Start With a Fake University

Chapter 801: Most Anticipated Program of the Year

These days near the end of the year.

Ding Yue often goes to the recording studio of the music department of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, basically every day.

Let's do this.

We have to start from two weeks ago.

Two weeks ago, didn't Ding Yue put Director Xiong Yang in charge of this year's New Year's Eve party? He said that he wanted to add some new programs, mainly to let the singers who came out of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences come up with a few new songs, at least until Time to pull the audience's sense of anticipation, isn't it?

Then Ding Yue gave Xiong Yang the music script created by his "friend" and asked him to go to Mr. An Yu Jia'an to coordinate with the singers under Feiyue Media. In the end, it was not just a coincidence or something. Student Jia Wenbo He proposed that he would like to sing this new song with Principal Ding.

Good guy, Jia Wenbo mentioned it like this, how could Ding Yue refuse it?

In the past, Ding Yue was considered tone-deaf, but now it is different. Ding Yue still occasionally exchanges some buffs or other music-related items in the system mall to improve himself.

Now Ding Yue can be regarded as the little prince of K-song. When he decided to sing this new song with Jia Wenbo, Ding Yue even added a few buff effects to himself, and strived to perform better. Row.

After all, Jia Wenbo is a talented singer who sings the theme song "Immortals" of "Super Marines". If you sing with him, if you don't have any strength, it is estimated that the gap will be huge.

So Ding Yue came to the studio every day to practice singing.

Not only that, but he also let his best music teacher from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences guide him, and even Lin Zhirou went to battle in person and volunteered to help Principal Ding improve his "singing skills".

"Principal Ding, in fact, when you sing a song with Jia Wenbo, you don't want to achieve that kind of consummate singing skills. Principal Ding, you have a very good foundation."

Lin Zhirou said to Principal Ding as gentle as water.


Ding Yue glanced at Lin Zhirou and said with a smile.

I have to say that Lin Zhirou seems to have more temperament and charm in recent years, like the kind of superstar who looks unattainable, but in fact she is very gentle and seems to be even more gentle to herself.

As expected, she is the first school flower of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

"So Principal Ding, you only need a little practice before you can partner with Jia Wenbo." Lin Zhirou nodded and said.

"Hahahaha, you see, our little diva said so, it means that I still have some musical background." Ding Yue said proudly.

At this time, Wang Jianxin, a music professor, said to Principal Ding with a smile, "I rarely see a person with potential like Principal Ding. Principal Ding, if you go the professional singer route, you might be able to succeed."

Professor Wang Jianxin is a famous musician in Xia Guo. Even Professor Wang praises Ding Yue, which makes Ding Yue more confident.

"Hahahaha, I can't do it, I'm still not as good as Lin Zhirou and Jia Wenbo."

Ding Yue immediately shook his head and said modestly.

"President Ding, you have progressed too fast and your learning ability is too strong. You are indeed a genius who can develop gallium nitride semiconductor material technology." Jia Wenbo praised.

Good guy, everyone is praising himself, making Ding Yue feel a little overwhelmed.

"Hahahahaha, come on, let's continue practicing." Ding Yue had to laugh out loud, then greeted Jia Wenbo and continued to practice this new song with Jia Wenbo.

If this new song is well practiced, it will definitely blow up the audience on the New Year's Day and New Year's Eve party program.

I don't know if it was because I was too devoted to the song practice or what. Ding Yue felt that time seemed to pass quickly. At noon, he simply ate a light meal in the recording studio and continued. After the song practice was over, it was already It was dusk.

"Headmaster Nading, that's the end of today."

Professor Wang Jianxin asked.

"Hmm, thank you for your hard work."

Ding Yue nodded and said, "After you go back, take a good rest for two days. When Monday comes, let's continue."

"Okay, Principal Ding!"

The crowd replied in unison.

Immediately following, Ding Yue came to Jia Wenbo's side and said to him with a smile, "Student Jia Wenbo, I've been practicing songs with you every day recently, so I won't delay you taking some commercial performances, right?"

