to Fang Yun again, and then his figure disappeared in place.

To the north of Saint Yuan, Wolf Saint Mountain.

This is the headquarters of Wolf Slaughter. There are countless monster wolves and the wolf barbarians cooperate with them. They are so powerful that even a semi-saint would not dare to break in easily.

"Brother Lang Yan, the army is ready at the border. We will attack Jingguo today." Lang Lu said with a ferocious smile.

"Attacking Jingguo today?" After Jun Wu heard this, he thought for a moment and understood Wolf Slaughter's intention.

"That's right!" Lang Lu sneered: "Today is the day of the human race's trial, but it is also the day when the Moon Tree Divine Punishment comes!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, the human race Fang Yun is indeed a genius. If he is allowed to grow up, the threat will not be comparable to that of other half-saints!"

"Fortunately! Fortunately, he provoked the punishment of the Moon Tree God!"

"Although the possibility of him surviving the punishment of the Moon Tree God is very slim, we still need to take action just in case."

"In this battle, it is best if we can destroy Jingguo. If not, we will hold back the human race's semi-saints so that they have no time to care about their fate!"

Jun Wu nodded, this wolf killing was indeed cruel enough.

Now there is only one semi-saint in Jingguo, that is, Chen Guanhai, and the latter has suffered irreversible injuries. He dare not say whether he can kill him, but if he wants to hold Chen Guanhai down, the strength of the wolf is more than enough.

Not to mention, Wolf Slaughter has allies, two barbarian saints, and three half-saints who attack together. The ten human kingdoms cannot be careless at all, and they will definitely have no time to take care of their fate.

"It's a pity that the human half-saints have immortal souls!"

Jun Wuxin said, although the human half-saint's lifespan is short, his holy soul can live on forever. Although his strength is not as good as at his peak, he cannot withstand large numbers of people.

Not to mention that there are sub-saints and saints above the semi-saints.

Therefore, although Wolf Slaughter can stop the living Half-Saints, it cannot hold back those who are dead...

"I see."

With this thought in mind, Jun Wu also agreed to Wolf Kill's strategy. It just so happened that he could also take the opportunity to put on a show.

On the border of Jingguo, the sky is filled with yellow sand.

The human race and the demon barbarians are facing each other from afar.

"Chen Guanhai, come out!"

The Wolf, as huge as a mountain peak, stood on the vast wilderness, its azure eyes staring in the direction of Jing Guo, and a green and bloody aura soared upwards, covering the entire world.

The yellow sand in the sky also turned into a storm at this moment, overwhelmingly pressing towards the border of Jingguo.

"Old friend Wolf Slaughter, why are you in such a hurry?"

But at this moment, clouds appeared in the sky, white and dazzling, and the long clouds were like ladders. One person stepped on the cloud ladder, spanning thousands of miles, and arrived in an instant.

"I've met Chen Sheng!"

Countless human beings all came to pay their respects, and the person who came was none other than the only semi-saint in Jingguo, Chen Guanhai.


Chen Guanhai smiled lightly and nodded, his eyes extremely warm, like the clearest gems in the world, without a trace of impurities.

Facing the wolf slaughter that had caused him severe injuries, Chen Guanhai remained indifferent, but the wolf slaughter was more direct. The holy light rose behind him and turned into a hundred-foot wall of light, endlessly high, breaking through the starry sky and standing abruptly across the world.

"Guanhai boy, stop talking nonsense, I will definitely kill you today, and I will also destroy Qian Jingguo!"

"Really? It seems you are very confident."

Chen Guanhai smiled lightly, and a wall of holy light also rose behind him. Gradually, the two walls of light merged into one, covering a void, as if he was standing in another world.

Star wall!

This is a method created by Kong Sheng. It was all due to the power of the Half-Saint War. A long time ago, many worlds collapsed due to the existence war of Half-Saint and above.

Later, Confucius was canonized, created the method of Star Wall, and spread it to all realms. All races respected his strength. At the same time, in order to prevent the world from being destroyed by another saint-level war, this method of Star Wall was gradually recognized by all races. .

