Start to realize the truth of the heavens from the wilderness!

Chapter 64 There is hope, but only a little bit

"Brother, those guys are too much!"

"They actually said we came in through the back door. Humph, they just practiced for a longer time than us. Why are you so arrogant!"

In an apartment, Ye Jin was full of anger. He sat on a chair and kept cursing: "Humph, wait for me to practice for a year, I will definitely surpass them!"

"That's right!" Jun Wu clapped his hands and said, "Roll up, you have to work hard secretly, and then surprise everyone."

"..."Ye Jin was silent. Sometimes she really couldn't understand what Jun Wu was thinking. Forget about others, but you are also accused of "taking the back door", how can you be indifferent?

"Brother, they scold you, don't you get angry?" Ye Jin couldn't help asking.

"Ants yell at you, will you get angry?" Jun Wu sat on the sofa with a faint smile on his face.

Ye Jin widened his eyes and said, "Brother, when it comes to arrogance, you are the one who is the most arrogant!"

"Do you know that we are the last in the training camp?"

After finishing the warrior assessment, Jun Wu contacted Hong and asked Hong to bring him and Ye Jin to the basic training camp.

Other members of the training camp said that they came in through the back door, which is true, but there is no second person in the world who can persuade Hong with just one word.

Even Thor can't do it!

"You are the last." Jun Wu said slowly: "In the basic training camp, the top ten people are barely as strong as high-level generals. It's very easy to surpass them."

It only took him one year to start from a mortal and cultivate to the perfection of the Wanxiang realm. This was because he wanted to comprehend the Wanxiang starry sky, otherwise he would have broken through long ago.

So, for him, the difficulty of upgrading from the warrior level to the general level... can be completely ignored.

"Boasting!" Ye Jin snorted in dissatisfaction.

But in his heart, he felt that Jun Wu was not bragging.

Jun Wu has always been like this since he was a child. He is very objective in evaluating everything. Moreover, what he dares to say is definitely what he can do!

"Don't believe it?" Jun Wu smiled: "How about this, in half a year, I will challenge the top ten in the basic training camp. If I win, you will practice as I tell you to do in the future, and you can't have any complaints. How about it?"

"Of course, if I lose, you can also make any conditions."

"Half a year later?" Ye Jin snorted and smiled: "Brother, didn't you say it was easy to surpass them? It takes half a year to be easy?"

"Then how long do you think is appropriate?" Jun Wu frowned.

Ye Jin smiled and raised three fingers: "Three days!"

Jun Wu's face darkened: "Why don't you say you'll go tomorrow?"

"That's fine!" Ye Jin smiled, but seeing Jun Wu's unhappy face, he kept saying: "Brother, bargaining is all, and how can I not know you? You dare to say half a year, by that time, your strength must be so strong that I don't know how strong it is!"

"Since it's a gamble, you must give me hope of winning!"

Jun Wu was silent for a while: "Three months, how about it?"

"Half a month!" Ye Jin cut off two and a half months with a knife: "Brother, half a month, do you dare to agree? If you agree, I will agree!"

"Half a month?" Jun Wu's face was a little tangled, as if he was thinking about how much chance of winning half a month, and after a long time, he nodded: "Okay, since it's a gamble, then half a month."

"No way, brother!" Ye Jin was stunned: "Do you still have hope of winning in half a month?"

"There is hope, but only a little bit." Jun Wu compared with two fingers, the universe between his fingers, it was so magical.

"Really? Why don't I believe it?" Ye Jin felt a little regretful. She always felt that she was tricked by Jun Wu. From half a year to half a month, Jun Wu still had hope of winning?

Are you kidding!

"Don't worry, I'm not lying to you. You really have a chance of winning."

Jun Wu patted Ye Jin's head. There was hope, but the probability... one in a billion? Or even less?

"You can't lie to me!"

The last glimmer of hope ignited in Ye Jin's eyes.

"Little guy." Jun Wu nodded while laughing in his heart. It's just acting. Who can't do it?

Do you really think you can control him?

