Start with a rent-collecting magical girl

Chapter 5 Zhu is currently guilty

"Ziran, what do you think of this character? Is it worth raising?"

"It's worth it. It's definitely worth it. She's very cost-effective among the four-stars. It's definitely not a loss if you keep her. She's a useful plug-in for the light element system."

"I have now formed a national team with three attributes. Do you think there is anything else that can be improved?"

"Brother Liao, you have too many main Cs. You need to improve the training of these auxiliaries. The effect is much better than grinding equipment entries."

"It's awesome. After I made some changes, the damage was really improved a lot. I just said, after spending so much money, why is it still so difficult to fight? Thank you Ziran."

"Haha, it's okay, Brother Liao, our People's Party can't afford to play so many roles, so we have to work harder on research."

The two boys were chatting animatedly while holding their mobile phones.

This made Xu Jiajia, who was sitting in the corner, look very lonely.

The girl held her cheek and pretended to look at the scenery outside the window, but her actual ears were perked up and she had been eavesdropping on Liao Baiyu and Chen Ziran.

Xu Jiajia admitted.

When she first saw Liao Baiyu coming over, she was panicked. She thought he was threatening her with renting a house. In her mind, she even said, "You don't want your classmates to find out about your cohabitation, right?" sound.

The result was unexpected.

Liao Baiyu didn't even look at her.

It seemed that he was walking towards her purely for her childhood sweetheart?

Further back, there is the opening scene.

Liao Baiyu and Chen Ziran chatted more and more enthusiastically. They seemed to be very interested in each other. They didn't know each other a few minutes ago, but now they are brothers. This made Xu Jiajia, who had never been interested in games, a little curious.

What is the charm of this game called "Falling Fate" that can make these boys addicted?

However, after Xu Jiajia took the opportunity to peek at the game screen of the two boys, she suddenly no longer had any curiosity.

No other reason.

All the characters in "Falling Fate" are female characters.

And each one has beautiful costumes, magic gems corresponding to different elemental attributes, unique combat skills, and exquisite transformation animations during the card drawing process.

Sounds familiar?

That's right.

Isn't this a magical girl?

Xu Jiajia wanted to punch the table on the spot.

What a broken game company!

In particular, Xu Jiajia saw several characters who were highly similar to the "magical girl" seniors she admired and admired in real life, which made the girl even darker.

Magical girls who bully them cannot be exposed, there is no copyright, right?


If it weren't for the fact that magical girls must uphold justice and do things above board, otherwise Xu Jiajia would really like to fly to the "Falling" game company one day after she transforms, and give the black-hearted boss a good beating to make him realize his mistakes!

Just when Xu Jiajia was still angry.

The topic of conversation between the two boys beside him suddenly changed a bit.

To be precise, after Liao Baiyu started a discussion about "favorite character", she pushed her mobile phone to her childhood sweetheart and showed off a game character she had developed on it.

This character had no characteristics, and was even a three-star character with the lowest level. He was purely a cannon fodder, and Chen Ziran was stunned.

"This character doesn't seem to be very strong, nor is she very popular. Why does Brother Liao like her?"

"You don't understand this, Ziran, eyepatch! This is the only witch with an eyepatch in the game! And have you seen her background introduction? She is burdened with curses and hatred, and has contaminated magic power, so That’s why I kept using the blindfold as a seal.”

"She is usually a caring elder sister, a teacher's mother, kind-hearted, and extremely gentle, but in actual combat, once the seal of the blindfold is released, she immediately turns into a crazy beauty, coquettish and gorgeous! Don't you think so? The contrast is very cool. He’s very handsome!”

You just said "se", right?

Seeing Liao Baiyu talking eloquently, Chen Ziran pretended to laugh twice and shook his head, indicating that he did not understand this.

Well, even if he understood, how could he say it in front of Qingmei.

to be honest.

Now Chen Ziran is very surprised.

He didn't believe it at all. People like Liao Baiyu came here specifically to talk to him about games.

It's definitely mostly for his childhood sweetheart.

Chen Ziran was originally waiting to see when Liao Baiyu could no longer hold it in and used himself to talk to Xu Jiajia.

