Nantian Technology?

When hearing the name.

All the members of the game association had ridiculous expressions on their faces.

Nantian Technology is engaged in scientific and technological research and development, representing Xia Guo Games to the world?

Isn't that a joke?

Even if the Xia Guo game industry is sluggish, it is not the turn of a newly entered Nantian Technology to be a representative, right?

"President, I apply to play the promotional video for PUBG."

"Agreed." The president of the game association nodded and said.

So far, how to develop the Xia Guo game industry well and go to the world is a very ~ headache.

The gaming association has held many meetings for this, but it has not been able to solve this problem.

In that case, looking at the games developed by Nantian Technology is not - no.

When the members of the association started playing the "PUBG" promo.

All the members of the association had a lively expression.

I thought: What can surprise a new game company?


After watching the opening screen.

All the members of the association couldn't help but widen their eyes!

They suddenly found that this "PUBG" developed by Nantian Technology seemed to be really good!

"Not bad, the picture is very good, and the scene shaping is also good."

"Especially the character details, it can be seen that Nantian Technology is very attentive to the research and development of this game!"

"This game is the best character graphics of all competitive games I've seen so far!"

Before the video does not play.

All the members of the association reacted with great disdain.

Because they didn't expect that the game developed by Nantian Technology would be so powerful!

It gave them a sense of amazement!

But after watching the video.

Everyone present.

One counts as one!

All were shocked!

Gradually, the atmosphere in the hall began to become quieter and quieter.

In the end, almost silently, even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be heard!

In the huge conference hall.

No one spoke, just quietly watching the promotional video of "PUBG".

This is certainly not a sign of everyone's disappointment and speechlessness in PUBG.

It's that the shock that "PUBG" brought to everyone is too great!

Most of them have already made them lose their voice!

The plot in the game also deeply attracts them.

Everyone looked at the screen intently, as if they were afraid that they would miss some highlight clip.

Until the end of the video.

With a violent explosion from the motorcycle.

All the members of the game association finally came to their senses.

Looking at the line on the screen -

Lucky day, eat chicken tonight!

Everyone looked at the screen in disbelief!

Is this a game?

This is clearly the world's high-burning action blockbuster!


A round of applause broke out.

The president of the association said excitedly: "Everyone, the domestic game masterpiece we mainly promote this year is "PUBG", do you have any opinions? "

"No comment!"

"Hands in favor!"

"I support it too!"


The final decision of the meeting.

All members of the association without exception!

Unanimously passed!



PUBG official website.

After a night of fermentation.

The popularity of PUBG is directly uncontrollable!

Just one night.

The number of online appointments has exceeded 2500w+

Countless netizens strongly demanded that the game be launched quickly!


Many posts about "PUBG" have also gone viral on the Internet!

A total of 20 hot search lists.

PUBG accounts for nineteen!

PUBG Overnight Hit! It can be called the ceiling of domestic games! 》

"PUBG invested billions to create a game that represents Xia Guo to the world!" 》

"Recommended for the best blockbuster game of the year! PUBG! 》


Below the post, there are countless hot comments!

"Stop bragging! Hurry up and go live! I can't wait! "

"PUBG is definitely the most conscientious masterpiece in China! Not one! "

"Come on Nantian Technology! We all have your back! "

"My blood is boiling when I watch the PUBG promotional video! When will it go live? If I don't go online again, my dog will be killed by me! "

"PUBG is not online for a day, and I don't believe that these posts are true!"


Just when netizens received countless praises.


Black stickers about PUBG have appeared!

"PUBG is not worthy of being called a domestic masterpiece!" 》

"PUBG is just a means of Nantian technology circle money! 》

These negative news, the heat is all very high!

But the comments and likes in it are very pitiful.

Tens of millions of clicks, the number of likes is only a few hundred.

Even the comments are very clearly malicious.

"PUBG is absolutely impossible to succeed, as evidenced by this!"

"If "PUBG" can be called a masterpiece, then the game industry of Xia Guo is really completely over."

"Nantian Technology is also brainwashing fans, and foreigners can't watch this kind of garbage game!"


