As time goes by, the situation in Little Lu Bu in Europe is deteriorating day by day. The first and most affected people are their common people, and their officials have long since run away. Now the government in exile is looking up to them.

As for their own army, they were already lying flat at the beginning. Even if they were not lying flat, what would be the use? Farts don't work, their weapons are outdated, their training can't keep up, and even their will is not strong, so lying down is their best choice.

Just this one-month blockade carried out unilaterally by Kyushu has completely disrupted the order of the entire Europa. There are only less than 3 million citizens in Europa, and nearly one million have fled abroad within a month.

When a country loses one-third of its citizens, it means that the country is about to end.

Even after Kyushu lifts the blockade and all their officials return to their proper positions, the country will not be able to recover for a while, especially the system of Little Lu Bu in Europe, which determines that a new political system will inevitably emerge, and Carry out some reforms in the country.

In fact, to put it more clearly, even if they can't show up on their own, can't others support one to come out?

Kyushu's blockade on Europa Xiao Lu Bu ended. The aerospace plane evacuated from the sky above Powan on time. Kyushu Foreign Affairs also issued a statement immediately announcing that the blockade on Europa Xiao Lu Bu had been lifted.

After completing the mission, the aerospace plane immediately ascended into outer space again. After entering outer space, it found the location of Kyushu and flew towards their destination.

After the aerospace plane's departure statement was issued, the merchant ships cruising outside the Europa Little Lubu Sea 1 were cautiously approaching the inside of the Europa Little Lubu, and were ready to turn their ships around at any time.

At the forefront of these merchant ships, the most aggressive ship was the Europa Lu Bu minelayer. After entering the sea area where it would have been intercepted before and no interception occurred, the minelayer immediately became bolder. .

Then, as they got closer and closer to the coastline, the outside world finally believed that Europa Lu Bu had indeed lifted the blockade.

After the blockade was lifted, the exiled officials of Europa Lu Bu immediately began to return, but even if they went back, they could not solve the damage caused by the blockade of Kyushu.

That is to say, from this moment on, the country of Little Lu Bu in Europe has set back twenty years in all aspects. As we often say, after twenty years of hard work, we can return to the xx in one move.

The aerospace plane re-entered the earth from outer space and rested at the Jiuquan base. This aerospace plane mission was the longest one since the aircraft was put into use.

Take a break, a big break, but it is not the plane that takes the break, but the people. People staying in the sky for a whole month would be unbearable for anyone, so this is the reason for this big break.

If it weren't for the fact that people can't stand it, the aerospace plane might have to carry out the next mission.

The above gave Snow Owl and the others a week to rest, and during this week, Snow Owl and others were completely relaxed and had a good sleep on the ground.

During their break, the outside world was in shock. By now, other countries had seen Kyushu's operation and the effects of Kyushu's blockade.

It was almost like overthrowing a country without even using a single soldier. It really felt like feather fans and silk scarves were being wiped out. Everyone understood the influence of this behemoth Kyushu, and the The military strength is almost reaching the sky.

A week passed in a hurry. Snow Owl and others also adjusted their condition, and the aerospace aircraft also performed some simple maintenance according to the maintenance manual given by Li Zhenhua. At this moment, both the aircraft and the crew were doing everything well. Prepared.

On the next day of the live broadcast of the space explosion, Kyushu News started live broadcasting at seven o'clock, and this day was also the day with the highest ratings on Kyushu Channel. Regardless of whether it is inside Kyushu or outside Kyushu, anyone in the world who cares about the situation will lock their TV to Kyushu Channel.

Jiuzhou TV reporters started the live broadcast at the Jiuquan base early in the morning. Of course, the content of the live broadcast was strictly reviewed.

In fact, there are only two protagonists. One is the log transport truck parked in the open space and the log carried on the truck. The other protagonist is the very unusual shape of the truck in the open space. aerospace plane.

The camera is always switching between the two. Sometimes it takes a picture of the log transport truck, and sometimes it changes the camera to take a picture of the airplane.

Just after nine o'clock in the morning, Snow Owl and the others came from a distance wearing Wu Gang's space suits and walked straight in the direction of the plane. At the moment they appear, the camera lens is not there nor anywhere else.

Long before the live broadcast started, what Kyushu was going to do was announced to the outside world. Although it inevitably caused a panic, they all calmed down after seeing that Da Mao Lao Mo and other countries were very safe. .

Since then, we have been paying attention to what Kyushu wants to do this time and what kind of results it can achieve through this experiment. Everyone is waiting to see these things.

When the snowy owl appeared, reporters from Kyushu TV also put on special space suits, then came to the snowy owl and joined them.

When everyone watching the news saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded. They were as confused as they wanted.

What do the Jiuzhou TV reporters want to do? Do they want to follow the astronauts to heaven? This is not simply entering the sky, this is a direct ascent into outer space.

So far, all the people who have been able to leave the earth and enter outer space are professional astronauts who have received long-term professional training.

But the current operation of Kyushu is to break this rule and bring people with no professional training into space. Is this possible?

In their opinion, it is impossible to achieve it. The most uncomfortable thing for them is Nasa, because this is the effect they have always wanted to achieve, but now they do not have the technology in this area at all. Instead, Kyushu has mastered this aspects of technology.

Not to mention how uncomfortable they felt during the process. It was really not a good feeling to be in the lead and then be caught up and left behind.

Jiuzhou TV reporters were right in front of the terrestrial live broadcast camera and gave extremely professional reports to the camera.

The reporter's report made all the viewers in Kyushu in front of the TV cheer up.

Soon the reporter followed the snowy owl and boarded the aerospace aircraft from the ground step by step. Even after boarding the aircraft, the live broadcast was still not disconnected.

