Start with a rent-collecting magical girl

Chapter 11 The correct use of magic props


"Why is my head so dizzy?"

Xu Jiajia gradually regained consciousness. She found herself lying on the sofa, covered with a plush blanket. The setting sun outside the window shone into the living room, and the time on the wall clock had already reached evening.

Am I... asleep?


Why do I sleep here?

Me, shouldn't I be shooting a cos video?

The girl sat up from the sofa and rubbed her temples, trying to figure out the current situation.


Xu Jiajia didn't know whether it was because she had just woken up, but she still felt a little dazed and her memory seemed to be fragmented.

Fortunately, another voice came at this time.

"are you awake?"

The girl followed the sound and saw that over the dining table in the living room, the leftovers, used bowls, plates, chopsticks, etc. that they had eaten had been put away. On the clean and tidy table, Liao Baiyu was working attentively. holding a laptop.

"Just in time, my video is almost finished editing. You can come over and take a look later. Oh, by the way." The boy took the time to glance at the girl who was half sitting on the sofa. "There is water on the table, new, no opened."

After finishing speaking, Liao Baiyu lowered his head and returned his attention to the screen.


After hearing this, Xu Jiajia felt that her mouth was indeed a little dry, and her whole body felt a little tired after exercise, especially her thighs, which were stiff and sore.

The girl subconsciously followed Liao Baiyu's suggestion, unscrewing the mineral water on the table, and after taking a sip, she felt much better as the cool water slid down her throat and flowed to her whole body.

After regaining her composure, Xu Jiajia got off the sofa. When her bare gray silk feet stepped on the floor and a slightly cool touch came, the girl realized that she was still wearing that very complicated cos suit. Woolen cloth.

No wonder my whole body feels stiff and sore when I wear this to sleep.

Xu Jiajia came to Liao Baiyu's side and looked at the screen. On the screen, groups of beautiful cosplay photos were being edited and spliced ​​by boys, with special effects and music added, and finally integrated into a video submission.

"The background has been blurred, and I've given you a little more attention when it comes to beautification. It's not like leg-lifting or skin-beautification. Sister Jiajia, your appearance doesn't require it, but this area still needs to be repaired to some extent."

Liao Baiyu pointed to the girl next to him at the chest of the character in the video.

In the picture, the lining can be held up, and the bulging hemisphere outline is pleasing to the eye. Looking back in reality, Xu Jiajia's cosplay suit on the chest is shriveled, and even feels a bit loose because of its looseness.

It can be seen from this that God is indeed fair. After opening a series of windows on the girl's beauty, fair skin, long legs, and magical girls with super powers, he still closed the window on flat chests.

Well, God is not fair at all.

"Cough." Xu Jiajia coughed.

At least it looks like this, and no one can recognize me!

She soothed herself mentally.

"How about it? If there's no problem, I'll publish it."


Xu Jiajia hesitated, but couldn't help but ask: "Are we really done filming?"

"To be precise, it's still a little bit worse, but at that time I saw that you were very tired and worked hard, so I asked you to rest first. But when I looked at you later, I found that you were already asleep, so I thought I'd forget it. These materials That’s enough, so I didn’t wake you up.”

After Liao Baiyu explained, he looked at the girl who was still a little confused and couldn't help but shook his head.

"Sister Jiajia, aren't you asleep?"

"Forget it, it's okay. You can post it. You can keep the income from the video for your living expenses. You don't have to give it to me. But we have agreed, just this time, I won't shoot these with you again. "

"Hmm, you've worked hard today, Sister Jiajia. You can go back to the house and rest. After you take off your cosplay suit, just throw it in the storage bag. I'll sort it out myself later."

Xu Jiajia nodded and turned back to the house, but halfway through, she suddenly stopped and turned to look at Liao Baiyu.

"What's wrong?"

"Where is the eyepatch?" The girl always felt that something was wrong. Now that she thought about it, it must be that the eyepatch was missing.

"Oh, I took it off for you and put it away, otherwise it would be uncomfortable for you to sleep with it tied up. The same goes for the shoes. As for the remaining cos parts, I don't dare to take them off for fear that you will misunderstand something when you wake up and hit me directly. "

Liao Baiyu shrugged his shoulders and answered accurately.

"Thank you. I also want to thank you for today's meals and cleaning up the table. I will fulfill the terms of the rental and take care of these things later on. Don't worry."

"You're so welcome, sister. Just help each other. By the way, I'm going out to buy some things. Is there anything you need me to bring?"

"No, but remember to come back early. It's dangerous to be outside at night. It's dark and accidents can happen easily."

"Oh g."

After Xu Jiajia finished her instructions, she went back to the room and closed the door. There was no movement. After Liao Baiyu completed the final uploading steps, he closed the computer, put on his coat, opened the door and left.

After leaving the apartment


Liao Baiyu's heart that had been hanging at home before was finally finally settled.

Xu Jiajia found no clues and had no memory of being "dominated".

According to Raphael's theory, when people see a photo of herself, even if the photo is fake and it never happened, the human brain will have a sense of déjà vu and automatically fill in the relevant memories.

So after looking at those cosplay pictures, the girl no longer doubted anything, so she filled in the gaps with her memory as expected.

As for who Rafaeldo is, it's probably the name Liao Baiyu came up with two seconds ago.

all in all.

Now it is absolutely certain that this magical item of mine can put the wearer directly in a "subconscious" state, which is somewhat similar to hypnosis.

Perhaps in another version, the evil minotaur will use this ability to push the story in different directions. He can use the spell called "unfold" to peek into other world lines.

But for Liao Baiyu.

Isn't it the best training state to be in a hypnotic state where one can not resist, not complain of tiredness, and execute every instruction with all one's strength?

This is the correct use of [Domination Eyepatch]!

Give it to me and train hard!

This is also Liao Baiyu's goal for Xu Jiajia next.

Nothing else.

This is us, pure love warriors!

In this unfair world where only women can receive the favor of magic, only the embrace of a magical girl can bring the slightest warmth to Liao Baiyu.

So, collect them, train them, and then form your own strongest reserve hidden energy combat force!

Of course.

You still have to be tough when you're blacksmithing.

Liao Baiyu looked at the number in his [Negative Emotion Storage] column that had skyrocketed to 4773 points. He couldn't help but feel excited, and the corners of his mouth could not stop rising.

After that, he came to the roadside and quickly took a taxi.

"Where are you going, young man?"

"Shadow Heart Park."

When he heard about this place, the old driver who was still smiling suddenly trembled. From the rearview mirror, he secretly glanced at Liao Baiyu in the back seat several times.

The reason is not complicated. Shadow Heart Park was one of the most famous scenic spots in the original X City. The reason why "original" was added was that six years ago, an extremely bad nightmare disaster occurred there, which almost destroyed this beautiful natural place. Most of the park was destroyed.

Although so many years have passed and the park has been rebuilt, many people still have shadows about it and think it is an unknown place.


"Well, young man, I seem to suddenly remember that I forgot to turn off the gas at home. I'm really sorry. How about you."

"Twice the fare, please hurry."

"Okay, sit still!"

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