
Penguin Group.

At this moment, many employees are coming together.

Looking at a hot search topic on the Internet, I can't help but smile on my face.

Because this hot search topic is related to every employee of Penguin Group!

That is --

Penguin Group! A conscientious company that puts the rights and interests of employees first! 》

The moment this hot search topic was posted on the Internet, it immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens.

In just a few days, the click rate has exceeded 100 million!

Inside this post.

A detailed description of Penguin Group's welfare treatment for employees.

[Penguin Group Benefits Exposed! ]

The company goes to work at 8:30 in the morning and leaves at 8:00 in the evening.

If you work overtime at the company at noon, you can enjoy a free lunch.

If you work overtime until after ten o'clock, the five insurances and one housing fund company for the month will reimburse half of it.

If there is no leave in the month, the company will reward the employee with an additional bonus of 500 yuan! 】

When I saw this post, the employees of Penguin Group were full of smiles and very satisfied.

If you are in another company, there is no overtime pay for working overtime at noon.

At Penguin Group, there is not only overtime pay, but also a meal at noon.

This alone is more than an unknown number of companies!

"The click rate of this post has exceeded 100 million, and it seems that everyone is very envious of our company's welfare system."

"Other companies have a maximum of 200 yuan for full attendance awards, and we have 500 yuan, which is more than twice as much as theirs!"

"It is estimated that netizens can't wait to join our company when they see our company's welfare benefits, right?"


Just when all Penguin Group employees are extremely proud.


A news that shocked them appeared!

News headlines –

"Penguin Group Fake Welfare! Induce employees to compulsively work voluntary overtime! Against the wishes of employees! 》

Inducing employees to force voluntary overtime?

Seeing this, all the employees of Penguin Group were stunned.

Just now, they were still very proud of the company's welfare system.

As a result, in the next second, there was such a slap in the face news.

The news content is as follows:

If it is really good for employees, do not take care of meals for employees under the premise of working overtime at noon.

If it is really good for the employee, do not work overtime until ten o'clock in the evening to reimburse the employee half of the five insurances and one housing fund.

If it is really good for employees, 13 do not stipulate the full attendance bonus as 30 days without taking leave!

These three sentences mercilessly exposed the hypocritical mask of the Penguin Group in front of all netizens.

Even at the end of the post, a lawyer's letter was attached.

[Since the above welfare systems of Penguin Group have the orientation of inducing employees to work overtime, the lawyer's letter has been appealed to the Jiangcheng Law Enforcement Department on the grounds that it violates the labor law! ] 】

If employees work overtime just for the five hundred dollars full attendance reward, then this welfare package will become meaningless!

At this moment, the whole network exploded!

Countless netizens have commented below.

"There is nothing wrong with this post, if it is not for life, who wants to work overtime!"

"Penguin Group This is clearly a rogue rule, if you want to eat in the company, you must work overtime! Isn't it compulsive voluntariness? "

"Doesn't Penguin Group put the rights of its employees first? What are the rights and interests of employees? "

"The Penguin Group is really shameful! Obviously, it can be squeezed generously, but also to give employees a little benefit! High! It's so high! "

"If Penguin Group really thinks about employees, it should distinguish all welfare benefits from overtime, even if you don't work overtime, you can also enjoy these benefits, which is a good company that really considers employees!"

"Penguin is really embarrassed to say that he has good welfare benefits, I'm afraid you don't know Nantian Technology, right? See how people treat their employees! "


While netizens angrily criticized the Penguin Group, they did not forget to compare Nantian Technology with it.

In contrast, the anger of netizens is getting more and more serious!

Nantian Technology is such a good company, but it does not boast on the Internet.

Who the hell gave the Penguin Group the courage to do this?

Is it Liang Jingru?


The news criticizing Penguin's forced voluntary overtime is not over.

Immediately followed.

Another piece of news has appeared!

It also has something to do with the Penguin Group!

The headline of the news is -

"Penguin Group maliciously bans gamer accounts! Tampering with player account data seriously violates the rights and interests of gamers! Penguin Group has now been appealed to the Jiangcheng Legal Management Department! 》


The network exploded directly!

"Groove! Groove Groove Groove! "

"This news bull! It's just talking to my heart! "

"That's right, brother! Brother is so right! "

"Penguin Group is really shameless, just free to ban, my friend has exactly the same equipment as me, just because my friend is a Penguin member 3, the damage is 30% more than me!" Can you believe this!? "

"Penguin official: charging money will become stronger!"

"Strongly oppose this rogue behavior of the Penguin Group! Give us a fair gaming environment! "


Netizens are hotly discussed.

