How long does it take to fly for a distance of 55 million kilometers?

Calculating based on the third cosmic speed that the current aerospace plane can reach, 16.7km/s, it takes 3293413 seconds, 54890 minutes, 914 hours, and 38 days. This does not include acceleration time and reaching the vicinity of Mars. deceleration time.

If these things are included, it will take at least 100 days to go back and forth. After they go up, there will be no place to resupply all the supplies, so for the sake of safety, they still bring enough supplies to them.

To say what they brought the most, it was of course enough water. Although there was a lot of water, five people still had to use it sparingly, and a water circulation purification system was also installed on the plane.

With this system, for the time being, it is enough for five people to save three years, and these three years should be enough for them to return from Mars.

The cockpit of the aerospace plane has also been fully utilized, because Li Zhenhua's subsequent research on the Super Raptor modification has upgraded all the avionics systems. It originally required the cooperation of five people to fully unleash the full performance of the aircraft.

After the upgrade, instead of five people, only three people could drive it, so the six driving positions in the cockpit were rearranged.

Three of the seats are just seats, while the other three still have driving functions. The only thing that has not been touched is the design of the escape cabin.

In addition to the driving position for six people, a simple gym is also placed in the cockpit, while the cargo hold is the living area for the five of them, and the interior is completely installed like an apartment.

There is also a set of top-notch speakers installed inside, which include all popular songs. In order to prevent the five astronauts from being too bored in space, they can sing karaoke, play games, watch TV series, and watch movies.

Just these entertainment materials contain 20 2TB ultra-large-capacity hard drives. Don’t think that these things are superfluous, but they are really necessary. Although their journey to Mars is not long, it is estimated to be fifty days at most. The time has come.

But in the space environment, there were only the five of them and no one else. Humans are social animals. People who are separated from the group for too long will definitely develop mental illness.

Just like submariners, they are also prone to psychological problems when performing dive missions. In order to avoid such problems, these entertainment facilities are necessary.

In fact, this is because the current communication methods are not that advanced. If Kyushu develops quantum communication now, so that aerospace planes flying away from the earth can communicate with the earth, then it will not be a problem. But who will let I haven’t mastered this technology yet!

After countless calculations by experts, all the decoration plans for the space on the aerospace plane were finally finalized, and construction began immediately after the plans were finalized.

Jiuzhou has never disclosed the plan to go to Mars to the outside world, and everything is being carried out in secret.

The reason why it was not disclosed to the outside world was also because it was afraid of letting others know that Kyushu was only supported by one Super Raptor, and the countries in the middle that were suppressed by Kyushu took this opportunity to cause trouble.

That's why such strict confidentiality was maintained. Except for the participants in the plan, only a few big shots above knew about it.

In the original weak stage, Kyushu suddenly stepped into the pace of exploration outside the earth. The intervening time was only a few years, and the span was actually quite large.

Jiuzhou has no intention of keeping this secret for a long time. After all, many countries can monitor things in space. The aerospace plane has disappeared for a long time. Combining their previous intelligence, they can roughly deduce the space. The fact that the spacecraft is not around the earth.

The interior of the aerospace plane is being renovated in full swing. The astronauts who will go to Mars were also determined by the leaders of the Kyushu Space Administration after a discussion.

When determining the personnel, there was a little hiccup. A big boss asked whether it was necessary to have an aerospace scientist accompany them on the trip.

The proposal immediately opened people's minds, as if a scientist could use their understanding of space to some extent after going to heaven.

In the end, the boss made up his mind that now is not a good time for scientists to go up.

When the technology really matures, it will not be too late for scientists to go up there. The people going up now are mainly astronauts, and they should be in particularly good health.

Even with Wu Gang's space suit, a good body is still of great use.

In this plan to go to Mars, the five Snow Owls were the best choice, but they couldn't send all five of them out at once, so one of them was transferred to stay on Earth and act as a driver. The leader of Super Raptors.

The Jiuzhou Space Agency's plan went extremely smoothly, but the designers and manufacturers of the aerospace plane had no idea about the plan.

At this time, Li Zhenhua was still building the perfect means of transportation for his own travel plan.

The most commonly used car model he developed for this trip plan - Iveco, has already started manufacturing at the factory in the island city that cooperates with Changzi Automobile.

After the car is completed, it will be able to solve most of the problems of their family of three on this trip to the maximum extent, including almost all basic necessities, food, housing and transportation.

After all the designs of this bus were completed, he began to redesign the interior of Qingniu Bus. The manufacture of this bus was not borrowed from others.

Instead, Li Zhenhua received feedback from the Kyushu Guard Corps that the manufacturing of the bus would be completed in Kyushu Divine Beast by experienced Guard Corps soldiers.

All this is because the security team made a decision considering the safety of the top bosses.

After the manufacturing problem of the Qingniu Bus was solved, he began to study how he and Li Yun should disguise themselves.

At the beginning, Li Zhenhua's research direction on camouflage was to use physical methods to camouflage, but after thinking about it, he always felt that this method was too cumbersome.

Whether they use silicone masks or make-up, one of the four major evil arts in Asia, it is very time-consuming, and the external disguise image is also very fixed, which is not conducive to their disguised travel.

The final chosen direction was to use technology to solve the problem. After much thought, Li Zhenhua finally settled on facial holographic projection camouflage technology.

If this technology can be mastered, then the future application prospects of this technology are also quite good. Although it may be almost non-existent for civilian use, it is still a great technology only for military use.