After waiting for a long time, Liao Baiyu seemed to have no intention at all.

Even like just now.

As long as Xu Jiajia was not deaf, they would definitely be able to hear their chat.

As a result, in front of his childhood friend, he talked about his XP preference for female characters so openly.


Except for pure otakus, anyone with a little bit of brains will know that this will only reduce the girl's favorability, and may leave a very filthy and dirty impression.

So is this Liao Baiyu just showing off, but actually a fool?

Or, is he really just a serious gamer--then isn't he more useless than a fool?

Chen Ziran suddenly felt that his previous precautions were a bit redundant.

As expected.

"Ziran, put your phone away, class is about to start." Chen Ziran heard the unhappy voice coming from Qingmei and even glared at him.

Chen Ziran scratched his head nonchalantly, and quickly put it away. By the way, he also took the initiative to introduce the girl to Liao Baiyu, and his tone was quite calm.

"Brother Liao, she is Xu Jiajia. We have been neighbors since childhood, so we can be considered to have grown up together."

After hearing this, Liao Baiyu was surprised and said: "Really or not, you are so lucky. You can still be grouped together in the new semester. I'm envious! I also want to have such a beautiful childhood sweetheart!"


Chen Ziran didn't expect Liao Baiyu to be so direct and sincere. He was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to reply. Fortunately, Liao Baiyu quickly picked up after him.

"Haha, just kidding. My name is Liao Baiyu. Nice to meet you, classmate Xu Jiajia."


The girl at the window greeted Liao Baiyu with a simple nod and seemed to have a cold attitude because of Liao Baiyu's unrestrained speech in front of her.

Chen Ziran under this scene looked fine on the surface, but he was smiling deep down.

He knew the character of his childhood sweetheart. Although he didn't like to make friends, he still had the most basic courtesy. If he were a normal male classmate, he would never be able to get to know her with just "hmm".

It can be seen that just a few moments can turn Xu Jiajia into a negative favorable opinion.

This Liao Baiyu has to be said to be a talent.

It seemed like he was really worrying too much.

At this time, the unique sound of leather shoes sounded outside the corridor. Although everyone was a freshman, they were all experienced in this. The originally lively classroom quickly became quiet, and everyone quickly returned to their seats. Sit tight.

When the head teacher came in, he was a male teacher in his forties or fifties, with a surname of Jiang and a Chinese face. Although he looked very serious, his actual style was a bit like a hands-off shopkeeper.

He briefly went on stage and spoke a few words, and asked the students to take turns to introduce themselves. After they at least knew each other's names, they didn't even arrange seats. It seemed that they were asked to sit as they were, and they didn't care much and left directly. .

The next first period was a foreign language class. Although the teacher was still giving lectures, Xu Jiajia's mind was still wandering on what had just happened.

It turns out that eyepatch is really the symbol of the character in the game.

He didn't lie to me


Although I understood that the blindfold was probably not Liao Baiyu's intention to tease her.

But Xu Jiajia was still embarrassed when she thought of her previous tricks in renting a house and how Liao Baiyu talked to Chen Ziran about the blindfold XP without any scruples in front of her.

on purpose!

It's definitely intentional!

The guy just wanted to tease himself.

Her childhood sweetheart didn't know the inside story, so she couldn't hear it, but how could she not understand? Xu Jiajia immediately burst into tears in her heart. If this is not a bad joke, then what is!


We have to find a way quickly!

Although she is absolutely innocent, and although everything is done for the responsibilities on her shoulders, there is still a vague sense of betrayal rising in her heart. What is going on!

Driven by such emotions, Xu Jiajia felt that she had to do something and resist!


Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

When signing the contract, Liao Baiyu specifically added the item "wearing a blindfold" as a note.

As we all know, the number one taboo of magical girls is breaking the contract.

Therefore, before Xu Jiajia could figure out a countermeasure, their first day as freshmen had already come to an end.

What followed closely was another new huge crisis.

"Let's go home together!"

Liao Baiyu, who packed his schoolbag, waved in the direction of the girl.

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