"Bai Yu! Do we, do we want to take action!"

"Not in a hurry."

Liao Baiyu stopped the girl, he didn't have the justice heart like Xu Jiajia.

First, the situation has not reached a critical stage yet.

Secondly, this is the first time he has seen that magical girls other than Xu Jiajia are organized. Liao Baiyu thinks they are not that easy to take the bait, right?


After the earth magic girl reaches the second level, she is like a wolf among sheep. In addition, the feeling of being suppressed on the first level is finally released.

He began to use magic power arbitrarily in retaliation, constructing large rocks, and smashed them towards the workshops on the production lines, destroying the machinery and equipment.

Behind him, he took the lead and flew towards the central control area without waiting for his fellow grass-type girl to investigate and explore.

"Wait! Don't go, Tata! I always feel a little strange."

By the time the grass-type girl realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

The configuration in the control room was exactly the same as what Liao Baiyu and the others encountered last night, with one cadre and a supervisor.

Through the glass wall of the high platform of the control room, they saw the earth-type girl below, and when they came angrily to kill her, the cadres in high-end uniforms showed a proud expression.

Behind him, he gave a gesture to the supervisor, who had been waiting beside the machine for a long time, and started it immediately.


One, no, three huge ripples radiated out from three different directions, directly locking the earth girl inside.

Such a turn of events even shocked Xu Jiajia.

There are actually more than one magic suppressing machine in this base, and they are more defensive than the one she encountered last night. A total of three machines were moved here! ?


The pressing force of three devices

Xu Jiajia and Liao Baiyu had already moved to a safe place, so they were not within the range, but the two magical girls in the center of the workshop were different.

Among them, the earth type magical girls are the worst.

She was directly in the center of three magic suppressing ripples, and withstood three times the suppressing force. The girl who was able to fly in the air just now was actually unable to fly, and fell from the air all of a sudden!

After she fell, the magic dress on her body dimmed horribly.

She had already consumed a lot of magic power in front of her, and was suppressed like this again. The earth girl tried several times, but she couldn't even summon the previous weapon, the rock hammer!

Without giving the earth girl any time to breathe, several soldiers came out immediately.

They held special firearms and aimed at the earth-type girl in the center. After a few bang-bang shots, the bullets exploded in mid-air and turned into ropes like a net, and they were about to cover the girl whose magic power was greatly reduced.

The overwhelming ropes blocked all the ways for the earth girl to retreat. Normally, she could easily solve it by simply summoning some rock formations, but now that she was extremely suppressed, she was powerless.

Just as she was about to be arrested, the call from her companions made the nervous and panicked earth girl regain consciousness.

"Tata! Throw out all those seeds!"

Being reminded like this, Tata hurriedly dug into his dress pocket, and then threw the contents of his pocket into the air.

Afterwards, a magical scene happened.

Liao Baiyu saw that these tiny seeds thrown by Tata shone with emerald green light. In the blink of an eye, they grew crazily and turned into vines as thick as an arm. They were trying to help Tata and bear the burden of blocking. All the fishing net ropes were removed.

Is there still such a way to use magic power?

Before fighting, store the media corresponding to the element attributes first, so that in an emergency, you can throw it out immediately. Can you instantly activate the corresponding ability?

Liao Baiyu, who was watching the battle, did learn a lesson.

However, a strange move is a strange move.

The danger of the battle has not yet reversed, although the grass-type girl named "Lin-chan" is not as reckless as Tata, and is not within the range of the magic suppressor. In the previous battle, she also paid attention to conserving magic power.

But the problem now is.

How to save people?

If she wants to save her companions, she must also enter this "magic suppression array".

This definitely won't work.

It was like giving it to herself for free.

What about using long-range attacks to first destroy the three magic suppressors that are continuously releasing ripple radiation and maintaining the "grand array"?

Can't do it either.

Her grass type is not very outstanding in terms of destructive power, and the evil organization is also very clear. They know that these three instruments are their top priority, so they protect them at all levels, and even have a special fourth instrument, that is It can release some kind of three-dimensional barrier that specifically blocks magic attacks. As soon as her blades of grass and flying knives are shot over, the magic power is stripped away and the leaves turn into ordinary leaves.

Of course, there is a second way for grass-type girls.

Just turn around and leave your companions behind and retreat first.

After all, although the magic suppressor is powerful, its obvious shortcoming is that it is difficult to carry. Grass-type girls who have not been hit can easily run away.

But obviously

"Lin-chan, leave me alone and leave quickly."

"Shut up Tata!"

The most important thing between magical girls is the bond.

Friendship is sacred and cannot be profaned!

How could she, Lin Yi, abandon her companions fighting alongside her and run away alone?

Now Lin Yi just regrets it.

I originally thought that it would be more than enough for the two of them to go up the blue stone steps to destroy a small factory, so I didn't call another companion.

They were originally a team of three.

Now if as the captain, the ice element "Xi" was also present, how could he be in such a situation.

What is even more puzzling to Lin Yi is.


Why is the defense here so strong! ?