Constantly venting his resentment against the Penguin Group.

A company that exploits employees in disguise even claims that it is for the good of employees!

What about the face!

But there is no way to do it.

Don't look at the Penguin Company so shameless, but now it is a giant enterprise of Xia Country!

Tell me, it's unreasonable!

But fortunately, Penguin Group finally ushered in retribution!


This is so painful!

Just when netizens want to celebrate well.

The new hot search is here again!

"Penguin Music members charge twice, induce consumers, and seriously damage consumer rights and interests!" Penguin Music has now been appealed to the Jiangcheng Legal Management Department! 》

Numerous comments.

"Groove! I really experienced this firsthand! Rushed the member, and as a result, it costs money to buy it to listen to the song! Penguin music is really disgusting! "

"Open members are also divided into ordinary members and senior members, senior members can listen to more resources than ordinary members!" Penguin Group really has no lower limit! "

"Penguin Group has always lived up to expectations and gone further and further on the road of deceiving consumers!"

"Wasn't there a free app for listening to songs before? Later, it was lost by Penguin Music, what reason everyone realized by themselves! "

"The Penguin Group has no principles at all in order to make money, and for the sake of money, it can not be a person!"



Inside a college women's dormitory.

A group of girls watched the hot search news that appeared on the Internet one after another, especially the lawyer's letter suing Penguin Group, and applauded.

It can be seen that these students have all suffered from the Penguin Group.

Everyone has long been unhappy with Penguin Group!

However, the two news that have just come out have little to do with them.

Because they usually like to follow up in the dormitory, they don't like to play games at all.

But it's the same as all netizens.

They have also been plagued by the Penguin Group!

They all hate the Penguin Group!

Just when these girls still feel a little lost because these news have nothing to do with them.

Their dawn has appeared!

"Penguin Video induces consumers to charge twice, VIP video is ahead of on-demand, seriously infringing on the rights and interests of consumers, and Penguin Video has been appealed to the Jiangcheng Legal Management Department!" 》

When the girls in this dormitory saw the news.


They all jumped up with joy!

"Oye! This time it's finally our turn! "

"Penguin Video! Return our hard-earned money! "

Next, the girls were also very happy to join the boycott of the Penguin Group.

Now the sub-network exploded directly!

Both men, women and children, all began to criticize the Penguin Group angrily!

"Penguin game is the most disgusting, I have a good game, just ban me!" I called the customer service to ask what the reason was, and the customer service actually said that I opened the plug-in, I played a fighting landlord, and opened your uncle's plug-in! "

"Me too, the game account was inexplicably blocked for a year, and I found official customer service to complain, all of them are robots!" So angry that I deleted the account directly! "

"As we all know, everything related to lack of morality, Penguin Group will do everything!"

"I, too, opened a Penguin Video member, lent my account to my friends to follow the drama, Penguin Video said that I violated the video agreement and banned me for a month! I****! "

"When will a shameless company like Penguin Group go bankrupt! It's just disgusting! "

"Boycott the Penguin Group and give us consumers justice!"


News hot search after news.

It was like a barrel of dynamite, instantly igniting the entire network. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

All the consumers who had been harmed by the Penguin Group gathered together and launched a strong boycott.

Even some over-emotional consumers went to the door of the Penguin Group building to break dirty water!

All the influencers are stupid!

Before, they were all worried about Nantian Technology.

Worried that the Penguin Group would come forward to clean him up.

But now.

Before the Penguin Group could move, netizens were about to tear down the Penguin Group!

Now the Penguin Group can no longer take care of the struggle, and it is difficult to protect itself!

Netizens are completely crazy!

Reviews are like a tidal wave.

Can't stop at all!

"Groove! This wave of boycotts is simply intense! "

"What should be said or not, on conscience, it has to be Nantian Technology!"

"Nantian Technology has never plagued us consumers, and we treat our employees like family."

"I really hope that Nantian Technology can enter the game industry!"

"Not to mention, I have to quickly ask my friend to help me chop a knife, and there are still two people left to withdraw 200 red envelopes in Nantian Mall!"

"Dog thief! Wait for me! "

"I'm here too!"


The screen shifts to the Penguin Group.

In the face of the netizens' network-wide boycott order.

All the top executives of the Penguin Group have already looked stupid!

The firepower of netizens is also too fierce, right?

He even dared to come to the door of Penguin Group to splash dirty water!

This behavior is simply immoral!

A senior executive of Penguin Group said at this time: "President, then our plan for Nantian Technology just now... Still continuing? "

President Penguin's face sank at the moment.

Just now, he also held a meeting with the company's senior management to discuss dealing with Nantian Technology.

