All the employees of the customer service department of Nantian Technology are stupid!

I never thought that "Transformers" would be so popular abroad.

So much so that foreign bosses begged them to order books.

"Our "Transformers" is also too hot!"

"In the past, we begged foreign animation companies to order books, but now it is finally our turn to be in charge!"

"Mr. Lu Yuan is really powerful!"

"With President Lu Yuan here, Xia Guo Animation must stand at the top of the world!"


The next few days were spent busy.

While busy, everyone is also very happy.

According to the company's regulations, overtime five times the salary to understand!

With such a welfare system, all employees are full of motivation!


Xia Guo COS Association.

All members of the association are also following the pre-sale of "Transformers" at the moment.

Although "Transformers" has achieved excellent results in international COS competitions, it has a high influence in countries around the world.

But if you want to judge the success of "Transformers", you still need 13 to see the final sales!

Sales is the biggest recognition of a work!


All members of the association have their sights set on Transformers sales.

When I saw the news that the "Transformers" book had been sold out in Xia Guo.

All the members of the association were stunned!


This sales speed! It's terrifying!

If memory serves, the "Transformers" book pre-sold in China this time is 20 million copies.

It sold out in just a few hours!

The owners of major bookstores also rushed to place orders!

At this moment, all members of the association.

One counts one.

All confused!

Everyone's enthusiasm for "Transformers" is too fierce!

Since the establishment of the Xia Guo COS Association, it is the first time to see such a situation!

It's not just Xia Guo's consumers.

Even abroad, it caused a looting!

This is the moment.

Kimchi Country.

A little boy suddenly ran home crying.

When parents saw their son crying badly, they quickly asked what was going on, whether they were bullied by other children outside.

But the result is--

Other kids have Transformers books, but I don't!

Knowing this reason, the little boy's parents were stunned.

You look at me, I look at you, wide-eyed.

Is this kid's way of communicating so fast now?

Crying because of a book?

So, the father of this little boy immediately decided to buy it for the child!

Isn't it just a book?

What other people's children have, my children must also have!

However, after some questioning, the father suddenly discovered a problem.

Out of stock!

All the bookstores in his area are out of stock!

If you want to buy it, you can only buy second-hand books at a high price on second-hand trading websites.

However, the price of second-hand books is a bit outrageously expensive!

The price of the new "Transformers" book in Kimchi Country is two hundred yuan.

But on second-hand trading websites, the price has been speculated to more than 20,000!

Even more exaggerated!

More than 20,000 people rushed to buy it!

The same thing happens in many places in Kimchi Country!

All kimchi country netizens are already completely stupid!

Before Transformers was officially released.

There are also many kimchi country netizens clamoring to boycott "Transformers".

But the result? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Transformers" is a mess in the country of kimchi!

Among all the boys' skirts, if anyone can hold a copy of "Transformers", it is definitely the most beautiful boy in human skirts!

When Xia Guo netizens learned the news that "Transformers" was on fire in Kimchi Country.

They couldn't help but ridicule.

"What about kimchi country netizens? Please let us see your expressions! "

"Isn't it to boycott Transformers? Why hasn't it moved yet? "

"Kimchi Country has nothing else to do except fight with the mouth."

"Little pickles are not batched?"


In the face of the merciless mockery of Xia Guo netizens.

Kimchi country netizens want to refute, but they are powerless!

The truth is right in front of them, whether they admit it or not, "Transformers" broke records in sales in Kimchi Country and became the most popular book.


The picture is transferred to the country.

As the number one enemy of Nantian Technology, Penguin Group is also extremely concerned about the sales of "Transformers".

The day before the official release of "Transformers", the Penguin Group executives also organized a meeting.

At the meeting, everyone was thinking about how to watch the jokes of Nantian Technology and how to fight back against Nantian Technology!

"Transformers is just a gimmick! Sales definitely not good! "

"As long as sales plummet, we will take advantage of the situation to fight back! Pack up Nantian Technology well! "

"This time it's finally our turn to strike! Damn Nantian Technology! "

All the senior management of Penguin Group are all ready to fight back against Nantian Technology!


Things don't always go as they should.

The first day of Transformers!

Major bookstores across the country are sold out with emergency notices!

The second day of release!

Nationwide emergency stocking!

Pre-orders from major bookstores have exploded!

"Transformers" sales not only did not plummet, but also became more and more fierce!

See this result.

The top management of Penguin Group couldn't bear it anymore, and directly burst out foul language!

"Groove! Groove Nima! "

"This Ni 873 Ma also plays with a hammer!"

"Are these consumers sick, what is there to grab a broken book?"

Just when all the Penguin Group executives were angry.

Nantian Technology released another heavy news!

"Transformers theme park to build! Officially opened seven days later! 》

Below the news, there are many promotional posters and videos of the park.

As soon as the news was sent, it was quickly on the hot search of the whole network!

"Groove! Groove Groove Groove! "

"Bumblebee is simply so handsome, I must go for a group photo!"

"Brother Yuan! Transformers theme park cow batch! "

"Must support! It doesn't matter how much the ticket costs! Must go on opening day! "

Netizens are all boiling with excitement at this moment!

Before "Transformers" did not appear, Xia Guo simply did not have a park that could be obtained.

So much so that when Disney entered Xia Guo, it directly became the most popular amusement park in Xia Guo.

The reason is that Xia Guo's creativity in this regard is too poor.

I don't know how much impact the "Transformers" theme park will have on Disney after it opens.

At a time when the whole netizens are looking forward to it.

Nantian Technology suddenly announced!

The "Transformers" theme park online ticket sales channel is officially opened!

Netizens can make an appointment to purchase through the Nantian Technology app!

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