At this moment, there are four pictures on the TV, one is the real-time picture from the studio, one is always facing the log transport truck, one is facing the aerospace plane, and the last one is the shot from the plane.

When the time came to the scheduled lift-off time, under the attention of all the people around the world who were locked in Kyushu Taiwan, the aerospace plane slowly floated in the sky. The aerospace plane slowly rose higher and higher in front of people's eyes, and finally only There is a little bit left.

At this time, the aerospace plane began to accelerate and headed straight towards outer space.

During this liftoff, Kyushu's unique aerospace aircraft was unveiled to the public for the first time. Although there had been a lot of news about this aircraft before, this was the first time for such a detailed understanding.

Of course, it was also the first time to see the true appearance of this aircraft, especially the military fans in Kyushu who were full of expectations for this aircraft, but they were a little disappointed, especially the face control people.

Speaking of which, it’s not their fault. Who made this aerospace plane look so ugly?

The real-time picture inside the aerospace plane was never interrupted, and the entire process was broadcast live. However, the viewers watching the live broadcast were all dumbfounded when they saw the picture inside the plane.

They have never seen that when the plane is moving at such a high speed, the figures of the two reporters on the plane have not changed at all. If it were not for the reporters and the snowy owls, they were moving to answer real-time questions. I must have thought this was a technology film.

At this moment, on the plane taking off, the reporter was holding a microphone, standing in front of the window and looking overhead, while another cameraman was following behind the reporter.

At this moment, the two of them did not feel the experience of physical overload at all, and their standing figures did not change at all. That is to say, no matter how fast the plane flies, the passengers inside are not affected at all.

This picture was released, but it was very lively. Some smart people have understood what unique technologies are used in the Kyushu aircraft. The first is anti-gravity application.

From this discovery, these smart people also sensed the direction of future development, which is to expand beyond the earth. Moreover, after Kyushu's anti-gravity technology comes out, it will no longer be possible to curb ordinary people from interstellar immigration. exist.

That is to say, the technology currently displayed by Kyushu is that Kyushu has completely mastered various technologies for interstellar immigration.

Soon the plane had arrived in the outer sky while people were thinking. Soon the Tiangong Space Station was slowly growing in size. The distance from the ground to Tiangong was 400 kilometers.

And this distance of 400 kilometers is not far at all for today's aerospace aircraft. After the aircraft flies past the space station, it continues to fly away from the earth.

When the plane flew eight thousand kilometers above the earth, the aerospace plane stopped. When the plane entered space, all the crew on board were not in a state of weightlessness.

This performance also made everyone understand why two ordinary untrained reporters were able to get on the plane and follow the plane into space. It turned out that their previous guesses were true, and Kyushu was really counterattacking. A breakthrough in gravity technology.

In fact, the aircraft technology Kyushu has demonstrated so far is enough to shock all countries in the world, as well as institutions that have made unique achievements in space technology.

Judging from the current performance of Kyushu, it is simply impossible for them to catch up with Kyushu. The gap is really too big.

When the gap between two people is only a little and the gap can be caught up, the laggard will be very motivated. But when the gap is huge and it is impossible to catch up no matter how hard they try, the laggard will also I won't chase you anymore.

Since we can't catch up, we might as well lie down. It's not that people will lie flat, but the country will also lie flat. This is the idea of ​​​​Sri Lanka's bankruptcy.

Who wouldn’t know how to mess up such a simple thing?

The aerospace plane stopped at the predetermined location. The two reporters on the plane really seemed to be crazy at this moment. The lenses in their hands had never been taken off the window and they were always facing Photographing scenes from space.

For them, this opportunity is rare, but for Snow Owl and others, going into space is like a common occurrence, and it is nothing unusual if they come often.

The scene captured by the reporter's camera was all transmitted to the earth after a delay and broadcast through Kyushu Channel. Various cosmic beauties are displayed one by one, but NASA and other institutions really are not in the mood to see these beauties!

Their mood is as cold as they want, and they can't see the future yet.

The plane was in place, and the log transport truck on the ground in Kyushu began to move at this moment.

I saw the huge Dongfeng brand express package being slowly lifted from a lying position by the arms of the log transport truck.

Not long after, the express delivery was raised by an arm at an angle of 90 degrees to the ground. All the people in Kyushu who saw this scene had a sentence in their hearts.

‘Dongfeng Express must achieve its mission! ’

The big tube was erected, followed by a series of pre-launch inspection procedures. The Second Artillerymen were busy around the big tube, and all parts of the big tube were within their inspection scope.

Time passed by, and all the items were checked. All items were normal, and then it was time to enter the launch state.

And this time, all countries in the world are responding nervously. You must know that what Kyushu launched this time was not just a courier, but this courier was carrying a deadly weapon.

What if there was a sudden convulsion on the Kyushu side, and the missile they announced to be launched into space was turned around and shot over their heads, the consequences would be disastrous.

By then, it is estimated that even if no one is willing to use nuclear weapons, they will have to use nuclear weapons as a last resort. All countries are watching Kyushu's live broadcast. If they are not careful, other countries' bombs will be launched into the sky. Interception.

Although the interception probability of Kyushu's bullets is extremely low due to Qian Lao's trajectory, there is still a final struggle.

After Kyushu's big log completed all preparations, a synchronized countdown appeared on the live broadcast screen.

As the countdown came to zero, in the open space of Jiuquan, a huge flame shot out from the bottom of the big log. The big log also rose into the air under the reaction force of the jet flame, heading towards the location of the aerospace aircraft 8,000 kilometers away. Flying not far away.

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