Start with a rent-collecting magical girl

Chapter 40 Welcome to become a chaebol lackey

Anti-reconnaissance technology was learned by Liao Baiyu in Hawaii.

He arranged sensors in the room in advance.

Xiao Xia thought she was very hidden, but in fact, in front of Liao Baiyu's technological equipment, the female search was no different from being naked, and all the electronic components on her body had long been exposed.

Liao Baiyu could probably guess the other party's plan. It was nothing more than pretending to cater to him, using pinhole cameras and recordings to obtain evidence that he assaulted the police or bribed him, and then in turn used it as a blackmail to turn against the general himself.

If she is afraid that this video will be exposed, Xiao Xia can use this to use her free hands to gain access to her social resources.

If you are not afraid.

Xiao Xia had nothing to lose. At most, he could just treat it as being harassed by a gangster and leave.

There will never be any loss inside or outside.

What a good idea.

He is truly an elite investigator.

From the beginning, that look of sacrificing oneself was just an act, just to show off to oneself.

However, it can be seen from this that Xiao Xia is determined to deal with the strange case.

He would rather take the risk of angering a young plutocrat and fight for resources so aggressively.



Liao Baiyu liked this desperate effort very much.

This is also the reason why he took a fancy to Xiao Xia.

Liao Baiyu changed his words.

"I heard that Officer Xiao Xia liked magical girls when she was a child."

"In my high school graduation application, I also wrote about the role of a magical girl in my future career plans."

Xiao Xia looked up in shock.

She had thought that the other party would investigate her, but she never expected that Liao Baiyu's intelligence network could be so terrifying, and even the history of such a high school could be found.

But why would he say this at this time?

"Miss Xiao Xia, although I am not able to help you become a magical girl yet, if it is just a "superhero", then I think I can still do it."

As he spoke, Liao Baiyu took out a pair of black lace eye masks that looked like some kind of sex prop from the box that had been prepared on the table.

"What's this?"

"A contract is the same as becoming a magical girl. They sign a contract with a magic gem. When you wear it, this is the contract you signed with me."

Liao Baiyu put the black blindfold on the table and pushed it in front of Xiao Xia opposite.

The female investigator picked up the eyepatch and fiddled with it. After careful inspection, she was sure that it was an ordinary eyepatch.

Xiao Xia couldn't think of any other use for wearing it besides slightly obstructing her vision.

Of course, as a well-informed female investigator, she has not arrested some perverted criminals. Maybe for people with certain fetishes, the eye patch is more like a symbol, and it does have other meanings.

Now that her trump card was exposed, the initiative was in Liao Baiyu's hands. Xiao Xia could only take one step at a time, but she was more decisive. Without Liao Baiyu saying anything else, she simply put on the blindfold. .

What's so scary about a mere blindfold?

This was Xiao Xia's last thought before her consciousness disappeared.

"Want a drink?"

"Yes, Master."

The female investigator took the red wine glass handed by Liao Baiyu. Without any hesitation about the dark red liquid inside, she put the glass to her lips, raised her fair neck, and drank it in one gulp.

A little red wine still remained on her lips, making her already rosy thin lips look even sexier, but Xiao Xia didn't know how to wipe them. After executing the order, she continued to sit across from her quietly and obediently, as alert and cautious as she was at the beginning. The reserved female police officer looks completely different from the other two.

My "magic props" are not only useful for magical girls.

For ordinary people, the ability to control the eye patch has a more powerful control effect. Xu Jiajia resisted a few times at first, but here in Xiao Xia, even a determined female investigator, it is fleeting, and it is no different from being forced to hypnotize. .

Now Xiao Xia can be at her own mercy.

Any instructions given by you will be directly sent to the subconscious level of the female investigator.

So Liao Baiyu took out another test prop.

A gripper.

"What's your maximum grip strength."

"73kg, Master."

Good guy.

Liao Baiyu was a little disbelieving at first, until later, when Xiao Xia clenched her right hand tightly and really grasped the scale needle on the power tool to the 70kg position, Liao Baiyu was extremely impressed.

Team Leader Xiao looks slender, but this strength is really incredible. If he didn't have Chao Zi, he might not be as strong as her.

The test is not just about grip strength.

Liao Baiyu quickly issued new orders.

"Now let me tell you, your maximum grip strength is actually 80kg. As long as you concentrate and use all your strength, you can reach it. Try it now."

"Yes, Master."

Xiao Xia picked up the handgrip again. This time the female police officer continued to use her full strength, and a miraculous scene appeared. She saw that the scale pointer that had just reached 70kg could no longer go up. This time, it was still moving towards a higher number. charge.


It's a pity that 80kg is like a threshold. After arriving here, no matter how much Xiao Xia held her breath and turned red, and used all her strength, the pointer could no longer move at all.

Liao Baiyu asked Xiao Xia to let go and rest for a short while before giving new commands, or in other words, hypnosis from the "subconscious".

"You haven't used your full strength yet. Your real strength is 85kg. Come again."

Human potential is beyond imagination.

But there are "shackles" in the body that restrict these.

What people often say about "exploding power in desperate situations" refers to similar situations.

