The man has been completely touched by the service of Nantian Auto.

When it comes to collecting customers' personal information, this is a very offensive thing.

Because there are many unscrupulous businessmen who leak customers' information privately.

In order to make money, they sell all of their customers' personal information to other companies for profit.

It can be described as a bottomless principle.

In daily life, we often receive harassment from strange phone calls and text messages.

It is no exaggeration to say that people's personal privacy has become completely transparent!

Even in the face of these harassments, everyone has slowly become accustomed to adapting!

But what about Nantian Technology?

They don't collect customers' personal information for profit!

It's about better serving our customers!

And when obtaining user information, Nantian Technology will send an application for personal information registration to each user.

Only if you agree, you can proceed to the next step.

And after successful registration, you will also be given a permanent car wash service!

"O conscience! This is a conscientious car company! "

"No wonder Nantian Technology can be so successful in such a short period of 13 times! There's definitely a reason for that! "

"It is really my honor to be a customer of Nantian Technology!"

This man has been completely impressed by Nantian Technology!

It's not just this man.

Many other customers were shocked!

As long as it is what you want, Sky Technology will definitely be satisfied!

No matter how troublesome the ideas you put forward are, Nantian Technology has everything you need!

In just a few hours.

Nantian Auto 4S shop is on the whole network hot search!

Title –

《Nantian Auto! Service to the ultimate car company! 》

There are also countless netizens speaking in the comment area.

"I have a friend who went to the Nantian Auto 4S store today, and when he came back, he told me that this is the best 4S store he has ever been to in his life, without any routines, without any pitfalls, and the service is directly full!"

"I experienced it myself! Just came out of the Nantian Auto 4S store, the service of Nantian Auto is really good! If it weren't for something at home, I wouldn't want to come out! "

"Nantian Auto 4S shop is the best 4S shop in the world, there is no one!"

"Without saying much, people are in Demon City, ready to drive to Jiangcheng! Buy Nantian Motor! "


Countless positive reviews!

Directly look at countless car company peers as stupid!

No one expected that this new energy that seemed to be a death industry in the eyes of everyone.

It was actually played alive by Nantian Technology! And it's done with sound and color!

More and more people began to go to Nantian Auto 4S stores and wanted to buy Nantian Automobile.

For a time, the popularity directly exploded!

Several streets in a radius are blocked to the point of drainage!

As a last resort, Nantian Technology can only urgently announce the suspension of the business of 4S stores until further notice.

But that's not all!

Although the 4S store was temporarily closed.

But everyone's discussion of Nantian Auto did not stop.

Countless netizens have shifted the topic to the matter of Nantian Technology's collection of customers' personal information.

There is an online editor who also created a special post to praise Nantian Technology.

《Nantian Technology, collecting customer information is for better service! 》

In the post, the practice of Nantian Technology is explained in detail.

For example, Nantian Technology will provide customized suggestions to customers according to their preferences.

Before collecting the customer's information, the customer's consent will be sought.

Information collection will only take place with the consent of the customer.

Not like other unscrupulous software. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It doesn't matter if you agree or not, as long as you click authorize, all your information will be uploaded to the company database by default.

What the? Did you accidentally point the wrong one?

Sorry, this is a personal reason for the customer and has nothing to do with the company!

When this post was issued.

All at once it was on fire!

Netizens praised Nantian Technology.

"Bull batch! Nantian Technology is definitely the ceiling of the conscience world! "

"Those unscrupulous companies in China study hard! See what people do with Nantian Technology! "

"Nantian Technology collects information in order to provide better service to everyone, and other companies collect personal information in order to sell it for profit!" Hehe! How can the gap be so big! "

"In fact, big data is a good thing, but it has been smeared by some unscrupulous businessmen!"

"Disgusting! I'm really disgusting, I want to vomit when I think of those unscrupulous businessmen! Vomit! "


No contrast, no harm!

Everyone is usually violated by spam calls and spam text messages.

are all victims of big data!

At a time when all unscrupulous businessmen are still using big data to make money.

Nantian Technology suddenly stood up and told everyone that big data is used to serve users, not a tool to make money!

Therefore, it is difficult for Nantian Technology to be hot or not!

While netizens frantically praised Nantian Technology, they did not forget to compare with other unscrupulous companies.

So that in the end, netizens began to dig deep into those unscrupulous companies that use big data for profit!

And all these companies were exposed on the Internet, causing countless people to abuse!


These unscrupulous company owners who were picked up cried!

As netizens scolded more and more fiercely, the stock prices of these unscrupulous companies also began to plummet wildly!

In just a few hours, it was directly down to the limit!

Direct losses up to several hundred million!

The whole network was shocked!

Everyone really felt the horror of Nantian Technology!

Obviously just opened a car 4S shop.

But it caused so many unscrupulous companies to plummet!

You 220 say, if you don't see it with your own eyes, who dares to believe that this is true!?



Three experts also publicly conducted a live broadcast analysis of the fire of Nantian Automobile.

It is undeniable that Nantian Auto is very successful.

Being able to grab a large number of customers in a saturated market is enough to prove the strength of Nantian Technology.

At this time, an expert said: "The success of Nantian Automobile, do you have any different views between the two?" "

One of the experts replied: "I think the reason why Nantian Auto can be popular is because they have captured the needs of customers!" Created a selling point that explodes enough! and high-quality services, which are not available in other car companies. "

Another expert said: "I think the reason why Nantian Auto is successful is that with its attitude and intentions, all consumers can truly feel the sincerity of Nantian Technology, do things with a sincere heart, and gain countless sincerity!" "

"That's right, Nantian Technology never considers interests, but how to provide customers with high-quality services and how to let customers get tangible benefits."

"Doing things with heart, this is what we often say, but everyone understands, how many companies can do this in reality? I'm afraid that except for Nantian Technology, everyone can't think of a second one, right? "

"Nantian Technology is really a book, worthy of all companies to learn and understand!"


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