Start with a rent-collecting magical girl

Chapter 38 Investment (Part 2)

Xiao Xia, who got off the taxi, looked up at the magnificent building in front of her. It was like a castle, showing luxury and nobility.

Huiyue Hotel.

Invested and constructed by the "Xingyue Group", it is the top and only five-star hotel in the entire Thirteenth District.

Xiao Xia remembered that when the officials of the Thirteenth District learned about the investment news of this five-star hotel, they were extremely excited and granted many preferential policies.

On the day when the project was successfully completed and the hotel was officially opened for business, even the district mayor was present in person. Major media in the district rushed to report on it. It was so lively that it could be said to be the grandest opening ceremony.

If it was just a five-star hotel, it wouldn't pay this much attention.

What really makes officials in the 13th District elated is the meaning behind this hotel.

Just saying this might be confusing.

But if we name the larger shareholders behind the so-called "Xingyue Group", it might become clear at a glance.

That's right.

That is the absolute overlord without any dispute in the entire city

At that time, the economic level of District 13 was at the bottom of X City.

And a super chaebol who almost monopolized all walks of life in City X was willing to invest in the poor Thirteenth District. Although it was only to build a service hotel, it was enough to flatter the officials of the Thirteenth District.

In this way, starting from "Huiyue Hotel", Xingyue Group successively launched investments in other industries.

Medical care, education, housing, clean energy, environmental protection treatment, etc.

Although there is no high-tech industry that officials are most looking forward to.

However, these livelihood industries have greatly promoted the development of District 13, allowing the local economy to achieve rocket-like rapid development in just three or four years.

Although today's Thirteenth District is not considered rich, and there is still a big gap between it and the truly "behemoth" urban areas in front of it, it can at least be said to have escaped poverty and entered the middle reaches of X City.

The biggest contributor to all this is undoubtedly the Xingyue Group.

This is the power of chaebol.


To be precise, this is the power of "Liao".

Even if it is just a sub-group, it still has the power to easily revitalize and drive the economic development of the entire district.

No wonder there are so many districts in City X that are eager to invest in chaebols.

District 13 is undoubtedly lucky.

Because of this layer of history.

That's why Huiyue Hotel has such a high status in District 13.

After all, it symbolizes Xingyue Group's first investment in the Thirteenth District, and is also an iconic symbol and beginning of the rise of the Thirteenth District.


Xiao Xia, who was now walking towards the hotel lobby, looked around and saw that all the people who could come here were dignitaries from the Thirteenth District.

The upper class in the 13th arrondissement like to use this place as a social place and regularly hold salon tea parties.

People coming in and out of the hotel include celebrity girls with heavy make-up, rich kids hugging each other, ladies wearing luxurious jewelry on their wrists and necks, and local wealthy executives in suits and leather shoes who look very talented.

This is Xiao Xia's first time here.

The closer I got to Huiyue Hotel, the discomfort I felt all over my body became stronger and stronger.

Very upright.

The hotel guests around her were all dressed up and dressed in bright clothes. If they picked any piece of clothing at random, they would be frightened to death by the number they mentioned. A small leather bag they were carrying at random would be worth as much as a little investigator. How many months' salary.

Let's look at what she's wearing now.

Xiao Xia came to Huiyue Hall and looked down at herself.

A conservative professional shirt, a retro hip-hugging skirt, brown stockings, and a pair of baseball shoes that I don’t know how long I’ve worn.

Xiao Xia knew this was strange.

But she searched her house but couldn't find a pair of high heels.

Ever since she became a prosecutor, high heels have never been a thing for her.

"Hello miss, how can I serve you?"

The hotel staff didn't mind her rustic dress. Seeing Xiao Xia standing alone in the lobby, they took the initiative to ask.

"Hello, I. I'm going to find a friend."

"Okay lady, could you please tell me the room number? I need to confirm it."

"No. 1001."

You can come to the outside of Huiyue Hotel to visit and check in. In fact, many Internet celebrity bloggers do this, but if you go inside, no one is allowed to enter except for guests who have made reservations.

This is why Liao Baiyu chose the location here.

As a prosecutor, Xiao Xia certainly knew what the other party was planning.

The rooms in Huiyue Hotel are not just for those who want to stay.

Here, you can't buy a room with money alone. When Xiao Xia was working as a search officer, some big bosses she met had to book a room at Huiyue Hotel three or four days in advance.

But the phone call she made to Liao Baiyu in the morning showed that she could get a room in the Huiyue Hotel just after noon. This in itself was a display of ability, as if she was nakedly told her power.


The "price" for obtaining this "power" was also told to her nakedly.

Soon, as if after confirmation, a lobby manager came over this time with a gold-gilded card in his hand. He respectfully handed it to Xiao Xia. Xiao Xia looked at it. The card surface was simple in style, with only the middle Four artistic words in a very high-end design style, 1001.

It was rumored that Huiyue Hotel would design independent room cards for each room. Looking at the unique, small and exquisite room card in Xiao Xia's hand, it seemed that the rumors were true.

Use the room card to unlock the elevator and find the button for the 100th floor. As the numbers on the electronic screen increase rapidly, the translucent panoramic elevator with a sightseeing nature continues to lift Xiao Xia into the sky.

The female investigator looked down and could see the rapidly shrinking city beneath her feet. This was the first time she had a panoramic view of District 13. The city she wanted to protect was indeed so beautiful.


At this point, there is nothing to hesitate about.

From the time she went home without telling her colleagues and took off her prosecutor uniform, she had already compromised. No, there was no need to deceive herself and others to sound so nice. Xiao Xia knew that this was surrender, surrender in her heart.

No matter how difficult it is to solve other major cases, Xiao Xia will never do this. No matter how hard she grits her teeth, she will never betray herself.

But the weirdo case is different.

This has completely risen to another level, involving superpowers, and the beast disaster that cannot even be touched, and is forbidden to be discussed like a taboo.

Whether the top management is really rotten and doesn't even pay attention to mutants like weirdos, or the top management is "covering up" something, Xiao Xia must investigate clearly. This is her role as a prosecutor, as a protection People’s police duties.

This is not the first time that we have worked hard for justice like this.

Since she was a child, she has imagined that she could become a magical girl, with powerful superpowers and magical costumes. She would fly in the air every day to patrol the city, punish evil and promote good, and protect everyone.

It's a pity that God did not favor her.

But this did not prevent her from relying on her own efforts to train her body day after day, and was admitted to the police academy as a woman. She even became the head of the investigators of District 13, protecting everyone in another way.

Now, it's time for her to "work hard" again.

Maybe if you think about it again, the reason why she feels so complicated, really sad and lonely is that she feels that she has misjudged the person. It is ridiculous that she actually had the illusion of fighting side by side with Liao Baiyu in the case of Han Xiaoyue's disappearance.


After all, how can there be good people among chaebols?

Xiao Xia pursed her lips, no longer hesitated, opened the door of No. 1001 with her room card, and walked in with her long legs.

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