What Liao Baiyu is doing now is to test whether he can use hypnosis to unlock the shackles more directly and neatly and stimulate greater potential.

However, it is a pity that Xiao Xia failed this time.

It's still around 80kg and I can't move any further.

Reached the limit?


After Liao Baiyu thought for a while, he quickly stood up, came to Xiao Xia's side, poured red wine for the female investigator again, and this time added some powder into it in front of Xiao Xia.

"After drinking this potion prepared by the master, you can borrow part of the master's power. Don't let the master down this time. 85kg is not difficult for you who are now strengthened."

Liao Baiyu said, and showed off his grip strength in front of Xiao Xia. With Chaozi's blessing, the pointer of the gripper reached the limit of 150kg and was still trembling.

She held the strength weapon to Xiao Xia from behind. Under Liao Baiyu's expectant eyes, the female police officer began to gradually exert strength. The pointer moved quickly, and soon she came to the 80kg hurdle. The veins on Xiao Xia's right hand jumped. His whole body seemed to be trembling with force.

Just like this, in Xiao Xia's desperate look, the pointer moved. Although it was very slow, it was still growing little by little.


The moment it reached 85kg, Xiao Xia felt as if her whole body had lost all strength and could no longer support it. She let go immediately. The female search collapsed on the sofa, gasping for breath. Her already messy clothes were now soaked with fragrant sweat. The confused look on her pretty face looked like she had been spoiled.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Go to the bathroom and take a shower. The change of clothes is in the box. And um, I didn't bring my uniform as expected. Forget it, let's wear the new ones here."

Compared to the sound of sizzling water in the bathroom and the graceful figure in the shower, what interests Liao Baiyu more is studying his super son.

This experiment led to two conclusions.

First, he can indeed unlock the potential lock of the object through the control effect and release deeper power.

Second, the closer to the limit of the opponent's potential, the more "specific" hypnosis is needed. For example, he directly told Xiao Xia that you can use 85kg of force, but the result failed, but later he used a little trick and lied. Xiao Xia drank the strength potion, and the female police officer succeeded later.

Of course it wasn't some strength potion, just ordinary red wine.

Further tests may hurt Xiao Xia. After all, if you really pursue the limit, the damage will be permanent. Liao Baiyu is not in a hurry, and he doesn't want to ruin his chess pieces.

that's all.

After Xiao Xia washed away the sweat stains on her body and changed into a new set of clean and fresh clothes, Liao Baiyu hypnotized her from the subconscious, making Xiao Xia forget this memory, ignore the changed clothes, and then Xiao Xia's physical fitness lock was slightly expanded by about 10%.

Afterwards, Liao Baiyu thought for a moment and then gave the female police officer two absolute subconscious instructions.

One, always be loyal to Liao Baiyu.

Second, without violating condition 1, when encountering irresistible danger, choose selfishness as soon as possible to ensure your own safety.

After giving the two orders, Liao Baiyu asked Xiao Xia to take off his blindfold.

The hypnotic effect ends instantly.

Xiao Xia's subjective consciousness has returned, but looking at the confused look on Xiao Xia's face now, it is obvious that the memory is still there, when she was wearing the blindfold just now.

"Then what?"


"Huh? No more?"

Xiao Xia was confused. Didn't she just put on the blindfold and then take it off again? It would be fine in just two or three seconds?

While the female police officer was still puzzled, Liao Baiyu had already stood up.

"The contract has been reached, and now it's time for me to fulfill my agreement and send Team Leader Xiao, the superhero, to punish criminals and eliminate evil. I hope Team Leader Xiao can uncover more information about weirdos."

"Go to Kowloon Street? Now? But I don't drive a police car."

Before Xiao Xia finished speaking, Liao Baiyu shook his head and said: "The police car is too high-profile, please be more low-key."

"Taking a taxi?"

"Jerking off."

Liao Baiyu led the confused female police officer all the way to the top floor of Huiyue Hotel. Here, the rumble of the propeller echoed in his ears, and the air flow caused Xiao Xia's long hair to scatter.

Straight. Helicopter?

Looking at the helicopter parked on the roof of the hotel, Xiao Xia was stunned and didn't react until Liao Baiyu patted her on the shoulder.

After sending Team Leader Xiao onto the plane, Liao Baiyu waved goodbye without following him.

"You, won't you come over?" Xiao Xia asked subconsciously.

"No, no, I'm still a student. I have to focus on my studies. I'll have to participate in club activities later."

Xiao Xia: "."

"Have you taken care of the relationship with the Public Security Department? If the search warrant is not approved, we have no right to search Kowloon Street. It is the property of Blackwater Group and belongs to the company area."

"Oh, don't worry about this. The new boss of Kowloon Street has given you permission."

Xiao Xia: "?"

"Yes, I bought the place."

Xiao Xia: "."

The loud rumbling noise of the helicopter made Xiao Xia doubt her ears for a while. When she wanted to confirm again, the plane had already taken off.

The boy who stayed on the roof of the hotel below watched her leave.

From the shape of her mouth, Xiao Xia seemed to read the few words that Liao Baiyu wanted to express - Welcome to become a lackey of the chaebol.


PS: Chapter 39 was blocked. It took me some time to modify it. The update is slow. Sorry.

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