Even if he really goes tomorrow, he can teach Ye Jin a good lesson, not to mention half a month later.


Time flies, and half a month has passed.

During this half month, Jun Wu invited the tenth place in the basic training camp as agreed.

This caused quite a stir in the training camp.

"Ye Jun", who ranked in the bottom ten, dared to challenge the top ten!

Many people don't know whether to praise Jun Wu for his courage or say he is stupid.

At first, Zhang Yun, who ranked tenth, just took this as a joke, but when the wealthy Jun Wu took out a generous amount of resources...

Zhang Yun convinced himself!

Someone gave him resources, why refuse?

Besides, it was the other party who invited him to fight and funded him, so he would not suffer any loss.

In addition, Jun Wu was the last in the training camp and had not been in the training camp for a long time. Only a fool would not take this resource!

So, on the day of the appointment, Zhang Yun came to the martial arts training ground early.

Originally, he wanted to gamble with Jun Wu in the challenge room. After all, fighting in the challenge room is actually fighting in the virtual space, so he can let go of his hands and feet without worrying about death.

However, he was at least in the top ten of the basic training camp and had the hope of squeezing into the elite training camp. It was okay to fight a junior warrior who had just entered the training camp.

After all, it was not shabby for the resources.

But if he went to the challenge room, he would be laughed to death, and he might even be called shameless.

After much thought, he decided to compete with Jun Wu in real life, and he would hit the spot to show off his grace.


"Do you really dare to come?"

"As expected of you, you are a fool...a wealthy and wealthy boy."

"His sister is here too. One fell to ten, the other fell to one. I don't know where they got the courage."

Ye Jin couldn't help but blush a little after hearing what those people said. After all, from the perspective of a bystander, Jun Wu used "money" to force a strong man who was far better than him to compete with him.

This kind of behavior... is indeed stupid!

But Jun Wu didn't take it seriously. He walked slowly to the center of the martial arts training ground, stopped about ten meters in front of Zhang Yun, and then said slowly: "Please enlighten me."


Zhang Yun smiled, after all, this was a boy who gave money.

The next moment, he saw Jun Wu rushing towards him, like a strong wind, much faster than ordinary warriors!

"No wonder you dare to challenge, you really have some strength!"

Zhang Yun laughed loudly. Jun Wu's performance was obviously at the level of a warrior. This made him immediately excited and strode forward to fight with Jun Wu.

"Not bad, this punch is quite weighty!"

"Haha, there are too many flaws, you should lose!"

"I managed to hold on, my will is strong, but that's the end of it."

"'s so strong, it can actually hurt me."

Zhang Yun was talking as he took action. He was slightly interested at first, but later became full of fighting spirit. He seemed to no longer regard Jun Wu as a newcomer, but as an evenly matched opponent.

However, Ye Jin, who was at the edge of the martial arts training ground, and other members who were preparing to watch the show, were all stunned in place at this moment.

From their perspective, how could there be any close battle?

There was only one Zhang Yun who made crazy moves and tried his best, seemingly caught in a difficult battle.

And a leisurely Jun Wu standing aside and yawning!


I don’t know how long it took, but Zhang Yun fell to the ground with a bang, but with a smile on his face: "It was such a hearty battle... Congratulations... you won..."

As he said that, he passed out. Vaguely, he seemed to see Jun Wu standing in front of him intact.

"Brother...what on earth did you do?!" Ye Jin couldn't hold back anymore and rushed directly to Jun Wu and shouted.

"It's nothing, just a little trick from the spiritual master."

Jun Wu smiled and said, spiritual masters are also divided into illusionists and control masters. What he just used was the method of the illusionist system.

"Is this... what you said is that you only have a little hope of winning?"

Ye Jin suddenly fell silent and looked at Jun Wu with a resentful look. He promised not to lie to her, and promised to win.

Hope? Why didn't she see it from beginning to end? !

"There are only 100 million points!" Jun Wu said with a smile: "If I get sick today and can't come, wouldn't you win?"

"Go to hell!"

Either explode in silence or die in silence. Ye Jin decisively chooses the former!

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