Start to realize the truth of the heavens from the wilderness!

Chapter 73: Sit back and reap the benefits, sword formation

"Don't do anything, abbot..."

Jun Wu smiled, and what he said made the immortal king opposite him stunned. He didn't call him "Abbott" either?

"Everyone, he is actually right." Jun Wu pointed at the immortal king and said, "With one strike from all of you, not to mention me, even the Lord of the Universe may fall."

Many immortals showed some signs of excitement, but the immortals like the human race and those allied with the human race did not take it seriously at this moment.

For a valuable treasure, offending an invincible being... is totally not worth it.

Not to mention that this immortal is also a human race. If they kill each other and lead to the death of a king named Wudi, they will not get any benefit and may even be severely punished.

Of course, the immortals who are on the same front as the human race only account for about 20 to 30%. Even without them, the rest of the immortals can still make Jun Wu fall instantly with a single blow.

"Since you know, you still talk like this? Don't you think it's ridiculous?" A demon clan king sneered. The human race and the demon clan were mortal enemies, and they were not afraid of offending Jun Wu.

"It's not ridiculous." Jun Wu smiled lightly: "Then I won't fight with you anymore, you can just go ahead."

Jun Wu smiled lightly, and then he flashed and landed on the edge of this forbidden space. At the same time, he waved his brush and sealed the world with a series of space restrictions.

As for himself, he stood aside and no longer participated in the fight to seal the stars.

"This bastard!"

A demon clan immortal cursed, Jun Wu's behavior could not be more obvious, he just wanted to reap the benefits.

When they have almost snatched everything, he will take action again!

Originally, during a fierce battle, no immortal could use Divine Kingdom Teleportation.

Now that the space is still blocked, even if you kill everyone else, even if you try to expose the coordinates and use the Kingdom of God Teleport, it will still take some time to break through the blockade. This time... is enough for Jun Wu to kill them!

The entire battlefield became silent in an instant. No one was trying to fight for the sealing stars. Instead, everyone was on guard against Jun Wu.

Since ancient times, Zhen Fengxing has appeared countless times, but this is the first time such a strange scene has occurred.

Jun Wu was not in a hurry. If these immortal kings were all from a certain race, he would give up without saying a word.

But these immortal kings come from different ethnic groups. Can they work together?

Haha, no fool would believe it!


I don’t know how long it took, but finally, an Immortal King rushed directly towards the Zhenfeng Star. His move ignited the forbidden space again.

Many immortal kings no longer hesitated and started fighting again.

"A bunch of idiots!"

Within the mechanical clan, the Mingyun King who was close to the invincible level of the King said coldly, looking at Jun Wushi in the void, still a little unwilling.

But he also understands that the current situation has been destroyed by some idiots who are taking chances!

Once such a chaotic war starts, it is not easy to end it, but if it does not end, Jun Wu's goal has been achieved. In other words, there is no way to prevent Jun Wu from winning the sealing star.

"Human Huajun... I remember you."

The Mingyun King glanced at Jun Wu coldly, and then with a thought, he quickly broke through Jun Wu's space blockade and left this forbidden space with the help of the Soul Servant's Divine Kingdom teleportation.

King Fate is not the only one who is doing this at this time.

"Have all the people close to Feng Wang Wudi gone?"

Jun Wu's consciousness enveloped the entire forbidden space, and even a grain of dust could not escape his eyes. Naturally, he also saw many immortal kings leaving.

Especially those who are close to the invincible king.

"That's wise, otherwise when I get the Seal Star, you won't be able to leave even if you want to." Jun Wu said with a smile.

Suppressing the stars is a valuable treasure used for sealing.

As long as you are slightly stronger than the opponent, you can seal the enemy in the stars. Even if the Universe Master is restrained, there is no possibility of escaping.

Jun Wu's strength is obviously the strongest in the forbidden space. Once he gets the Suppression Star, no one here can resist!

If you don’t leave now, when will you wait?

"We can try it later to see if we can add the function of banning teleportation from the Kingdom of God in this sealed star. Otherwise, this method will indeed be a bit troublesome."

