Start with a rent-collecting magical girl

Chapter 65 The conditions are met and the props are advanced!

[Hidden conditions have been met]

[The status of your prop "Domination Eyepatch" has been changed: refreshed this month → permanently owned]

[Negative emotion acquisition efficiency: 30 points/minute (Magic Girl) → 75 points/minute (Xu Jiajia)]

[Added three "exclusive" effects:

——Significantly reduces the "dominance" effect, but increases the wearer's efficiency in obtaining "negative anima", and the conversion rate of "anima" into magic power is greatly increased. The current multiplier is: x5.20]

(Note 1: Only passive, cannot be superimposed with other props)

(Note 2: Exclusive to Xu Jiajia)

It was after the girl took the initiative to reveal this "huge secret".

In front of Liao Baiyu's eyes, a prompt for upgrading the "Domination Eyepatch" flashed immediately.

The rows of prompts and new effects surprised Liao Baiyu.

What surprised him the most was that the props that would have been refreshed next month were now permanently owned.

He had been thinking about this way to become "permanent" before.

Many attempts were made, but unfortunately to no avail.

He guessed that the most likely thing was that he used a huge amount of negative energy to buy back the props.

Didn't expect

It doesn’t need to be that troublesome at all?

The so-called "hidden conditions" refer to self-exposure?

Just let the magical girls who use the item reveal themselves to you using their identities as ordinary people in reality?

So simple! ?


It doesn't seem that simple.

Even a novice like Xu Jiajia, who only had "ten pages" of combat power in the Minotaur comics, had to rely on unexpected events and layers of inducement to finally win.

And behind.

Following Xu Jiajia's next explanation.

Liao Baiyu understood better. It turned out that in the world of magical girls, this "self-exposure" was much more than that, and had another deep and special meaning.

From the perspective of the girl opposite.

After exposing himself, Liao Baiyu was extremely surprised.

He seemed to be frozen in place.

This is normal.

This is also the scene Xu Jiajia imagined a boy would appear in.

After all, she is the most mysterious magical girl.

It's normal to have a hard time accepting it.

In order to relieve Liao Baiyu's nervousness, Xu Jiajia said soothingly: "Do you still remember the magical girl who appeared at the end in the Han Xiaoyue case to help you defeat the nightmare beast giant?"

"Ah!? Jiajia, do you mean to say?"

"Yes, that's me."

"No, no, no, no, Sister Jiajia, are you kidding me? This is not funny, a magical girl or something, how, how could it be possible?"

Liao Baiyu learned acting skills in Hawaii.

The disbelief is vividly played out.

Later, Xu Jiajia chose the simplest and most straightforward method. The girl pointed her finger, and ripples immediately appeared on the originally calm lake under the night. From the water ripples, the words "Liao Baiyu" magically emerged. words.

[My elemental attribute is water, now you believe it]

The girl's voice followed.

But when Liao Baiyu saw Xu Jiajia opposite, he didn't speak, and his lips didn't even move.

This time he was really surprised.

Xu Jiajia smiled, and then spoke from her heart again:

[From the moment I take the initiative to tell you the identity of the magical girl, you are my collaborator. The contract is established. Within a certain distance, I can communicate with you telepathically like this. When you are in danger, I can also communicate with you for the first time. I felt it for a while]

[Of course, spiritual communication like this consumes a lot of money. With my current leaf-green level, I can’t sustain it for too long, so I’ll use it at critical moments.]



Do magical girls still have this kind of setting?

Why do you feel like you still inexplicable sense of sight?

Liao Baiyu was thoughtful, and then immediately changed into the one. After being exposed to extraordinary power for the first time, he asked in a very excited tone: "Jiajia, you, you are serious!"

"Cooperator. That's it!"

"I knew that magical girls must be organized! So what did I join? A magical girl support club like TeLiLi-chan!"

Liao Baiyu appeared to accept it very quickly. After all, his personality is that he has always been interested in magical girls.

Later, he asked with a longing look:

"Jiajia, please tell me what your magical girl codename is. We are a support club for what-chan!"

And as expected.

What he got was the girl rolling her eyes and stamping her feet in anger.

"There is no support group!!"

"Don't confuse the criminals who use our magical girl guise to defraud with us!"

Afterwards, Xu Jiajia straightened her expression.

The girl said to Liao Baiyu in a very serious manner:

"Establishing a collaborator relationship is extremely risky for us magical girls, because this is a one-way contract for us, so the contract does not have any restrictions on the collaborator. On the contrary, when the collaborator betrays us one day, our magic power will also There was a huge backlash.”

"Betrayal? Backlash?" Liao Baiyu grasped the key point.

"Yes, you can understand that this is a way to terminate the contract. For example, when you deliberately reveal my identity as a magical girl, your contract with me will be automatically terminated, and I will be punished for it."

"Wait a minute, why are you being punished? It should be the betrayer who should be punished, right?"

"No, no matter how ordinary people are, we were the ones who chose to expose themselves and pull them into the extraordinary realm. Therefore, we will bear all the consequences caused by the collaborators."

