All e-commerce shopping platforms are stunned!

No one expected that the firepower of netizens would be so crazy.

In less than half a day, it swept the e-commerce platform of the entire network.

All platform bosses were so frightened that they hid in the quilt ~ nest with their little lover and shivered!

No one dares to stand up and refute it!

After all.

The cohesion of Nantian Technology is them-but have seen it.

It's completely inhumane! Cruel to the extreme!

If anyone dares to stand up and speak out at this time, he will definitely die worse than the second uncle next door!



Nantian Technology.

All employees are gathered at this moment, their eyes on the big screen.

This time, they want to prove to netizens across the country what is a real conscience shopping mall!

The countdown to the event begins!


The event has officially begun!

Refresh the sales interface.

Groove !!

Just refreshed the page.

All the employees were deeply shocked by the scene in front of them!

The event started for less than a second.

Online sales have exceeded 20 million!


All the employees were dumbfounded!

Although they had thought before, this event would set an amazing record.

But I never expected that the record would be so amazing!



Break 50 million in ten seconds.

Twenty seconds to break 80 million.

Thirty seconds directly broke 100 million!

The achievement that Fight Xixi dreamed of achieving was completed by Nantian Mall at this moment!

"I'm Nima! That's too fast! "

Countless employees were frightened.

Everyone hasn't reacted yet.

It directly broke 100 million???

Is it so easy?

You know, breaking 100 million data a minute is a dream goal for any e-commerce platform.

But Nantian Mall only took half a minute to complete.

It's a whole cup faster than other platforms!


This is simply outrageous!

Nantian Mall has entered the e-commerce industry for the first time and achieved such incredible results!

This is if it is known by other platforms.

Isn't that still half dead?


An even bigger shock appeared!

In one minute, sales exceeded 500 million!

In two minutes, sales exceeded one billion!

In five minutes, sales exceeded two billion!

See here.

All the employees of Nantian Technology can no longer sit still!

They stared at the numbers on the big screen, and their faces were full of shock!

Who would have thought that in just five minutes, sales would break two billion!

Before the activity starts.

Everyone still feels very difficult about the "100 billion" target set by Lu Yuan.

Now it seems that exceeding 100 billion in 24 hours must be easily achieved!



Pinxi Group.

All the high-level officials of Pinxixi are also paying attention to this activity of Nantian Mall.

Although they do not know how much the total turnover has so far.

However, they can judge by the number of online sales each merchant makes.

For example, the largest electronic product flagship store in Nantian Mall.

In just five minutes, the number of fruit phones sold was already x9999. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This means that just a single product of the fruit mobile phone, the sales have reached a terrifying 100 million!

"Groove! It's also terrifying! "

The high-level was shocked!

Before that, they were all waiting to see the jokes of Nantian Mall.

An e-commerce shopping platform that has just been established dares to speak wildly and set a flag with sales exceeding 100 billion in 24 hours!

I really don't know what is called sky high and earth thick!

But now, looking at the sales number of various explosive products in Nantian Mall.

A question could not help but appear in the minds of the high-level of Pinxixi.

Is there a possibility, you say?

It doesn't take twenty-four hours at all for the Nantian Mall to break 100 billion?


The next day.

Just when countless netizens were still sleeping.

The news of Nantian Technology exploded on the Internet!

It's not just because of the amazing sales figures of Nantian Mall.

And the express speed of Nantian Mall!

The order was just placed at noon yesterday and arrived this morning!

I thought that it was just the local harvest speed of Jiangcheng, after all, the headquarters of Nantian Science and Technology was in Jiangcheng.

But I never expected that netizens all over the country sent out pictures of receiving goods!

In other words, everyone has already received the express delivery from Nantian Mall!

It turned out that it was just these few months.

While promoting the game with great fanfare, Nantian Technology has built logistics warehouses all over the country.

Any user who places an order in Nantian Mall, no matter which city you are in, there is a warehouse of Nantian Mall nearby.

Nantian Mall will deliver goods nearby, ensuring that users can receive their beloved express delivery in the shortest time.

Such a delivery speed is simply eye-opening for netizens!

Prior to this, the speed of online shopping and delivery was generally about three or four days, and the slow seven or eight days or even half a month.

But the emergence of Nantian Mall suddenly raised the delivery level of the entire industry!

For the majority of consumers, this speed is definitely very happy!

"Groove! Cow batch, cow batch! This delivery speed, simply loved! "

"It used to take days for a courier, but now it's in the afternoon! Nantian Mall cattle batch! "

"I have to admire the foresight of Brother Yuan, logistics decides everything! Nantian Mall will definitely become the number one e-commerce giant in Xia Country! "

"From today onwards, in the future, online shopping will only recognize Nantian Mall, don't ask why, speed!"

With the continuous heated praise of netizens.

Nantian Express was directly on the hot search list of the whole network.

While praising the speed of Nantian Mall.

There were countless other platforms lying down and shot.

"Before I bought something on the Pinxixi platform, the express delivery stuck me for half a month! So angry that I just returned the order! "

"There is also a certain shopping platform, the delivery is slow to death, ask customer service or robot, half a day can not solve the problem!"

"If the delivery speed of other platforms is half as fast as Nantian Mall, I won't complain about them!" Other platforms are garbage! "

In the face of merciless abuse from netizens.

Other platforms: ???

Originally, seeing the data of Nantian Mall exploded like this, they were already quite troublesome.

Because of the emergence of Nantian Mall, the number of active users and sales on other platforms have dropped significantly.


Netizens are still mercilessly mocking them at this time!

The hearts of these other platforms are literally broken!

Right at this time.

Nantian Mall has sent another heavy news!

After twelve hours, the turnover of Nantian Mall has exceeded 100 billion!

Countless netizens: "??? "

Other manufacturers: "??? "

Nima !!

Didn't it say that it broke 100 billion in 24 hours?

How did it happen in twelve hours! Then?.

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