The fish was eaten, and the fish was eaten.

Damn, what these people are robbing, how can it be breakfast? It's clearly some kind of black technology!

Now everyone can't care about fishing anymore, and they all rush to the casting rod workshop!

Fortunately, today, 5,000 copies of Dali Spinach and Shenbao Drink are on the shelves!

Almost everyone can experience it!

In a blink of an eye!

There is no thin man in the giant fishing field anymore, all of them have become muscular men!

Including Ouyang Nana and other women, that feeling, wow, it's like Nezha in 100,000 Whys!

Angelic appearance, devilish figure!

But it is obvious that the swelling sense of power completely makes them ignore everything!

Especially Ouyang Nana, Xiao Xiami and other fishing masters, they were so excited that they could hardly control themselves!

Fortunately, the body structure of women is different from that of men. The muscle tissue is tighter and not particularly swollen. Otherwise, if the clothes burst like those men, it would be embarrassing!

Well, a group of perverts have been watching for a long time, but unfortunately they are destined to be disappointed! (There are great gods watching, and they are exposed? Impossible!)

Damn, let alone only three hours, even if they can't recover in this life, as long as they can do something big, they are willing!

Especially Ouyang Nana, she felt that she was threatened by Luo Doudou, and she could fight her head-on!

The effects of these two foods are the same for both men and women, young and old!

Those young people aged 17 or 18 have all turned into muscle monsters at this moment, and they are all very strong!

"Fuck, this is so exciting, so awesome!"

"This is just like the rhythm of Transformers!"

"Hey, let's take a picture to linger on, and see if my girlfriend dares to say I'm skinny!!!"


After eating canned food, those old men in their sixties and seventies straightened their originally hunched backs, and their shriveled bodies swelled up rapidly!

Although their hair is still gray and their faces are still covered with wrinkles!

But at this moment, no one will doubt their fighting power!

The whole fishing ground is filled with the sound of casting rods, pulling lines, and the excited howling of everyone!

Yes, there are also snaps! snaps! snaps! bangs!

The sound of broken rods and broken lines!

"Fuck! What a piece of shit, it broke in one go!"

"Damn, this rod worth thousands of dollars feels like it's made of paper!"

"Fuck, what a piece of shit, it's nothing, it can catch a big fish!"

"Damn, I'm so good at this, this dogecoin thing is useless!"


That's right, they were all busy selling special foods, no one noticed the fishing rods and fishing gear!

As a result, when I looked at it in a blink of an eye, damn, the fishing rods used by those guys were extremely exquisite, reflecting a metallic luster!

A fish weighing more than 100 kilograms was caught directly, and it took off on the spot!

It drew a beautiful arc and fell directly into the mouth of the fish!

Handsome, cool, damn, it felt like a few small fish flying!

Soon they reacted!

Damn, the casting rod workshop is really a casting rod!

All the magical potions are just incidental, the fishing tackle inside is the most awesome!

A group of people can only go to buy fishing tackle with a painful look on their faces!

Moreover, a large group of people rushed over, causing a short congestion. This back and forth delayed another half an hour!

One-sixth of a bottle of powerful spinach was eaten in vain!

Their faces were wrinkled like bitter gourds!

But fortunately, after changing the fishing tackle, they also started to sell goods on the channel!

Especially those old men who are almost 70 years old. Before taking the drugs, their hands and feet were shaking, and they felt that they couldn’t stand steadily on the road!

After taking the drugs!

They are all awesome!

They all set their sights on the bull shark!

This thing, they dare not think about it in their lifetime!

Now there is a chance, how can they miss it!

With rich experience and superb fishing skills, they played steadily and dealt with the bull shark!

Their physique is weaker than that of young people. Even if they eat canned food, they can only pull a few hundred kilograms!

It is very difficult to deal with this giant with a pulling force of more than 5,000 kilograms in the water!

However, they are not discouraged, and their faces are calm. They should pull back when they should, and let go when they should!

Just like Tai Chi sticky hands, the mind moves with the will, like a shadow, can't hit, can't get rid of, making the bull shark's power like hitting cotton!

I have to say, these old guys are really awesome


With the same physique and the same fishing gear, they are probably better than those fishing masters!

In this way, after a few hours of competition, the powerful spinach was almost ineffective, and the old men finally caught the bull shark!

They were all grinning from ear to ear,

Their faces were full of joy!

...At this time, the effect of the powerful spinach faded, and they all became old men on their deathbeds. Their clothes turned into rags and they looked like beggars!

However, they didn't care at all, and their faces were full of a feeling of wanting more!

"Alas! What a pity that this fishing ground didn't appear earlier. If I were a few years younger, I could have caught a thousand-pound giant!"

"Hey! Old man, just be content. A giant fish weighing hundreds of pounds is enough for you to brag about!"

"Haha, you know what, I feel refreshed now. I feel several years younger. I'm afraid I won't go down so soon!"

"Hehe, of course, we ate the powerful spinach, and the effect is absolutely great. At present, it seems that this thing really has no side effects. The body does not feel uncomfortable at all, but the whole body feels much more comfortable!"


Several old men laughed.

Their feelings are not wrong. After the effect of the powerful spinach fades, it will permanently improve the physical fitness by 1%!

If you keep eating it, it can be improved to ten times the current physical fitness!

Well, in fact, many diseases are caused by the decline of one's own physical fitness!

If the physical fitness keeps improving, their diseases may also heal themselves!

"Is this something that Mr. Wang researched? It's simply a miracle drug!"

"It's a pity that the production of this thing is too low, and the purchase is limited. Otherwise, I would like to try it a few more times!"

"Yes, the price is not expensive, only one thousand yuan. For the health care drugs I usually take, I can only buy a package, and there is no effect at all!"


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