Start to realize the truth of the heavens from the wilderness!

Chapter 88: Lord of Yantian Territory, Painting World, Sea of ​​Stars

The painting world, according to legend, was created by a painter of the fifth realm. Anyone who passes the first stage of the test of the inheritance of the painting saint can sense the existence of the painting world through the ink mark on the forehead and enter it.

"It is very similar to the virtual universe network."

In a colorful world, Jun Wu followed Xuanyun and flew towards a small courtyard on the hillside.

"Xuanyun, you are here."

When they arrived at the small courtyard, they saw an old human with red skin taking a rest in the small courtyard. Seeing them coming, he couldn't help but smile.

"Lord of the domain." Xuanyun saluted respectfully.

"Domain Lord?!" Jun Wu was shocked when he heard this.

This world is called "Holy Realm" by the local creatures, and it is also divided into nine domains. Jun Wu is in Yantian Domain.

And each of the nine domains of the Holy Realm has a domain master, and this domain master must be a true god who has understood all the laws, and must be a painter of the fourth realm!

The old man smiled and nodded, then looked at Jun Wu: "Is this the painter Hong you mentioned?"

"Yes." Xuan Yun said.

"Senior." Jun Wu also greeted at the same time.

The old man in front of him is not only a true god, but also a painter of the fourth realm. It is hard to say whether he is powerful alone, but if it is a large-scale war... a painter of the fourth realm is equivalent to ten true gods!

You should know that if you understand all the laws and gradually begin to merge, you can become a true god, but if you want to become a painter of the fourth realm, you must merge at least three laws.

Merging laws... is more difficult than simply comprehending laws!

Jun Wu can merge the laws of time and space into the law of time and space at this stage because he has Bodhi Daozu to teach him the way of time and space, and he has the enlightenment function of the chat group to help him.

Otherwise, if he relies on himself alone, even if his comprehension is enough, he can't step into the way of time and space so quickly, or even cultivate the power of time and space to the fourth level.

But every painter of the fourth realm has at least merged three laws, and must also understand the fourteen laws of the holy world.

Even if Jun Wu is arrogant, he can't be too presumptuous in front of such an existence.


The Lord of Yantian laughed lightly, his eyes calm: "Has the second stage of the test begun?"

"It has already begun." The Lord of Yantian did not mention the first stage of the test, but Jun Wu did not think much and answered directly.

"Have you decided which law to comprehend?" The Lord of Yantian asked again.

"Well, I chose the law of water."

Jun Wu nodded. The law of water is the law that he has comprehended and is closest to fully mastering.

But in fact, he improved quickly because he comprehended the principle of life and death. While comprehending the law of fire, he occasionally had insights, which improved his understanding of the law of water.

In addition, after practicing the way of painting, it is inevitable to comprehend the laws of the five elements, yin and yang, wind and thunder, and the law of water in the holy world is probably only at the level of the great way, so it seems that his level of comprehension is high enough.

"The Law of Water?" Upon hearing this, Lord Yantian nodded and looked at Xuanyun: "Xuanyun, take him to the Secret Painting Hall. As a painter who passed the first stage of the test with a heavenly level evaluation, he has the qualification to enter the Secret Painting Hall three times."

"Yes, Lord." Xuanyun said respectfully.

But at the same time, he was also a little envious. Jun Wu didn't understand why, but just followed Xuanyun to say goodbye to Lord Yantian, and then flew in another direction.

"The Secret Painting Hall is one of the three holy places in the painting world."

On the way, Xuanyun and Junwu introduced: "In the Secret Painting Hall, there are many secret paintings left by the predecessors, including paintings left by the fourth-level painters. There is even a legend that even the creator of the painting world... the fifth-level painter, also left secret paintings in it."

"Of course, no one can confirm this, after all, no one has ever seen it."

Speaking of this, Xuanyun paused again, and then continued to instruct: "Because you are rated as a heavenly level, you have the qualification to enter the Secret Painting Hall three times, and you can comprehend for one year each time."

"But I advise you not to think that one year is a long time. If you waste time in vain to find the secret painting of the legendary creator of the painting will only suffer."

"Thank you for telling me."

Junwu smiled and said that although some of Xuanyun's words were not very pleasant to hear, he was unexpectedly kind-hearted, otherwise he would not have specifically instructed such things.

