Fortunately, the nightmare memories have not unfolded yet.

In the bathroom, Lin Mengqi's cell phone placed next to her rang a "ding-dong" sound.

That's the download completion sound.

One type.

The game that Lin Mengqi had uninstalled for many years.

She has not forgotten the important information Xu Jiajia told her after today's battle with the newcomers.

This month's nightmare beast disaster is very likely to happen to Crescent Private Private School.

Lin Mengqi must tell this information to other magical girls so that they can prepare in advance.

So, no longer being delayed by memory, she took a quick shower, took her phone to the bedroom, entered her account and password, and the familiar startup page flashed on the screen.

"Falling Source"

A game with the theme of saving the world. The protagonist loses all his memory. On the way to find his sister, he meets the witch by chance and discovers that he has the outstanding ability to command and train these dangerous guys.

Since then, the protagonist has been an ordinary person, working with his witch operators to fight against invading monsters and evil cadres to maintain love and justice in the world.

[Dear "Lei Yi" Si Chen, it's great to see you again after 1082 days. We have prepared a comeback gift package for Si Chen. Come and get it! 】

The protagonist in the game has multiple identities that can be flexibly switched.

It can be the Captain of the Witch, Dr. Babel, Director of the Foundation, Director of the Administration, etc.

Here Lin Mengqi chose the foundation.

Her account was at full level Lv60. No, Lin Mengqi saw that the "Max" that should have been next to the level in her original memory disappeared. Instead, there was xxx experience left before the next level.

She was stunned at first, but soon felt relieved.


Three years.

When she comes into contact with the extraordinary world again, everything familiar becomes strange.

That's exactly how it should be.

Things are different and people are different.

Everyone should be making progress too.

Not only did the full level increase from level 60 to level 93, Lin Mengqi opened her character box again. Sure enough, from the original full illustrated book to the present, there were more than a dozen black shadows of witch operators showing that they were not contracted. .

She counted them carefully.

In three years, 21 new characters have been added.

Lin Mengqi felt sincerely relieved, and the guilt she once felt seemed to have diminished a little.

After that, she skillfully opened the friend list and was about to contact her, but she saw that the friends in the list were empty.

Only then did Lin Mengqi realize that she had deleted everyone.

After the "Hawaii" incident three years ago, the magical girl Raiyi retired and no longer had any contact with the supernatural world.

And three years later.

Today, she still firmly believes in this idea.

She, Lin Mengqi, will never be a magical girl again.

It doesn't matter if you delete your friends.

With her super photographic memory, Lin Mengqi easily entered a long string of UIDs in "Search for Friends".

After clicking to send the friend request, Lin Mengqi just put her phone next to her. She thought she would have to wait for a while, but unexpectedly, within three or four seconds, another "ding-dong" sound came soon.

[You and Captain "True Red" have become friends, come and chat together~]

[New message prompt:]

[Zhen Hong: Lei Yi, is that you? 】

[Zhenhong: Are you back? 】

[Zhen Hong: Where are you now? I’ll find you! ! ! 】

[Lei Yi: No need, let’s use the old method]

【really red:】

[True Red: Good]

A magical girl who has been promoted to the "Purple Cloud" level has very powerful anima and is more flexible in the use of magic power.

Find the "Mystery" system in the game.

This is a card mini-game included with "Falling Source".

There are mysterious cards inside that look like tarot cards.

Lin Mengqi found the mysterious card number 21. The card showed a courtyard in the afternoon, with black tea, pastries, kittens, and women gathered together.

Mysterious Card No. 21 - The Witches' Tea Party.

After clicking on the card and enlarging it to the entire phone screen, Lin Mengqi summoned her magic gem, activated the magic power, and used the tip of the gem to tap lightly on the card.


In an instant, the "medium" between the two parties has been successfully established.

The spiritual consciousness of the two people was transferred to another temporary fictional space.

Lin Mengqi appeared as a phantom with purple twintails, which was exactly what she looked like after her transformation.

And on the opposite side.

A girl with fiery red hair tied in a single ponytail was looking at him.

After seeing Lin Mengqi's shadow finally solidified, she was excited and nervous, and walked over quickly.

The red-haired girl moved her lips several times, as if she had too much to say, but after seeing Lin Mengqi's cold face, she finally stopped everything and could only say quietly with longing:

"Senior Lei Yi, long time no see."

Lin Mengqi nodded.

I didn’t say much, just got straight to the point.

"I met a magical girl with the ability of "divination". "

"Water system?"


"It must be that the retired Lei Yi senior has been contacted by divination, right?" Zhenhong reacted quickly, with a straight face and a serious expression.

"This month's dimensional rift is likely to come to Crescent Private School."

"School? How could it be possible! But there has never been such a precedent. Is the news accurate?"

Upon hearing the news, Zhenhong looked very surprised. In fact, Lin Mengqi felt the same way in her heart.

They often deal with nightmare beasts, and they have also summarized some general rules about dimensional rifts, one of which includes emotions.

A place full of positive energy like school should not create dimensional rifts.

Of course, there is no absolute rule for nightmare beast disasters.

What's more, in places full of positive emotions, tragic disasters still occur. Here is the most vivid example.

That small island full of laughter, beautiful and dreamy.

"I understand, Senior Lei Yi."

"I will transfer Sancai and the others back from other districts to strengthen the defensive strength of District 13 and Crescent Private School."

After nodding, Zhen Hong hesitated to speak.

Finally, I couldn't help but ask:

"Senior Lei Yi. Will you participate in this operation?"

Immediately afterwards, he would eagerly add another sentence, very hopeful: "Senior Lei Yi, everyone misses you very much. If you have the power of senior, you can fight with senior, no matter what kind of nightmare beast disaster..."

"Feel sorry."

With only these two words left, Lin Mengqi turned around and left after explaining the information.

Zhen Hong came back to her senses, shouted anxiously, "Wait a minute," and even wanted to reach out and hug the girl. Unfortunately, the shadow had disappeared. The purple twin tails that she once regarded as an idol and admired were like bubbles again, and they were helpless. Without a trace.

And it was probably two or three seconds after Lin Mengqi left.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Three more phantoms appeared in this mental space.

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