Jun Wuxin said, although space confinement can also suppress it, the effect is not very strong and cannot be completely blocked.

Moreover, most of the people in this forbidden space are immortal kings, and it is impossible to completely suppress them. If they want to leave, it only takes a second or two at most to break through the ban.

Moreover, many of those who dare to come to the Star Tower have ordinary immortals as soul slaves, and they are not afraid of exposing the coordinates of the Kingdom of God.

Just like the previous Zerg mother queen Nan Chu, she escaped from the Star Tower through the immortal Kingdom of God teleportation controlled by her.

Of course, one or two seconds is already a long time for creatures of their level, especially when the gap in strength is obvious. One or two seconds is enough to distinguish between life and death.

In the forbidden space, many immortal kings fought, resulting in countless casualties. The number of immortal kings who fell alone now numbered in the thousands, so that thousands of exits soon appeared out of thin air in all directions.

"Thousands of exits!"

After the Zhenfeng Star was born, once the killing was excessive, thousands of exits would automatically appear. Following any exit, one could quickly reach other forbidden spaces.

Once you enter it, you can't chase it even if you want to.


Some immortals who felt that they had no hope of winning the Zhenfeng Star and were frightened by the slaughter also rushed to numerous exits at this time, but they were caught in a battle and could not even use the teleportation of the Kingdom of God. It was extremely difficult to get out at this moment.

Many immortals who wanted to escape still died.

"It's almost done."

At this time, Jun Wu finally began to take action.

In an instant, the alarm bells in the hearts of many immortal kings rang wildly, and a breath of death eroded their souls in an instant.

Looking at it one by one, they saw a scene that made their scalps numb.

I saw Jun Wu waved his sword finger, and hundreds of immortal swords appeared in the void, combining with the Tiangang above and the Disha below, and at the same time resonated with the Tiangang Disha Star Array in Jun Wu's body, forming a magnificent sword array!

In particular, each immortal sword in this sword array was covered by a layer of gentle white light and dazzling silver light.

Each immortal sword seemed to contain enough power to kill the immortal king!

"Master? Hua Jun is also a master!"

An immortal king of a foreign race shouted, his expression became extremely ugly. He really couldn't understand where such a freak came from among the human race!

It was a complete mess!

His methods were mysterious and unpredictable. It was enough that he could suppress the immortal queen of the Zerg race. Now he even revealed the methods of the master lineage, and those flying swords made him feel terrified!


Even those immortals who were at the peak of the king or even the limit of the king did not dare to have a fluke mentality at this moment, and flew to the exits without hesitation.


At the same time, Jun Wu's sword fingers fell, and the Tiangang Disha Star Sword Formation burst out instantly, covering all the mental power, sword power, star power, time and space power, etc.

Each flying sword, with unparalleled power, slashed at many immortal kings under the urging of various great powers.

Wherever the flying sword passes, even the king-level immortals can only block it for a moment, and then they will be killed and their souls will be torn apart.

However, every time a king-level immortal is killed, the power in the flying sword will also fade.

But at this time, how can those immortals care about these things? They just know to flee madly.


After a long time, Jun Wu took the initiative to stop the sword formation and watched many king-level immortals flee.

It's not that he can't kill them, but it consumes a lot of energy to do so. Now his mental strength, sword power, etc. have been consumed by more than half, but there are still many immortals of the human alliance at the scene.

Although they are divided into hundreds of small alliances, they have not killed each other all the time. Jun Wu still wants to stay in the human territory, so he naturally did not attack them.

But not taking action does not mean not being on guard.

Among these people, there is definitely no shortage of insidious people like the Heavenly Array King. If you don't keep a hand, you will be the only one who is unlucky.

Therefore, after consuming more than half of it, Jun Wu retracted the sword formation, and at the same time took away the corpses of many alien immortal kings and the treasures left behind, and then flew to the star that sealed it.

At this time, the immortals of the human race alliance were all looking at him, but no one dared to compete with him.

Jun Wu did not attack them because of the relationship of allies, but if they dared to rob Jun Wu's achievements at this time, even if they were killed by Jun Wu, they would be asking for trouble!

In that case, even the human race leaders would not punish Jun Wu for this.

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