After all, when Ding Yuefan came to practice songs during this time, he had to call Jia Wenbo. The two of them practiced together to make Ding Yue feel better. But Jia Wenbo is a popular singer. kind.

"Principal Ding, you don't know yet, do you?"

Jia Wenbo explained with a smile: "My classmates, Lin Zhirou and I, will focus on our school's New Year's Eve party or prepare invitations for the Spring Festival Gala at the end of the year. Generally, other commercial performances will be given by the company. We pushed it away."

When Ding Yue heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Good guy, for the New Year's Eve party of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, in the past two months at the end of the year, other business performances will not be accepted. What kind of spirit of loving the alma mater is this?

You must know that Ding Yue did not force Lin Zhirou or Jia Wenbo to do so, it was all of their own accord.

"I'm really grateful for your dedication to the school."

Ding Yue sincerely thanked Jia Wenbo and the others.

Although they are from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, for the sake of work and future, there is absolutely no need to give up other business performance opportunities for the school's New Year's Day party at the end of each year.

As for Jia Wenbo and Lin Zhirou, they chose to do this, which is a sincere love for their alma mater.

"President Ding, we are doing this because we sincerely hope that our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can get better and better, and we can also contribute to the development and construction of the school."

Jia Wenbo said with a smile.

"very good."

Ding Yue nodded in relief.

After a while, Jia Wenbo left the studio.

Only Lin Zhirou was not in such a hurry to leave.

Ding Yue could see that Lin Zhirou seemed to have something to say to herself?

"Principal Ding."

Just after Ding Yue walked out of the recording studio, he suddenly heard Lin Zhirou calling her.


Ding Yue heard the sound, turned around, and saw Lin Zhirou standing there, looking at herself, those eyes were so clear and flawless.

This can't help but remind Ding Yue of the first time he saw Lin Zhirou.

The attractiveness of this girl is really strong. In addition to her beauty, there is also an indescribable temperament on her body.

Lin Zhirou's temperament is difficult to describe, but it is very attractive. Perhaps the goddess in countless people's dreams is probably Lin Zhirou.

"thank you."

Lin Zhirou said softly.

"Thank me?"

Ding Yue was a little unclear.

What did Lin Zhirou thank me for?

I saw Lin Zhirou walk up and said softly, "If there wasn't Principal Ding, I wouldn't be where I am today."

It turned out to be thanks for this.

After Ding Yue understood, he felt nothing, because of this matter, Lin Zhirou did not thank herself once, and even invited herself to dinner or something.

After all, in Lin Zhirou's heart, herself and the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences she founded are the most crucial link and help in changing her life. Even Lin Zhirou believes that without President Ding and Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, there would be no small children in the Chinese music scene today. The Queen of Heaven, Lin Zhirou.

"You still have a long way to go in the future. The Chinese music scene has been silent for so many years. It's up to you. Come on."

Ding Yue smiled and said to Lin Zhirou.

But Lin Zhirou seemed to want to say something else, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

"Let's go, let's go to the five cafeteria for dinner?"

Ding Yue invited Lin Zhirou along the way to go to the five cafeteria for dinner.


Lin Zhirou nodded.

"You are usually very busy in the company, so you should rarely come to the school's fifth canteen to eat. Let me tell you, the food in the school's fifth canteen is really good." After Ding Yue and Lin Zhirou walked out of the building, they walked all the way. chatting.

"I come here often."

Lin Zhirou replied suddenly.

Ding Yue originally thought that Lin Zhirou is now a diva singer, and she is usually very busy, so she must seldom stay at the school to eat, live, and travel, but she never thought that Lin Zhirou still lives in the school's apartment building, and often Go to the school's five canteens for three meals a day.

"Really, that's good, very good."

When Ding Yue heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "It seems that you still like the school environment very much."

"Yes, Principal Ding, in school, I think I can always find the original intention of pursuing my music dream." Lin Zhirou said very seriously.

Ding Yue looked at Lin Zhirou.