Xuanyun heard Jun Wu's words and looked at him: "You're welcome."

"There's one more thing I forgot to say. In addition to passing the test of the inheritance of the painting saint, you can also obtain merits by completing the tasks of the painting world to enter the secret painting hall and exchange for qualifications."

"You can learn about the specific situation in the merit hall at that time."

Jun Wu nodded in response. It was also about this time that a palace could be seen tens of thousands of miles ahead of them. It didn't look magnificent or magnificent.

It was just an ink-colored palace that didn't look special.

"Just go in directly, I won't wait for you here." Xuanyun said, and at the same time took out a landscape token and handed it to Jun Wu, saying: "When you come out, you can contact me through this."

"Okay." Jun Wu took it, and then walked directly into the secret painting hall without being pretentious.

"It's really another world."

When he stepped into the hall, Jun Wu looked at the scene in front of him and smiled lightly.

In front of him, what was presented was not a hall, but an ink-colored world, as if it was a painting of ink and color, with green mountains and green waters, and a clear sky.

But Jun Wu can also clearly see that in this ink-colored world, he can see a painting, and when integrated into this world, there are obvious fluctuations of laws.

"Amazing." Jun Wu exclaimed. As far as his mind could see, all he could see were various laws and mysteries. Every picture was made by at least three realm painters and contained at least two laws and mysteries.

"No wonder it's called a holy land." Jun Wu thought to himself, and then came to a large river. There was also a painting in it, and the fluctuations of the law of water were flowing in it.

Jun Wu found a place at random, sat cross-legged, and began to understand the laws of water.

"Come out!"

A majestic voice came, and when Jun Wu came to his senses, he had already appeared outside the Secret Painting Hall.

"Has one year already arrived?"

Jun Wu thought to himself that in his eyes, there was still a mysterious flow of laws. After studying it for a year, he had a deeper understanding of the laws of water.

"It's still a little short of complete mastery."

Jun Wuxin Dao, although not like in the temple, can clearly see how much he has understood.

But he can also feel that he is not far away from understanding the complete law of water.

However, no matter what the law is, it is usually the last step that is the most difficult to understand.

This step does not require high talent, but rather requires an understanding of the corresponding laws.

Just like the Avenue of Swords, the last step is to comprehend a kind of sword immortal spirit, so that you can penetrate the entire avenue.

"Go to the Hall of Merit first and see if you can find a place to make a living." Jun Wu thought to himself, and at the same time, he left the painting world as soon as he thought about it.

The Hall of Merit has a hardly special status in the painting world.

After all, the tasks here are related to the qualifications to enter the three holy places.

However, although the Holy World is very large, there are still very few painters who pass the first stage of the test.

When Jun Wu came here, he only saw a few figures.

And they all come and go in a hurry, with little communication.

"This mission is quite good."

Jun Wu looked for a moment and found the mission he wanted in one place.

This is an exploration mission, located in the Yantian Territory. The requirement is to explore an ancient land naturally formed in the holy world. It is said that it existed a long time ago.

This mission has always existed.

But so far, no one has been able to completely complete it.

Even the requirement in the mission is only to obtain information about a certain area.

For example, the one Jun Wu chose was to obtain information about a sea of ​​stars.

Yantian Domain, the main city of Thousand Stars.

Jun Wu woke up from a mansion.

The painting world is a world of consciousness similar to the virtual universe network, and it simulates the laws of the holy world to a high degree. In addition, painters of all ages continue to add to it, so it is very magical.

"Let's make some preparations and then go."

Jun Wu acted quickly, and without saying a word, he went to the largest trading place in the main city of Thousand Stars, and exchanged a lot of things he needed through paintings.

Then he prepared a lot of paintings in his mansion, and then passed the teleportation array in the main city of Qianxing to the city closest to the "Tianluo Ancient Land".

Tianluo Ancient Land is a special ancient land in Yantian Territory. From the outside, it looks like an endless and vast plain.

But in fact, time and space are confused here. If you take a wrong step, you may be transported to an unknown place.

Jun Wu followed the map given in the mission information and moved towards the target little by little.

But even he, a painter who has mastered the laws of time and space, does not dare to be careless in this ancient land.

"It's a perfect law of time and space... It feels like it's higher than Master's understanding of the law of time and space."

Jun Wu said in his heart that the Taoist Bodhisattva's understanding of time and space is not even comparable to that of some world gods.