They have also fought against the nightmare organization in other areas before.

But I haven't seen it at all. There is also a magic suppressor, which is almost a device that is exclusive to them.

To this.

The cadres of the evil organization opposite seemed to have given her the answer.

"Huh, it took a long time to arrange it, but why are you two little fish here?"

"What do you mean!"

"Meaning? Of course I mean it. It's just a little return gift for you. You guys are really arrogant. They destroyed two of our factories one after another, and you still attack with such arrogance? Stupid! It's a waste of magic power on you!"

Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, the organization cadres sneered at Lin Yi below, as if they were venting the grievances they had accumulated for a long time.

Kelinyi couldn't understand it even more.

They were just transferred to District 13 by Sister Zhenhong. Where did they come from that destroyed two buildings in succession?

This is their first activity in District 13.

Before Lin Yi could get any more weird, she had no time to think because she found that she had been tricked again.

It turned out that the evil organization was just stalling for time by talking to her. Taking advantage of her distraction, it quietly sent its men to move over a fourth magic suppression device and aimed it at her area.


When Lin Yi came back to her senses, the radiation ripples had enveloped her. Lin Yi felt that the magic power in her body had been reduced by more than half in an instant, and the speed of the magic circuit had also suddenly slowed down a lot.

See it.

The cadres in the control room at the high platform finally stopped holding back and laughed loudly.

Magical girl?

That's it?

Under the new technology of their organization, it was nothing more than that.

He was so excited that he was about to give the order to continue capturing, but he never expected that suddenly, from behind, a third ray of light from the magic girl's dress shone.

What! ?

Another magical girl here?

All the members of the Nightmare Organization were startled and horrified. On the contrary, the faces of the two magical girls, Tata and Linyi, who were suppressed and trapped by the instrument, who were desperate and angry just now, suddenly changed. .

Could it be Xi!

The captain is here!

Very good!

Unfortunately, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

When this magical girl, who was shining with blue light and obviously had water attributes, came to support the battlefield, the attitudes of both parties changed.

The members of the Nightmare Organization who were originally panicked were all stunned, and then showed "Huh?" expressions.

As for Tata and Lin Yi, the expressions of ecstasy on their faces immediately froze.

The water magical girl is obviously not the captain they expected.

It doesn’t matter if it’s not.

Magical Girls is a big family, and everyone is one.

It is not uncommon for other unknown wild magical girls to join the battle and draw swords to help.

But the problem is

Why does this third-party magical girl seem to be wearing a lot of weird things besides her costume?

Let’s not mention the issue of clothing for now.

After the transformation, the leaf-green gem on Xu Jiajia's chest showed everyone her rank.

Leaves. Leaves green! ?

The great hope that had just arisen for the two blue stone magical girls who were trapped in the "grand formation" seemed to be extinguished by cold water.


Isn’t this a complete newcomer? !

This is not over yet.

What made them even more confused was that the newcomer didn't seem to observe the situation at all, and actually flew directly towards where they were!

"Don't, don't come over!!!"

This time, Lin Yi was so anxious that she shouted, and the earth-type Tata waved her hands desperately, signaling to Xu Jiajia that this place was dangerous and suppressed by magic power.

The organization cadres were delighted when they saw it. They originally thought it was a major change, but now it seems that it is another unexpected little fish?

But how to say it.

Reversals always come one after the other.

After Xu Jiajia rushed into the magic suppression array, it was the cadre's turn that the smile on his face froze.

He stared wide-eyed at the newcomer, the green magical girl, who was flying in mid-air and whose face was obscured by a strange eyepatch.

Why can this guy still fly? ?

Is the magic suppressing no longer effective?

its not right!

Looking at the two blue stone magical girls below, they still can't move, which proves that the pressure is still working.

But why.

Before he had time to figure out why Xu Jiajia could still use magic power in the "big formation", the cadre quickly ordered his subordinates to activate the magic defense device at maximum power.

In his opinion, even if Xu Jiajia was special and could not be affected, in the final analysis, if he wanted to break the situation and save people, he still had to destroy the device.

And the attack of a leaf-green magic girl should still be possible with the magic isolation shield developed by the organization! ?

Just when the members of the organization were waiting for Xu Jiajia to launch a magic attack and rely on the machine to maximize the magic resistance, how could they have expected...

I saw that the strange little bag that had been carrying the girl from behind suddenly turned the gears and mechanically reorganized like in a high-tech movie. In two or three clicks, it turned into two mini cannons suspended on the shoulders behind the girl. .

In Xu Jiajia's field of vision, in the high-tech eye mask modified by Liao Baiyu, various messages kept flashing.

[White Feather Armor - Tactical Backpack Type C - User Identity Verification Passed - ID, No1. Jiafei Cat]

[Current weapon selection: Heavy Kitten-36D]

[Category: Micro Missile]

[Additional abilities: ultra-high explosion, precise guidance, blazing high temperature]

[The artillery charge is 56%, 87% and 100%! 】

[After charging is completed, it will automatically lock onto the enemy.]

【321Fire! 】

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