For example, if he really develops holographic projection technology, then if he applies the technology he invented to amplify the output device and expand its coverage, then he can completely use this technology to realize the visual invisibility of stealth fighters.

The original stealth has always referred to hiding one's figure from radar, but after this technology is developed, it can make fighter planes disappear in front of people's eyes, making them invisible to the naked eye.

If this technology is developed by him, it will be able to kill two birds with one stone. It will not only provide convenience for his trip, but also have broad application prospects in the future.

He then began to work on this technology. Although it was extremely difficult, in order to be able to take his wife and children to visit the vast and beautiful rivers and mountains of Kyushu, no matter how difficult it was, he would do his best to complete it.

The virtual laboratory is still his biggest help. When he studies a topic, the time in it is his biggest bug.

This is not the only technology he wants to research later. He also wants to develop a portable particle energy shield. The purpose of camouflage is just to prevent others from recognizing him when playing as a family of three, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble.

The particle energy shield that can be installed on the car is the guarantee of safety. The existence of the energy shield can take their protection to a higher level, and also help them run away without having to worry about bullets and shells behind them. Wait for something to threaten the car.

The source of his inspiration for researching portable particle energy shields was the nuclear power treasure that was revealed to the outside world when 003 was launched into the water. Since the aircraft mother can use nuclear power treasures, he can research something similar himself.

In fact, in essence, they are the same thing, but one is stored electricity, and the other is stored Golden Crow particles.

He is extremely familiar with the Sun Star Energy Core, Golden Crow Particles, and Emperor Jun Engine that he created, and he understands all the principles involved.

As long as something that can store Golden Crow particles for a long time can be developed at this moment, as well as a simple version of the Emperor Jun particle engine, so that the two can cooperate with each other, then the idea of ​​particle energy shield will definitely succeed.

Then he conducted in-depth research on how to store Golden Crow Particles. As soon as he delved into it, he studied it thoroughly.

As long as the constraint method of the Golden Crow particles is thoroughly studied, the subsequent problems will be solved directly.

He went into the virtual laboratory to study two key technologies. While he was studying these technologies, there was a team of twenty people in Peking on the train to Dongshan.

These people are the soldiers of the Kyushu Guard Regiment, the same group of soldiers who helped Li Zhenhua build the Qingniu Bus when he was staying at the Kyushu Divine Beast.

They are very familiar with the Qingniu Bus. The Qingniu Bus used by the big guys now was made by these soldiers.

The soldiers took the high-speed train all the way from Peiping to Brachicken Market. Then, under the arrangement of the local military department, they were sent from Brachicken Market to the hometown of calligraphy and painting.

These soldiers were extremely familiar with the mythical beasts of Kyushu and were also very familiar with Li Zhenhua's workshop. Their arrival also allowed Li Zhenhua to speed up the redesign of the Qingniu bus.

The first point is that Li Zhenhua reduced the weapon system on the Qingniu bus, and the space saved by the reduction was used by him to arrange Xiaolizi's car.

At that time, in his imagination, this car would be equivalent to an emergency escape cabin. If things got too bad, it would be enough to ensure the safety of Xiaolizi.

And that possibility is 10,000% unlikely to occur, but don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the eventuality.

After the soldiers arrived, Li Zhenhua immediately distributed the operation instructions for all bus modification plans, and then Li Zhenhua's private workshop became busy again.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner. If anyone is the most impatient during this period, it must be Li Yun.

Especially after Li Zhenhua built Xiao Lizi's car, Li Yun was simply bored with him.

Because recently, Xiao Lizi wished she could stay in her car all day, and she was extremely fond of the car Li Zhenhua made for him.

She has to drive a small car on the road for a long time every day, but she has no way to do it herself, so she can only ask an adult to help her drive, and she can just sit down intuitively.

This added a lot of things to Li Yun. Every day, little Li Zi pestered Li Yun to control the car and take her out for a walk.

And Li Zhenhua, who caused all this, was remembered by Li Yun. Xiao Lizi pestered him to operate the remote control for as long as she wanted, so she would leave the automatic transmission on for as long as she wanted at night.

Occasionally, Li Yun would also turn on the manual and make enough food and clothing by herself. It makes sense no matter where it is placed.

Li Zhenhua and Jiuzhou are both working hard for their own plans.

Wang Yuesheng, an old man, had been focusing on the assembly work of the subsequent Super Raptor modification during this period. After the assembly work was on track, he left Dongshan.

As for where he went? He went directly to the Lop Nur nuclear test base. As for his purpose of coming here?

The reason why he came here was entirely because of the energy core of the Sun Star.

Now in all Kyushu, there are only ten brand-new sun stars and one that is about to be scrapped. Even if the one that is about to be scrapped is later re-added with helium-3 fuel, the total number will only be eleven, and by the time After the Mars project begins, there will be one less core.

So under the current situation, only by starting the production of the Sun Star energy core can Kyushu not be left without energy cores in the subsequent series of plans.

Among them, the application of the Sun Star Energy Core is the biggest plan of Kyushu's upper management, which is to cover all Kyushu's existing territory and territorial waters with energy shields.

On weekdays, this energy shield that can cover the whole country can be used without it, but Kyushu cannot do without it. Only when this protective shield is truly deployed to all Kyushu and Kyushu's safety is no longer a problem, will Kyushu truly have the confidence to face the world. Challenges from other countries.

When the time comes for a big fight, with Kyushu fully protected, Kyushu will be in an absolutely invincible position.

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