Now the whole network is scolding the Penguin Group, where do they still have the mind to manage Nantian Technology.

He just wants to find out these people who sued the Penguin Group now!

Make him pay a serious price!

Just when the entire Penguin Group was investigating the real culprit behind the scenes.

At the same time, netizens were also curious about this matter!

Who the hell is it?

Which way is the immortal?

Help them out of this bad breath?

"I have a faint hunch that the person who sued the Penguin Group should be quite powerful in the legal profession!"

"I don't know if it's powerful, anyway, there must be two brushes, otherwise I don't dare to provoke the Penguin Group!"

"I wonder what kind of reaction the legal department of Penguin Group will have after seeing these news?"

"Penguin's legal department has not responded for so long, I guess it is already scared, right?"

"Isn't the legal department of Penguin Group known as the first in the universe? There are also times of fear? "


Just when netizens were hotly talking.

A video video suddenly came out on the Internet!

The content of the video is -

At a well-known law school in China, Professor Luo is giving a political science and law class to a group of students.

The theme of the class is -

"In-depth explanation of Penguin Group's illegal behavior of inducing consumers to reconsume! 》

In addition, all major well-known political science and law universities in the country have begun to use the prosecution of the Penguin Group as teaching materials to explain to students.

Netizens were dumbfounded!

Who would have thought that something would explode on the Internet.

It will attract the attention of the National University of Political Science and Law!

"Groove! This wave of Penguin Group is completely fired! "

"It's too awesome, isn't it? The Penguin Group has become a negative teaching case of the University of Political Science and Law! "

"Cow batch 666! Penguin Group is playing big this time! "


Under the deep digging of various departments of Penguin Group.

The culprit behind the scenes has finally been found!

All clues point to one person!

That is --

050 Lu Yuan!

Lu Yuan, the boss of Nantian Technology!

It turned out that at the beginning of the establishment of Nantian Technology, Lu Yuan funded many students who could not afford to go to school due to their families' poverty.

These students are all top students of major universities in China!

When the senior students of the law major knew about the matter between Nantian Technology and Penguin Group.

All of them stood up at the first time, helped Nantian Technology collect illegal evidence of Penguin Group, and assisted Nantian Technology to sue Penguin Group for many crimes!

After knowing these unknown things, netizens were even more shocked by Nantian Technology!

It turned out that Nantian Technology secretly did so many good things to help children from poor families go to college!

"Groove! Brother Yuan is definitely the most bullish man I have ever met! "

"O conscientious entrepreneur! Who else but Brother Yuan? "

"I only have one word to describe my distant brother: God Man!"


Just when the whole network was shouting the word Lu Yuan.

This is the moment.

A group of young people came to the gate of Nantian Science and Technology.

The young man who took the lead was named Zhang Lei, the owner of a game company.

His team developed a tactical competitive game called PUBG.

Now, the entire game industry of Xia Guo is in a miasma.

Game company owners are all obsessed with how to make money, and they don't have the heart to make games properly.

There are companies that want to make games well, and when the game is released, they are madly copied by Penguin Group.

Under the vicious circle, the domestic game environment is getting worse and worse.

There have been several black-hearted investors who have approached Zhang Lei before, wanting to invest in his games, and everyone will make money together.

But all were rejected by Zhang Lei.

In his opinion, whether it is doing business or being a person, we must pay attention to conscience.

His dream is not to make money, but to make Xia Guo Games go to the world!

"Brother Lei, otherwise let's go back, don't make ourselves bored."

"Yes, Brother Lei, now all bosses are the same, all interests are supreme, and we have no way to change this status quo."

"The boss of Nantian Technology will definitely not see us."

Listening to the words of the employees, Zhang Lei fell into confusion.

Before coming here, he had done a lot of mental work.

I hope to meet Lu Yuan smoothly and get Lu Yuan's help.

Because Lu Yuan is the most conscientious boss in the world.

If you can cooperate with Lu Yuan, you will definitely be able to bring Xia Guo Games to the world stage!


Is Lu Yuan willing to invest in himself?

Willing to invest in a game with a conscience but uncertain returns?

Just when Zhang Lei had already begun to move the idea of giving up.


A hot search on the Internet caught his attention!

Nantian Technology actually sued Penguin Group.

Justice for all consumers who have been victimized by Penguin Group!

See here.

Zhang Lei, who was originally sullen, was suddenly excited!

"Great! Our game is saved! "

"Lu Yuan is really the last lifesaver for conscientious enterprises!"

"Let's go up and find Mr. Lu Yuan!"

"Quick! Hurry up, hurry up! Run forward! "。

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