"Hahaha, Brother Wolf Eater, leave Chen Guanhai to me, and leave the rest of the human race to you, Brother Wolf Eater!"

The star wall is formed, and it seems that it is still in this world, but in fact it is already in another space, and no one on both sides dares to remove the star wall easily, otherwise once the power of the holy level is leaked, the world will be turned upside down!

"Hmph! I know this!"

Jun Wu snorted coldly, and the wolf's body gradually changed, becoming as big as a hill in the blink of an eye. Stepping on the sea of ​​starlight and blood, he slowly walked to the front of the demon barbarian army.

"Human ants, remember, this holy wolf bite is the wolf saint who will destroy your Jingguo!"

The sound of wolf howls traveled thousands of miles, and the not-so-rich aura of the Holy Path slowly emerged on the surface of Jun Wu's body.

"Half-saint incarnation?!"

"How could this be! How could there be a semi-saint incarnation still existing among the monsters?!"

"Oops, who can stop the semi-saint incarnation?"

Everyone on Jingguo's side was shocked when they saw the aura of the holy way emerging on Jun's body.

The semi-saint incarnation, even the emperor of the clan, can only barely compete with one or two.

But Jingguo was weak, so where could there be emperor-level scholars?

Maybe it could have happened originally, but it is still unclear whether the person who provoked the punishment of the Moon Tree God can survive today.


"A bunch of cowards, watch this holy general kill you all!"

Jun Wu stepped on the sea of ​​stars and blood, walking forward step by step, as if he was slowing down, but he was approaching ten miles at a time.


A cold rebuke came from Jing Guo's formation. It was a great scholar with a brow as sharp as a sword, looking directly at Jun Wu with a murderous intent.

"You're just a semi-saint incarnation. Even if you die, I will definitely kill you here today!"

As he spoke, little stars appeared on his body:

"Where the body is, there is righteousness..."

This is the power of Jixue Danxin, which can exchange for short-term power at the cost of lifespan.

Facing an incarnation of a semi-saint, the great scholar did not hesitate to use his jade-blooded heart to fight to the death.


But at this moment, a sigh came.

In the void, a ripple spread out, and soon a figure was seen, slowly walking out. The great scholar who used the Jade Blood Pill Heart was gradually returning to his original state.

"As expected of the brave Jingguo, even a bachelor can use the Blue Blood Pill Heart without hesitation." The fairy voice was vague, as if from the sky, and a figure gradually solidified on the battlefield.

"Leave this demon wolf to me."

When Jing's soldiers came to their senses, Jun Wu, dressed in white and looking like a banished immortal, was already standing in front of the army.

"You are really arrogant. If you don't join the holy throne, even if you are the emperor of the human race, you are not qualified to compete with me!"

Wolf Eater Jun Wu snorted coldly, and slashed a claw towards Jun Wu in white across the void. The world was torn apart in an instant, as if everything under this claw would be chopped into several pieces.

"A mere new saint, the incarnation of a semi-saint, dares to show off his evil deeds here?"

Jun Wu smiled lightly, and at the same time, a gourd hung above his head. There was a ray of light in it. There was something in it, about seven inches and a half, lying on the top of the white light, with eyes and wings.

"Baby please turn around!"

Jun Wu let out a soft cry, and the next moment, Wolf Eater Jun Wu's wolf head flew high into the air, instantly losing its life.

The battlefield was silent, and no one expected that the semi-saint incarnation that had forced the human race to fight to the death a second ago would actually lose his life in an instant because of the words "Baby, please turn around."

Seeing the semi-saint incarnation gradually dissipating, both humans and monsters were stunned.

Even Lang Lu and Chen Guanhai in the star wall stopped at this time.

"The top semi-holy weapon?"

Wolf Kill was stunned, where did this dragon cross the river appear from?

He is obviously not a semi-saint, but he can control a top-level semi-saint weapon, and his control is not superficial. The power just now... he can obviously control it perfectly!

This means that even if he faces a real half-saint, he can resist one or two!

"Good baby!"

Chen Guanhai was also amazed, but he was also surprised. Where did this human race come from?

As a Half-Saint, he should know about such a talent, but...he really has no impression of Jun Wu.

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