Most people in this world are not lucky.

But employees know how to address these unfortunate.

Just cut the problem at the root.

After thinking about it, the employee hurriedly found Lu Yuan.

"Boss, I ordered a takeout at noon today, guess what happened?"

However, as soon as the employee's words were finished, Lu Yuan asked with a smile.

"Is it too little and expensive?"

After that, the employees focused on it, and it was really as Lu Yuan said.

His eyes widened, and there was a complex flicker in his gaze.

"Seriously, this happened so outrageously, the beauty of hungry takeaway turned out to be so shameless, but I order takeaway every day, I didn't find the problem at all, those merchants are too pitiful, have been in a state of oppression."

But Lu Yuan just glanced at the employee and said with a smile.

"I've designed a takeaway brand, let's take a look."

If this takeaway brand is made, I believe it will definitely not be worse than the so-called Hunger 370.

Listening to Lu Yuan's words, the employees couldn't help but be shocked, quickly walked to Lu Yuan's side, looked at the content in the computer, this time the takeaway brand designed by Lu Yuan is called Nantian Takeaway.

Not only special delivery of takeaways, but also some people can use the subsidies of Nantian takeaway, so that the so-called coupons and packaging fees of opening stores are paid by Nantian.

In other words, Nantian does not squeeze merchants and does not defraud consumers.

"Boss, if this thing comes out, will it lose money?"

After reading Lu Yuan's design, although the employee's heart blossomed, he quickly realized the problem.

Every boss opens a company to make money, and I believe that Lu Yuan is too.

If Lu Yuan wasn't there to make money, it wouldn't be enough.

Employees are thinking at the same time.

Lu Yuan shook his head and said.

"Losing money is a small thing, I think life is in the world, and what (BDFH) should do is to create more beauty and value, which is the direction we should pursue in Nantian."

He was telling the truth, and when the employee heard it, he couldn't help but laugh softly, and then quickly nodded in agreement.

"Yes, the boss has a point."

See employees agree with themselves.

Lu Yuan also laughed.

"Then this plan of mine, you will take someone to implement, within half a month, if you can make Nantian takeaway on the shelves, maybe this industry will also be more beautiful."

After the employee takes the documents, he or she just leaves.

Within a few days, Nantian Takeaway was officially launched, but it needed to be operated and tested.

Therefore, whether it is a merchant or a consumer, if they want to get the first experience, they have to wait a few days, and after the official launch, Lu Yuan will also announce the major offers and rules.

Just when countless netizens and businesses are looking forward to it.

Mei was hungry and learned about Lu Yuan's operation.

As the boss, Yang Ming took the initiative to contact Lu Yuan.

"Can you not compete with me?"

Yang Ming opened his mouth and said such words. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But Lu Yuan did not take care of it, but hung up directly.

Yang Ming wanted to say something more, but there was a busy tone on the other side of the phone.

"Damn, he dared to hang up on me."

Looking at his companion beside him, Yang Ming was a little angry.

But thinking of the annual profit in his hands, Yang Ming said coldly.

"This kind of takeaway brand is not something he can make if he wants to, this kid is quite delusional."

After speaking, Yang Ming ignored the matter.

Half a month later, Lu Yuan's Nantian takeaway was officially launched.

Delivered by hand, and even a place dedicated to cooking, whether it is ordering takeaway or going to the scene to eat, the environment and hygiene are guaranteed.

In this aspect of eating, it is very important to look at it from a distance.

The materials used and all the procedures of the day must be photographed and uploaded.

On the store's daily logbook, everyone can see the status of the store.

Although the requirements for this Nantian takeaway are a little more, but when the merchants saw the preferential rules, they were shocked, originally they were doing business on the Mei Hungry takeaway, three days must come to a discount, two days must have a full discount.

But now, they don't need to carry out the so-called discount on Nantian takeaway.

Coupons are issued by themselves and have nothing to do with the platform.

As long as merchants want to engage in activities, they can carry out them at will.

They don't want to do it, and it's business as usual.

However, not every merchant can successfully register.

Because before registration, in terms of sanitary conditions, Lu Yuan grasped very tightly.

Whether it is a photo of the audit or an on-site audit, there is a special person to go.

After those audits were fine, Lu Yuan once again announced a key point to many merchants, that is, after a period of time, he would go to the audit, until it was determined that the store was really qualified, then the store could be regarded as really having the right to operate.

Before this, although the store had the right to operate, these things were restricted by Lu Yuan's side, that is, the most important management right was in Lu Yuan's hands.

And Nantian takeaway can not only ensure the safety of food, but also screen a lot of black-hearted merchants, although those consumers can buy boldly, but there are still many rules that need to be slowly improved.

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