"Furthermore, compared to the backlash caused by a collaborator's betrayal, if our magical girls betrayed a collaborator, the backlash we would suffer would be several times more severe."

"So the Gem Code written by our seniors strongly rejects this approach. Even if it is really established, every magical girl should have one and only one collaborator."

Liao Baiyu nodded.

He believed in the authenticity of Xu Jiajia's words.

That's why I feel very emotional.

Magical girl is really a very glorious profession.

as well as

He really didn't expect that Xu Jiajia would directly hand over the big move with his tentative A.

"So I'm your first priority?"

"Yes." The girl nodded and followed closely, "I'm sorry, I'm too selfish. I want to use you to investigate the weird organization."

"What are you talking about? Jiajia, you are worried that I will take risks alone, so that's why you are like this, right?"


Seeing that the girl was still being harsh, Liao Baiyu stretched out his hand and stopped the girl.

After that, he took the initiative to hold Xu Jiajia's hand, looked into the girl's eyes, and said every word:

"Jiajia, to be honest, I never thought that someone like me could have such a place in your heart."

"Since you have chosen me, I won't say anything about my oath. It's too cliche. I hope to use my subsequent actions to prove that we can make progress and rely on each other, crush the darkness together, and uphold light and justice!"

"Well, thank you, Bai Yu."


Xu Jiajia hesitated to speak, but still said with some helplessness: "Although we are magical girls, we are not as naive and idealistic as in the cartoons. If it is too much, there is no need."

"Eh? But I see that every time TeLiLi-chan transforms, she shouts slogans like breaking the dawn, crushing the darkness, love and peace. I thought you magical girls like this."

"I've said it all! Don't be misled by these criminals!"

"But TeLiLi-chan is indeed just like a magical girl. She is an underground idol who brings warmth and hope to everyone. She is not a criminal."

Liao Baiyu murmured in a low voice. After all, TeLiLijiang's white meat legs in the video are really healing.


After using this little episode to lighten the atmosphere and make the topic more relaxed, Liao Baiyu felt that with the addition of the identity of "cooperator", there seemed to be another point that could be used.

"By the way Jiajia, in addition to being able to receive your telepathy within the range, can the collaborators also be given any special abilities, such as being able to use magic like you?"

"No." Xu Jiajia was very sure.

At least in the Gem Code, this was never written, and the collaborators were just ordinary people.


Next, it was Xu Jiajia's turn to be surprised.

"Ke Jiajia, I seem to have an extra special ability."


"Yes, I seem to be able to summon a kind of ritual prop to assist you."

"Auxiliary? Ceremony props!?"

Under Xu Jiajia's puzzled gaze, Liao Baiyu flipped his wrist, and the black ribbon control eyepatch came out. With another thought, in front of the girl, the eyepatch disappeared out of thin air and was taken back into space.

This is obviously not magic.

It really seems like some kind of magical prop.

Anyway, it just stunned the girl.

Xu Jiajia hurriedly asked for the eyepatch to check, but she couldn't see anything, and she couldn't feel the magic flow. Even the appearance was the same as the ordinary eyepatch she used in COS before.



Even if it really has any prop abilities.


"Why is it an eyepatch!?"

"I don't know, Jiajia, maybe it's because, I, I like the way Sister Jiajia looks when she wears a blindfold, so I inspired this ability from my mind?"

Liao Baiyu made nonsense, but it was all made up anyway.

Xu Jiajia's face turned red after hearing this.

But think about it, if I really want to say that what left the deepest impression on Liao Baiyu was probably her appearance in COS.

Could it be that an accident happened when we were making a contract together?

He and Liao Baiyu became special cases that were not even recorded among the predecessors of Magic Gem?

The facts are all in front of you, no matter how much you struggle, it's useless.

It's better to ask more questions quickly.

For example, what is the "auxiliary" function of this eye mask?

"Jiajia, it feels like it can help you increase your magic power."

Upon hearing Liao Baiyu's words, the girl's eyes instantly lit up.

I just took it without saying a word.

Their identity has been revealed, a relationship of collaborator has been established, and there is still talk of whether to trust or not.

not to mention.

It's not the first time anyway.

Even Xu Jiajia's technique is quite skillful.

After putting on the eye mask.

Xu Jiajia could feel that this was indeed a special prop, because her vision was through the black ribbon, but she did not feel blocked. Instead, she felt that she could concentrate more.

But after that, the girl was most concerned about the auxiliary effect that could "increase magic power" as Liao Baiyu said, but she didn't seem to see it?

To this.

Liao Baiyu scratched his head honestly.

He made a harmless expression and patiently explained:

"It seems to require you to have emotional fluctuations, Jiajia."

"Mood swings?"

"Yes, Jiajia, didn't you also say that the magic of a magical girl comes from the heart and spirit. The stronger the mental power, the more powerful the magic."

"Then what should I do?"

"For example, Sister Jiajia, if you try to call me "Sir Baiyu", it seems that it will be fine."


Just when Xu Jiajia didn't hold back, feeling ashamed, angry and annoyed, the girl suddenly felt that a large amount of magic power seemed to be born out of thin air from deep within her body.


Come on, seriously?

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