Start with a rent-collecting magical girl

Chapter 84 Hypnosis Gem, Nightmare Dragon Crown

Every change in the battle situation is transmitted to Liao Baiyu in the rear through the equipment on Xu Jiajia.

Watching the situation turn rapidly on the screen, especially when Xu Jiajia was being double-teamed by two blue stone magic girls, the first thing she couldn't help but

"Lulu. Lulu!"

I saw that a portable computer in front of Liao Baiyu was quickly mechanically reorganized, and four mini mechanical legs grew from the bottom of the base, turning into a little guy like an electronic spider.

Because the little guy has no hands, he can only express his anxiety at the moment by crawling quickly around Liao Baiyu and spinning around.


Mechanical equipment is also an object without "autonomous consciousness" and can be transformed into "Papalu" by Liao Baiyu's ability.

If it's just a low-star Papalu, it won't be able to consume much negative energy.

Of course, their strength is also pitifully weak.

But then Liao Baiyu suddenly thought, why did he have to fight with Papalu? Why can't they be allowed to engage in production and assist in the rear?

Thus, a series of "mechanical creations" such as Papalu were born.

Liao Baiyu only needs to spend cheap negative energy, not much more, just one or two stars, to create a creature with independent consciousness that can self-assemble and transform. The skills it comes with are equivalent to helping Liao Baiyu skip the technology tree directly.

For example, Xu Jiajia's "Jiafei Cat" individual tactical backpack and the mechanical Papalu tried by Liao Baiyu have indeed demonstrated powerful tactical assistance capabilities such as floating guns and laser rays.

But what Liao Baiyu didn't expect was that


It's his fault.

He should have thought of it earlier and shouldn't take any chances.

All Papalu are born from negative energy.

The fastest way to absorb negative energy is through reagents and crystals extracted from nightmare beasts and materials contaminated by subspace.

Therefore, in the eyes of magical girls, Papalu is indeed no different from a nightmare beast from the source.

"rest assured."

"I'm here."

Liao Baiyu calmed the nervous little electronic spider, and then he immediately took action.

On the other side of the battlefield, Xu Jiajia, who was surrounded by two blue stone steps, was already in a hard fight.

Even with the assistance of the "Jiafei Cat", the technological power, such as artillery, could at best provide cover for Xu Jiajia and slow down the opponent's attack.

Magical girls are the same as nightmare beasts.

In the state of transformation, these characters from the extraordinary world are almost unable to do anything to them with the existing technological power.

In the face of magic, firepower seems to be a very low-level and inferior power, completely untouchable.

There is only one way for mortals to fight against the extraordinary, and this way, the nightmare organization has clearly told Liao Baiyu - subspace technology.

Xu Jiajia has also used magic power, summoned the water element sword, and started to fight with the two magic girls with magic power.

Liao Baiyu took this opportunity and quickly came to the magic suppression device closest to him, which was previously destroyed by Xu Jiajia.

All that was left of the machine was the wreckage, which was completely inoperable.

But what Liao Baiyu wanted was not the machine itself.

He skillfully opened the black box at the core of the machine, and lying quietly inside was the nightmare crystal, which is the energy source of the machine and the source of its magical magic suppression ability.

A crystal that is several times purer than the Nightmare Potion and contains tens of thousands of negative energy.

But this time, Liao Baiyu did not choose to absorb it after taking out the crystal.

The tens of thousands of negative energy applied to oneself are just a few attribute points. Perhaps in the later stage, it will be terrifying under the accumulation of infinite growth, but the current crisis situation cannot be solved by improving attributes.

What Liao Baiyu really wants to do is to use the "Nightmare Crystal" as the object to activate his domination hypnosis.

The content of hypnosis is very simple.

He had actually wanted to try this for a long time.

Placing his palm on the surface of the crystal, Liao Baiyu could feel the activity and excitement inside it towards him. He restrained the negative energy in the crystal and the desire to be absorbed, and instead turned it into instructions.

"From now on, you are a nightmare gem."

Under hypnosis, the Nightmare Crystal began to "buzz" restlessly, and a progress bar appeared above the crystal.

Liao Baiyu immediately reversed the situation and injected negative energy into the crystal. When a thousand points were invested and the progress bar was filled, the sharp transformation process in the body of the nightmare crystal began.

The original crystal was the size of a lead ball, but now it seems to be being continuously compressed and purified twice.

The size of the crystal began to get smaller and smaller, and the concentration of the nightmare factor inside it soared sharply, becoming purer.

After waiting for two or three breaths, the refined crystal stone finally turned into a black gem lying quietly in Liao Baiyu's palm.

It seems different from other series of Papalu creations.

The gem didn't look like "life", nor did it say it had long legs or feet. It kept calling Liao Baiyu "Papa".

It seemed like it was still a dead thing.

However, is this really the case?

A panel about this "nightmare gem" appeared in front of Liao Baiyu's eyes.

【Nightmare Gem】


[Mutant: Yes]

[Attribute: Dark]

[Skill: Transformation Level 1 - The owner can remove the seal and transform into a Papalu with the power of a "dog" level nightmare beast. It can also be turned into a nightmare gift, attached to the owner's body, and fight alongside the owner]

[Mutation ability: Magic Suppression Lv1 - comes from the additional skills contained in the "Nightmare Beast Factor". Under transformation/ceremony, after the skill is activated, the magic power can be "weakly" suppressed]

[Left to disappear: 14:59]

[Energy required for the next level: 0/500]

Extraordinary world problems.

It has to be solved with extraordinary strength.

Liao Baiyu had noticed long ago that his efficiency in using negative energy was actually surprisingly poor, especially since it only took 10,000 points to exchange for one attribute, which would be enough for the evil organization to produce ten Nightmare Transformers.

Perhaps the growth-oriented permanent improvement category is like this.

However, with hypnotic control, it is equivalent to giving yourself a method that can directly transform negative energy into immediate combat power with the greatest efficiency.

After Liao Baiyu scanned the panel of the nightmare gem, he was very satisfied with his expectations, so he no longer hesitated and immediately injected negative energy into it crazily, filling it up directly.

Now he has hundreds of thousands of negative energy stored.

Under such stimulation, the Nightmare Gem began to super-evolve on a rocket ride.

[Nightmare Gem] → [Nightmare Gem] → [Nightmare Gem] → [Leader Gem] → [Fire Nightmare Gem] → [Nightmare Dragon Crown]

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