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In the afternoon, after sending away his grandparents, grandparents, seven aunts and eight aunts, Shui Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he was still a little unaccustomed to having so many people in his family, especially all of them were his elders.

"Xiaoye, then I will also take Sakurako and Dome away, and, take care of your mother, I'm sorry for her."

In the corner of the doorway, father and son were communicating silently.

"Dad, when did you become so pretentious, I have grown up, everyone should have their own happiness, and no one else is qualified to interfere, so I only have blessings in my heart, wishing you and Aunt Sakurako to be happy."

"It would be better if I could have another sister."

"Stinky boy, I know to tease your dad."

Shui Lintian patted Shui Ye's shoulder and said angrily.

"Okay, Sakurako, little dome, let's go."

Shui Lintian beckoned to the mother and daughter and shouted.

"Xiao Ye, then let's go, see you all."

"Brother, I'll come and stay with you in a few days, sisters, goodbye."

Qiong waved his hand at Shui Ye and said with a look of reluctance.


"Water is in the sky, take care of Sakurako and the dome!"

Leng Yan said generously.

"Leng Yan, you are also such a big person, don't be always out of tune, take care of Xiao Ye."

"I know, Shui Lintian, you are so verbose, hurry up."

Leng Yan waved his hand and said with a look of disgust.

After the three of them left in the flying elf, Leng Yan immediately changed his appearance, instantly pounced on Shui Ye's body, pinched his face and said angrily:

"Xiao Ye, now let's calculate the general ledger."

"Mom, what are you talking about, why don't I understand at all?"

"When I was taught by your grandmother, you actually didn't come to help me, and let that tigress continue, me off."

"Mom, you still dare to say that grandma is a tigress, you are finished."

"Haha! What am I afraid of, anyway, she is not here now, and she is originally a tigress, and she has known to murder me since she was a child. "

"I think my grandmother is quite gentle and has a good temperament."

"That's for you, I'm different, you don't even know how miserable I have been since I was a child."

"Leng Yan, so you think I abused you?"

"That's for sure."

Leng Yan instantly subconsciously replied.

"Xiao Ye, who asked me to come just now?"

"Well, it seems to be Grandma's voice."

Shui Ye felt the gradually stiffened delicate body of his mother in his arms, and said with a confused look.

He really didn't expect that his grandmother's routine was so deep, and he would play back with the horse gun.

"Leng Yan, look at what you look like now, I just left to bully Xiao Ye, don't come down soon."

When Leng Yan heard this, he immediately slipped off Shui Ye's body, shrugged his head, and did not say a word.

"Come home with me."

"Ah! Mom, I know it's wrong, don't do this to me. "

Going home is simply unpleasant for her, and she will never go home.

"Even if you cry today, honestly come home with me to live for a while, I will grind your temperament."

"Grandma, if you don't forget it, it's actually me and my mother joking!"

"Really not going back?"

"If you don't go back, you won't go back."

Leng Yan quickly hugged Shui Ye's arm and shook his head desperately.

"Then I'll stay, I'll stay here temporarily for the next two days, and I'll go to Kyoto with you then."

Leng Yan was dumbfounded, she didn't expect such a move, and suddenly looked bitter.


Two days are fleeting, and today is the opening day of the Kyoto Grand Finals, and tomorrow the competition officially begins.

In the past two days, my mother can be described as living in dire straits, and my grandmother should have joined the army when she was young, so she is very strict in terms of time.

Don't think about sleeping in and playing games at all, directly designed a work and rest schedule for your mother, and what to do in each time period from morning to evening is clearly arranged.

Isn't this kind of thing that children can use?

Shui Ye was unable to complain.

Boarding the flying machine sent by Kaguya's arrangement, the group set foot on the land of Kyoto in more than an hour.

It just so happened that this flying machine also met my mother's appetite, so Shui Ye waved his hand and bought it.

Facts have proved how important it is to have a private flying machine, and the number of more than a dozen people in a large family, plus grandma and father's family of three, has exceeded twenty.

"Unconsciously, how did the family become so much?"

Shui Ye said with a sigh.

"You know that, too!"

"Since you know, restrain your fancy nature!"

Soku and Kaguya do not distinguish between front and back.

"Except for Aoxue, it's really gone, and I promise not to mess with flowers and grass in the future."

"Aoxue is the fianc??e my parents found for me, you can't let me break the contract, right?"


"This is absolutely not a thing."

My grandmother and mother said at the same time.

"Xiao Ye, you want to break the contract?"

Shui Lintian also turned his head at this time and asked with a serious face.

"Whatever, just to let them see your reaction, it is impossible to break the contract, a beautiful girl sent to the door, I will only refuse if I am stupid."

Several elders had nothing to say when they heard this, and this answer was really in line with Shui Ye's nature.

"Show me a picture of your fianc??e."

Kaguya reached out and demanded.

"This is clearly a copy of Yukino, and you really don't die to Yukino."


Shui Ye gritted his teeth and resolutely refused to admit it.

You can all think of Yukino going there, is this the sympathy between flat chests?

"Yukino? Xiao Ye, how many girls have you provoked in Sakura Country? "

"There really aren't many."

"Mizuya also said that one of the things he regretted the most since he was a child was not going to school in Sakura Country."

Sou said in a faint tone next to him.

"That girl named Yukino is beautiful?"

"Well, it's still cute, it's a beautiful girl who doesn't lose to us."

"I can prove this that my brother's peach blossom luck is too unscientific, and I can meet beautiful girls everywhere I go."

Dome also joined the denunciation meeting, a person's heart is so big, as there are more and more girls around her brother, won't the proportion of her sister in her brother's heart become less and less.

No, she must not let this happen, she still expects to raise her brother into a sister!

"Hmm! Sure enough, she is a very beautiful girl, not lost to our family Aoxue! "

After Leng Yan saw Xue Nai's photo, he also commented carefully.

"Shui Ye, are you a black chief direct control?"

"How is it possible, it's just that many of the girls I like are black and straight, I like silver hair, pink hair, tea hair, black long straight, blonde hair I like very much."

Shui Ye showed a 'shy' smile and said embarrassedly.

If they could, they really wanted to kill this flowery bastard, it really pissed them off.

"It turns out that Shui Ye likes silver hair the most?"

After hearing these words, Aili and Qiong couldn't help but show a silly smile on their little faces while touching their silver hair. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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