The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly!

Li Mengyao was also completely stunned.

Growing up so big, I have seen too many unscrupulous businessmen with black capital.

It's the first time I've heard of such a nice boss.

For a long time, Li Mengyao did not come to her senses.

"Sister Yao? Sister Yao? "

Until Xiao Yue whispered Li Mengyao's name.

Only then did Li Mengyao come to her senses.

"Sister Yao, where are we going next?"

Li Mengyao stood in place thoughtfully, and then said:

"Let's go to Nantian Technology Company and take a look."

"There is no basis for words, we have to go in and see the actual situation!"

The employee who was just interviewed was Nantian Technology.

When they arrived at the door of their own company, they were still live broadcast in front of the whole network, even if the boss squeezed them, it is estimated that they did not dare to say.

If you can enter the company and take a look, you may be able to have unexpected information.

This wave of operations also boosted the interest of the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Yes, there is no basis for words, we have to look at the facts!"

"Yes, enter the company and take a look, speak with facts!"

"The employee just now is likely to have arranged it in advance, and what he said is not necessarily true!"

"Goddess Li Mengyao is also very smart in addition to being good-looking!"

"It is worthy of being the ace reporter of Jiangcheng Morning News, this ability to adapt to changes, professional!"

"Love love, when will Mengyao find a boyfriend, I'll line up in advance!"

Li Mengyao did not pay attention to the comments of the audience in the live broadcast room.

Instead, he followed the camera and walked into Nantian Technology.

The next thing she is going to is the logistics department of Nantian Technology!

You know, in a company, the least concerned is the logistics department.

The most realistic performance is often also the logistics department.

So, go to the logistics department and take a look, everything will be clear at a glance.

In order to ensure the authenticity of the live broadcast, Li Mengyao let Xiao Yue covertly broadcast this time, and she went to talk to the staff of the logistics department.

After a few pleasantries, Li Mengyao stepped into the subject.

"Auntie, I heard that the boss of our company has insured all employees' parents, do you have any in your family?"

After asking the question, Li Mengyao waited expectantly for an answer.

The audience in the live broadcast room is also expecting a response.

Yes or no?

I guess there should be none, right?

The logistics department is miscellaneous, and many welfare benefits have nothing to do with them.

Normally, the vast majority of employees in the back office of a company have a pitiful guaranteed salary.

Under the expectation of countless netizens, the cleaning aunt responded with a smile:

"Of course, our company treats everyone equally, all departments are the same, everyone has it."

"If there are older people and their parents are gone, then transfer this insurance to other relatives."

Aunt's answer completely fried the live broadcast room.


Transfer to other family members?

And this operation?

If I change to another company, I am afraid that it will be too late to be happy.

One less insurance plan saves the company money.

Nantian technology is good, insurance also comes with transfer!

"Groove! No way! Can anyone tell me that this is not true! "

"There is such a good boss in the world! I'm dumbfounded! "

"In this comparison, our company boss is simply a vampire!"

Li Mengyao was surprised, and continued to ask: "Then it is convenient to ask, what is your salary?" "

"Six thousand, our cleaning department is usually responsible for cleaning and cleaning, so the salary is the lowest in the company."

After the aunt said the salary.

Everyone in the live broadcast room, one counts as one!

All silent!

Boy! I'm straight good guy!

A company cleaning department engaged in hygiene, the salary turned out to be 6,000 yuan!

And it's the lowest in the whole company!

How many people leave early and return late every day, and the hard work for a month is only six or seven thousand yuan.

And it is also under the premise of full attendance without leave and working overtime every day.

In contrast, the salary of Nantian Technology is simply the ceiling of all walks of life!

Xiao Yue, who was hiding the live broadcast in the distance, was also a little surprised.

She has been working at Jiangcheng Morning News for several years, and she joined the job with Li Mengyao.

Li Mengyao is now an excellent employee and ace reporter of Jiangcheng Morning News, and can get a salary of more than 10,000 yuan a month.

He is an ordinary employee with a guaranteed salary of five thousand per month.

In such a comparison, even Nantian Technology cleaning aunt is not as good!

Oh, my God!

It's inhumane!

"Although the salary in our department is the lowest, there are quarterly bonuses and year-end bonuses, and it is estimated that there can be more than 100,000 in a year."

The words added by the cleaning aunt are like knives, inserted in everyone's hearts.

Auntie, you are really afraid that we will not die! It hurt us so much!

Originally, this covert interview was to ensure authenticity.

Although I just interviewed the employees of Nantian Technology outside.

However, there are still many viewers in the live broadcast room who have a skeptical attitude towards Nantian Technology.

I want to take this opportunity to dig out the hypocritical side of Nantian Technology.

But the result was a polar flip!

It's completely different from what they think!

"Brothers, I'm directly stupid!"

"The same are all technology companies, I am tired every day, my salary is only 120,000 a year, and the cleaning aunt of Nantian Technology earns more than me in a year!" Grass! "

"Nima! I am only more than 5,000 a month plus full attendance, and I have not yet had five insurances and one housing fund, where to reason? "

"The boss of Nantian Technology is also too good, right? The family opened a money printing factory? "

"How can I join Nantian Technology? I'm willing to work ten hours a day! "

Li Mengyao's heart was already raging at the moment.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that there was such a conscientious company in the world!

Look behind the cleaning aunt.

"Huh? This is? "

Li Mengyao's body suddenly shook!

It turned out to be an imported fully intelligent cleaning robot!

And after seeing the brand, Li Mengyao was even more surprised!

International top brands, one will cost tens of thousands of pieces!

With a fully intelligent cleaning robot, there is almost no need for manpower.

This fully intelligent cleaning robot can do more than 95% of what humans can do.

Such as sweeping and mopping, garbage disposal, glass stain removal and so on.

In other words, there is no need to consume labor at all, and these intelligent cleaning robots can do their cleaning work.

"Sour! My old teeth are about to go out of sore! "

"I thought that the cleaning department was manual work and earned hard money, but as a result, people didn't work hard at all!"

"Charge and charge the intelligent robot every day, and you can get a high salary when you turn the machine on and off, and my grandfather can also do this job!"

"Where is humanity? Where is the morality? Where is the address? "

"I'm going to Nantian Technology to apply! I want to become an employee of Nantian Technology! "

After seeing the welfare benefits of the Nantian Technology ceiling with his own eyes.

All the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't sit still.

Being able to work in such a fairy company is simply saving the galaxy in a previous life!

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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