Many negative comments spread wildly on the Internet.

And right now.

Nantian Technology.

A group of men in formal clothes suddenly came here.

The man at the head was none other than the president of the game association.

Behind him is a member of the Skirt Game Association!

After the meeting, all members of the association reached a consensus.

They will next take "PUBG" developed by Nantian Technology as the main Xia Guo game masterpiece!

Let the Xia Guo game rush to the stage of the world!

Inside Lu Yuan's office.

"Mr. Lu Yuan, I have heard about your deeds for a long time, and I finally have the honor to meet you in person today!"

All the members of the game association looked over to Lu Yuan's body with a very excited look.

As the hottest conscientious entrepreneur on the Internet.

As a model of Jiangcheng's conscientious enterprise.

Lu Yuan's name can be described as a household name.

Although he had never met Lu Yuan himself before.

But they had all heard Lu Yuan's story!

In my heart, I also admired Lu Yuan!

Just when countless black-hearted businessmen ruthlessly squeezed and exploited employees, it was Lu Yuan who was the first to stand up and openly bombard the unscrupulous boss.

Just when the employee's mother was seriously ill and had no money for treatment, it was Lu Yuan who called the hospital two million in time, so that the employee's mother's illness was treated in time.

Many deeds have made Lu Yuan's position in their hearts already in the atmosphere!

In addition to his admiration for Lu Yuan.

There is another very important thing that they took the initiative to visit this time!

That's game promotion!

PUBG is one of the best large-scale tactical competitive games.

The gaming association hopes to promote the game to the world stage.

Let players who love games all over the world can play the games independently developed by Xia Guo!

Prove to the world that the game developed by Xia Guo is not garbage!

"Mr. Lu Yuan, I am the president of the Game Association, and I came to talk to you about the international promotion of the game "PUBG"." The president of the game association said to Lu Yuan with a smile.

"Please sit." Lu Yuan said.

The so-called international promotion is not just literal.

It's not about spending some money and advertising internationally.

But as the representative of Xia Guo, he entered the eyes of gamers around the world.

This doesn't just make the Nantian game famous.

At the same time, it can also bring many interest chains to Nantian Technology!

Like what:

The profit from the sale of the game abroad, the profit generated by the game peripheral prop mall, and so on.

In short, it can bring great foreign exchange benefits to Nantian Technology!

So. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When the president of the game association proposed this idea to Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan had no reason to refuse at all!

The president continued: "Mr. Lu Yuan, we will translate the promotional video and poster of "PUBG" next, and then promote it on a large scale abroad, I believe that this game will definitely represent our Xia Kingdom to the world!" "

Lu Yuan smiled and said, "If you can, then it will be a bother!" "

Game promotion, which is extremely important for a game.

If it is only advertised in the name of the company, foreign players will not buy it at all.

Because you don't have fame at all!

Penguin Group is also the big brother in the game field of Xia Guo.

The result?

The game developed by Penguin Group is not a pile of garbage in the eyes of foreigners?

So this is also why the recognition of Xia Guo Games in the world is very low!

But now the situation is different.

The Game Association is the most authoritative department that can represent Xia Guo Games.

If there is the help of the game association, foreign players will definitely be very interested in the game "PUBG"!


For the rest of the period.

In the hard work of all the members of the Cultural Association.

The game "PUBG" has finally officially landed on foreign websites!

When all employees of Nantian Technology's game department saw the game promotional video and game poster with bi-text subtitles.

Everyone couldn't help but get excited!

Zhang Lei, the head of the game department, was full of relief at the moment.

This game represents the work of countless people in the entire team.

I think they paid too much to develop this game in the first place!

At the most difficult time, I once moved the idea of wanting to give up.

But now, "PUBG" not only has sufficient research and development funds, but also rushes to the world stage on behalf of Xia Guo!

This is something that no one expected.

"Mr. Lu Yuan is really a god man! It is an honor in my life to join Nantian Technology. Zhang Lei was full of emotion in his heart.


Beautiful country.

In a university dormitory.

