After the magic potion became popular, the fishing tickets of Samsung Giant Fishing Ground also saw a rush to buy!

That guy was basically sold out in seconds the moment he was released!

Even people who were not fishermen were scrambling for it!

Who made those magic potions only sold inside the fishing ground!

This fishing ticket is equivalent to an admission ticket!

Especially the Shenbao drink, wow, so many big guys are queuing up to grab it!

Of course, this time Wang Kongjun learned his lesson and sent him a hundred sets of Shenbao drinks before Luo Tianxing called!

Wang Kongjun said that if I marry one of your daughters, I will compensate you with ten, you can create as much as you want!

Of course, my mother can't be treated badly. There are also 100 sets of Shenbao drinks, and some strong spinach and black jade intermittent paste!

After all, Shen Qingli is so busy at work every day, and she won't feel tired with Shenbao.

As for the other two, of course, they are for my mother to use for self-defense!

No anti-wolf powder mist can compare to strong spinach!

That guy, if he encounters any gangsters and hooligans looking for trouble, he will teach them a lesson in minutes with a can of strong spinach!

Of course, this matter is purely Wang Kongjun's overthinking, and he doesn't even look at who Shen Qingli's biological son is!

How could there be a safety problem!

The next morning, the sun shone into the room through the glass window!

Well, it was another sunny morning!

Of course, with the environmental controller, Qinglong Fishing Ground will always have the best weather for fishing!

Even if the weather in Canglong County not far away is gloomy, it will rain soon!

This situation is not unnoticed. No matter it is morning or afternoon, no matter there are many or few people, it always makes people feel relaxed and comfortable when they come to Qinglong Fishing Ground!

It is the kind of air that has a sweet feeling!

This is also one of the reasons why fishermen never get tired of it!

Of course, they did not think deeply, just thought that this place is a natural holiday resort, the environment is so good, and it makes people feel very comfortable!

Today's fishing ground is still full, and you can see a large number of fishermen coming in and out! The ones who left are the fishermen who have been fishing all night, and they are busy going back to catch up on their sleep!

At this moment, at the exit of the Canglong County Expressway!

A black military vehicle slowly drove over!

The car window rolled down, revealing a handsome face, with a beaming smile, which made people unable to help but be moved!

The beauty at the toll booth was stunned for a moment, and then she smiled, "Hehe, I'm sorry, sir. The current traffic pressure in Canglong County is too great, so all vehicles are prohibited from entering!"

A hint of curiosity flashed in the young man's eyes. Wow, his brother is really good. He has set up such a great fishing ground, and the local government has served him!

Then he smiled and said, "Miss, this is a military vehicle on special official business. It is unimpeded in the land of Kyushu. Otherwise, you can ask the leaders above?"

The beauty blushed when she heard this, and then smiled, "Well, sorry, you are on a secret mission, right? How about this, if you are willing to wait a while, I will contact the leaders above for you?"

"Okay, thank you!" The young man nodded with a smile!

Then, Wang Lujun got off the toll booth and waited at the intersection!

This is his brother's territory anyway, so he should give him some face. What if it was somewhere else? Oh, he's not that easy to talk to!

With his license plate, let alone a small county, even if he drives straight into a military restricted area, no one dares to stop him!

His license plate number is Long A00001!

At first glance, this license plate number looks like a fake one bought on Pinduoduo for 9.9 yuan. After all, there is no state capital in China with the abbreviation of Long!

But it really exists and is entered into the transportation department and the military district system!

This is a special vehicle of the Chinese Dragon Group. In short, this car can be driven casually without a ticket!

Soon, the young lady ran over in a panic, bowed to Wang Lujun, and said cautiously, "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't know your car was subject to special traffic regulations!"

"Oh, it's okay, I can go now!" Wang Lujun said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, please feel free!" The young lady said quickly!

When she reported to her leader just now, she was scolded!

"What? You dare to stop the military zone's car! Are you trying to kill yourself?" The young lady heard the roar on the other end of the phone and quickly covered her ears, as if she was afraid of being deafened!

"Oh my god, I

You are so brave, you have to give way to the military's rules. Luckily they are easy to talk to. If you really delay their military work, you and I will be blamed!"

"What! His license plate is weird? Oh, you don't care if it's weird or not. Don't you know that the weirder the license plate, the more powerful the background. That is the privilege of real big shots! ”


I have to say that many people may not be able to sleep tonight just because of this lump!

But it is obvious that they think too much!

Qinglong Fishing Ground!

After Wang Kongjun had breakfast, he stayed in the office and did not go to the Giant Fishing Ground!

Damn, there are too many people, and none of them wear good quality and elastic clothes. They are all muscular men with explosive clothes, which is eye-catching!

Fortunately, their underwear is the same as Hulk's, and the quality is still good!

Otherwise, it would be even more eye-catching!

At this moment, Wang Kongjun logged into the official website as usual!

Well, the special promotion channel for two-star fishing masters, online auditions It has already started!

Wang Kongjun saw that the number of participants was about to exceed three million!

Based on the principle of fairness, justice and openness!

There are no candidates in this audition!

That means everyone has the right to choose and be chosen!

The voting period is three days. After three days, the top ten will be promoted to fishing masters directly!

Therefore, many fishermen voted for themselves!

Hum! Choose the fishing master in your mind? Then the fishing master in my mind can only be me!

Now the top fishing masters who were originally full of confidence are muggle!

I thought they could advance with an absolute advantage, but it turned out that they were not I thought, these are all fake fans!

Guo Deng, who has the most fans, just got over 100,000 votes, and he didn't even make it into the top ten!

Because, some old Bi Dengs don't follow martial ethics!

Just look at the current rankings and you'll know what's going on!

First place, Luo Tianxing! More than 5 million votes, at the top of the list!

Needless to say, this guy must have spent a lot of money. Although he doesn't have much time to fish normally, uh, in his words, he has no addiction at all!

But, he is an officially certified fishing master!

What a thrilling feeling!

If he really takes the normal promotion channel, he will catch 100,000 kilograms of fish, and his waist will be dry and he can't move!

I was originally planning to go for a walk The son-in-law got a backdoor, but I didn't expect the online voting to come out.

Hehe, isn't this simple?

When I first met Wang Kongjun, he spent 30 million yuan casually, not to mention to fulfill his dream!

He directly asked for votes with a lot of money, spent tens of millions, and topped the list!

Damn, the top ten are all business tycoons like Wang Jianlin, Jack Ma, and Ma Huateng!

People who have never heard of in the fishing world!

No doubt, they all have the same mind as Luo Tianxing. Although I don't have time to fish normally, I am definitely a fishing master, the kind that is officially certified!

Sure enough, the saying is verified, money is not omnipotent, but it can be 9999!

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