I just feel that this girl is really different.


In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

The New Year's Eve is just around the corner, and Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is actively preparing for the New Year's New Year's Eve party.

TV stations in various regions are also actively preparing for the New Year's Day concert. According to the past, the annual New Year's concert is a good opportunity for the major TV stations to compete for ratings.

For example, Toilet TV, Dream Blue TV, Yancheng TV, etc., will invite many star singers to attract audiences and compete for ratings.


Last year, the competition between major TV stations was broken.

What broke this situation was not a new TV station, but a university. This university was Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Last year's New Year's Eve Gala at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was a great success. It was hailed as the most exciting party in recent years. Many viewers even thought that the New Year's Eve Gala of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was a great success. Even better than the Spring Festival Gala.

Therefore, what many netizens are most looking forward to this year is the New Year's Eve Party at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

On the contrary, the New Year's Eve concerts of Toilet TV, Dream Blue TV, etc. are almost gone.

However, this is not difficult for Toilet TV and Dream Blue TV, as long as they continue to market them.

For example, the toilet TV station, as early as a week ago, was constantly buying hot searches to market their New Year’s Eve concert on the toilet TV station this year. All kinds of traffic stars and traffic singers have come out and put on a show. Bought to fly.

Dream Blue TV does not dare to fall behind, and all kinds of marketing can be said to be overwhelming.

It made everyone think that this year's toilet TV station and Mengzhilan TV station have both contracted the hot search, but in fact, these are the things that are done by foreign powers and the real attention is the New Year's Day party of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences this year.

This made the director of Toilet TV and the director of Dream Blue TV very angry.

However, Toilet TV and Mengzhilan TV are still very confident. After all, they have summoned a lot of traffic stars this year. Just relying on the traffic of traffic stars is enough to support high ratings, and then remarketing One click, it must be able to get a lot of ratings, and one thing will change, and the number of viewers at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will definitely be reduced.

"Principal Ding, we have prepared a multi-view live broadcast for our New Year's Day and New Year's Eve party this year, and we have also upgraded the live broadcast server of Leap Home. This year, we can definitely guarantee the smooth live broadcast of the New Year's Day and New Year's Eve party. The target is the ratings of Toilet TV and Dream Blue TV."

In the President's Office of the Administration Building of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Director Xiong Yang is reporting related work to President Ding.


The New Year's Eve party of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can already compete with the New Year's Eve concerts of Toilet TV and Dream Blue TV.

"very good."

Ding Yue nodded and said with a smile: "Let the audience know what a wonderful and excellent party is, instead of inviting a bunch of traffic stars like Toilet TV and Dream Blue TV, the quality of the program is real. Pull the ummm.”

Director Xiong Yang immediately said: "Yes, every program of our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is to control the quality. If the quality is poor, we will not let it go."

"very good."

"By the way, President Ding, and I discussed with Mr. An this year. After the filming of several film and television dramas invested by Feiyue Media started this year, the progress was not bad, so I thought it was like last year's "The Wandering Earth" "Like, this year, we will also get a new show trailer program, to warm up?"

Director Xiong Yang said again.

Now Director Xiong Yang has found an idea, that is to use the popularity of the New Year's Day New Year's Eve party to put together a program similar to last year's "Wandering Earth" trailer. Create show popularity.

"Did you mean "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "Langya Bang"?"

When Ding Yue heard this, he immediately thought of these two movies and TV dramas.

These are two film and television drama projects that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Media have already decided. One is Xianxia drama and the other is an overhead costume drama. The scripts of the two dramas are all provided by Ding Yue. However, the shooting progress of the two dramas, this Ding Yue has a lot of things, so he paid less attention.


Director Xiong Yang nodded.

"Okay." Ding Yue thought about it for a while and thought it was not bad, so he nodded and said, "Can you warm up at the New Year's Eve party?"

After finishing speaking, Ding Yue immediately said to secretary Wen Ruohan, "Xiao Wen, ask Mr. An to come over."

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