Many foreign guys are bored lying in bed and scrolling videos, wanting to see what new and interesting things have happened in China recently.


Brushing and brushing, one of the guys made a surprised sound.

"Xia Guo Game Promotional Video ???"

The guy looked confused at the moment.

In the eyes of all foreign gamers, Xia Guo's game is garbage and does not deserve to be called a game at all.

Compared with these big foreign game companies, it is simply incomparable!

However, when he saw that this game promotional video was mainly promoted by the Xia Guo Game Association.

This guy is not only interested.

After playing games for so many years, I have never seen any good game works in Xia Guo.

But since it is the main promotion of the Xia Guo Game Association, it should not be bad, right?

With great curiosity, the guy clicked on the video.

The video just started.

A huge map of the island appeared in the sky.

The members of the squad of four echoed back and forth, very cautiously advancing through a forest.

The sound of feet stepping on the grass, the breathing of characters, and the dripping sound of rain immerse the entire video picture in a tense atmosphere!


The guy, who was originally still relaxed, was suddenly a little surprised.

This atmosphere is really well rendered!

The picture and texture are also very high-class.

When it looks, there is a sense of déjà vu of foreign game masterpieces!

"Has the Xia Kingdom game developed so powerful?" The guy said to himself incredulously.


The video continues.

The four team members spotted the enemy in the distance and slowly groped over.

The big war is about to break out!



Gunshots and explosions sounded instantly, and a big battle began directly!

Explode! Bullet holes! Sense of blow! Fluency!

Even the sound effects of the game!

It's all extreme!

The guy's body couldn't help but get excited with the promotional video!

It seems that the person who is participating in this fierce shootout at this moment is himself!

The scene after scene shocked the foreign guy directly lost his voice!

He never thought that such a passionate game was actually developed by the game garbage country!

Seeing this, the other foreign guys in the same dormitory couldn't help but gather around curiously.

Watch the promotional video for PUBG together.

When they watch the whole video.

All foreign guys.

One counts one.

All confused!

They were stunned on the spot!

“what? Such a powerful game! It turned out to be developed by Xia Guo? "

"Make no mistake, right? Xia Guo can have such a powerful game company? "

"This game is just so much to my taste! Stimulate the blood! Too high! "


All foreigners who have seen the promotional video.

All of them were shocked by the promotional video!

Before, they still had a great prejudice against Xia Guo Game.

But after watching PUBG.

They were completely stunned!

This game developed by Xia Guo is definitely the most enthusiastic competitive game masterpiece they have ever seen!

Soon, the promotional video went viral on foreign networks.

In ten minutes, click to break through 100,000!

In thirty minutes, the click exceeded one million!

After an hour, the click exceeded 10 million!

At this moment, the promotional video of the game "PUBG" is frantically sweeping major foreign video websites at an extremely exaggerated speed!


Nantian Technology.

Gaming department.

The game "PUBG" has been promoted on foreign websites for several hours.

Zhang Lei turned on the computer with a nervous face, wanting to see what foreign netizens said about the game developed by his company.

When Zhang Lei opened the website.

The scene in front of him stunned him!

"This... This, this, this..."

In front of you, tens of millions of praise are like a flood beast, crazy struck!

In just a few hours, the click rate has exceeded 100 million!

Zhang Lei people are directly stupid!


Is it such an exaggeration?

The propaganda film turned out to be so outrageous in foreign countries?


The top management of Penguin Group saw the rave praise for "PUBG" on foreign networks.

They really can't sit still!

According to the development of this trend, isn't his position as the first brother of the Xia Kingdom game unsecured?

So he hired a large number of water troops and began to go crazy about black Nantian technology on the Internet!

Soon, an online scolding war broke out!

Nantian Tech fans see these posts of Nantian Technology.

They really couldn't help but explode!

Nantian Technology is the only conscientious game company in Xia Guo.

There are even people who dare to slander.

A cloud-piercing arrow!

Meet thousands of troops!

In an instant, countless netizens gathered together.

Goal: Penguin Group Righteousness!.

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