But now Jun Wu's understanding of the unity of time and space is very close to the fifth level, so we can also see some of Bodhi Taoist Patriarch's methods.

However, in this ancient place, it was difficult for him to see through the fluctuations in time and space. Even if he didn't have a map and made a slight mistake, it would be difficult for him to find his way back.

"At least it is the mystery of the laws of time and space at the level of a true god."

Jun Wuxin said, regarding the perception of time and space, he is confident that he will not be much weaker than the masters of other laws. Even he can't see through it at all. Only a true god who majors in time and space can do it.

"It's no wonder that we haven't been able to find out clearly."

Jun Wu smiled bitterly. Even a creature like him, who became a painter of the three realms based on the laws of time and space, couldn't see through it. It was even harder for an ordinary venerable person, the lord of laws, to see through.

However, this had no impact on his mission. Following the map, he soon entered a time and space, and this was also the destination of his trip.

Sea of ​​Stars!

As far as the eye can see, there is a vast "ocean".

But what's in the sea is not water, but endless light, but it's not dazzling, it's very soft, and these lights are flowing like water.

In addition, what is even more surprising is that in this ocean of light, there are actually stars. Each star is no smaller than the earth. They are densely packed and countless.

Each star has a different light of law. Although it is weak, it is perfect, and every law is involved.

Time and space, life, five elements, yin and yang...

Jun Wu can perceive the mystery of various laws with just a cursory glance.

"Start recording."

Jun Wu thought to himself that the requirements for the exploration mission were very simple, which was to draw a map.

Of course, it's not without some danger.

It is said that there is a powerful beast deep in the sea of ​​stars, and each one has a strength that is not weaker than the Lord of Law.

Moreover, once they meet, they are definitely not the same!

But a large group!

The overwhelming attack was coming, and it was difficult to stop them even if they wanted to.

"It's just like the Zerg and Painted Beasts."

Jun Wu smiled and at the same time silently activated the Infinite War Secret Painting in the World Ring.

In the Explosive Soldier Style, he has not been afraid of anyone so far!

And the moment he activated the Secret Painting of Infinite War, the surging energy, with him as the center, was continuously absorbed and refined, and used as the nourishment for the Secret Painting of Infinite War to cultivate the painted beasts.

After making these preparations, Jun Wu began to explore.

He kept drawing the positions of the stars.

At the same time, he continued to delve deeper into this sea of ​​stars.

He didn't know how far he had traveled, but his mind suddenly felt a big battle.

At this moment, thousands of miles away, more than a dozen creatures were surrounded by countless strange beasts.

There is even a Lord of Laws among them, but at this moment, even the Lord of Laws can only choose to flee!

With the perception of Jun Wu's mind, he could see the impact of laws, tearing apart stars one after another. The remains of those stars, floating in the endless void, seemed to be pulled by some special force, and they were gradually repairing!

"Damn it!"

"How could we encounter so many strange beasts!"

"Run quickly, this is definitely a nest of alien beasts!"

"Yun, run quickly, I'll come to the rear!"

The shouts were also felt by Jun Wu.

After thinking for a moment, Jun Wu opened a space-time passage in the void and at the same time ordered countless painted beasts to rush out of the world ring.

Straight across time and space, he arrived in front of that group of creatures.

"Why is there one here?"

"Damn! Is God going to kill me?"

"It's over!"

When they saw these painted beasts, they did not feel happy at all, but fell into despair.

There are too many, and they are surrounded from both sides, with no way to escape!

"Fight! Even if it means death, I will take a gamble!"

One of the masters of the law said, but at the moment when he was about to take action, the countless painted beasts actually ignored them and started to kill the group of alien beasts in the distance.

"Are you guys okay?"

At this moment, Jun Wu walked out of the space-time passage and looked calmly at the dozen Law Lords and Law Lords in front of him.

"Are you?" A Lord of Laws was stunned for a moment, but looking at the "well-behaved" painting beasts around Jun Wu, he felt something in his heart: "Are you... a painter?"

Moreover, I’m afraid he’s not a low-level painter!

Those painted beasts are not weaker than the Master of Laws, and they must be at least three realm painters to draw life of this level.

And every Three Realm Painter is at least a powerful being that is not weaker than the Lord of Laws. Even he must pay three points of respect.

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