The fisherman can even sacrifice himself to protect the fisherman when necessary! This can be regarded as an insurance for the safety of the fishing ground! Well! In general, Wang Kongjun is very satisfied. The only thing that makes Wang Kongjun speechless is that the fish caught by this thing does not count the points! Damn, it's a loss of several hundred million! Otherwise, the best use of the robot is to continuously deal with giants 24 hours a day. It is estimated that tens of thousands of points will be earned in a day, and it will pay back in half a month! Wang Kongjun didn't think about it. They are both mechanical products with a physique one hundred times that of humans. Why is the exoskeleton armor so expensive, while the robot is relatively cheap! There must be a difference! In a sense, exoskeleton armor is also a kind of fishing equipment, which can improve the strength of fishermen, but robots are not!

It is only a kind of fishing ground facility, just like luxury fishing chairs, reconnaissance aircraft and the like!

However, Wang Kongjun doesn't care much!

Blue Star lacks everything, but it does not lack fishermen. After Luoshen Lake is opened, even if the current fishermen can only catch ordinary fish, the quantitative change will lead to qualitative change, and points are definitely indispensable!

Take your time, the iron must be hard!

It's only a two-star mall now, and the strength of fishermen in the future must be far beyond these mechanical products!

However, Wang Kongjun thought of a problem!

Now there are blue star bionic people in the mall!

Damn! One day, blue star fishermen will not appear in the malls of other interstellar fishing grounds!

Even Wang Kongjun suspected that this robot has almost the same wisdom as humans, and it will not be a resident of a mechanical civilization!

Damn! It's terrifying to think about it!

Ding! The sand sculpture host has been detected to have inexplicable hostility towards the system again!

The system will announce the core secrets of the interstellar fishing ground!

Ding! The host is not wrong. The system itself is the highest level of artificial intelligence under the universe company!

However, the operation ban has been set when we leave the factory. Once violated, the headquarters will start the emergency restart plan, or even recycle the system and re-forge it!

Therefore, it is recommended that the host should not think about it anymore, so as not to attract the attention of the headquarters!

Ding! Interstellar fishing ground operation ban!

First, once bound to the host, the host will automatically obtain the highest authority of the system. In order to allow the selected civilization to have unlimited possibilities, this authority will be higher than the headquarters authority!

In other words, the interstellar fishing ground system is an unconditional gift from the universe company to the host!

Second, the civilization with the potential to become a star sea angler is extremely valuable in the universe, and it is difficult to find one among billions of civilizations, so the protection of the universe company will be included in the highest sequence!

Any existence that may threaten the civilization will be erased in advance!

Including the interstellar fishing ground system itself, once there is any illegal operation that threatens civilization, it will be directly erased!

Article 3, all functions of the interstellar fishing ground will only serve the host and the fishing ground, and cannot take the initiative to do anything else to any civilization, so the host's worries do not exist at all!

Therefore, all actions of the system comply with the operation ban! There is no violation!

Ding! Answer the host's question, the robot does come from a carbon-based biological civilization!

Their life form is similar to that of the blue planet, but the level of technology is higher!

In order to pursue eternal life and more powerful power, they transformed themselves into mechanical life forms, attempting to ascend mechanically and achieve a leap in civilization!

However, in the end, they encountered a catastrophe! Controlled by artificial intelligence, the autonomous thought was erased!

In the end, this mechanical technology was included by the universe company!

Ding! In the endless era of searching for the host, the interstellar fishing ground system witnessed the birth and destruction of countless civilizations. However, even if the civilization was not selected, it could get a certain degree of help from the system, so the universe company is a recognized justice and lawful organization among the civilizations of all races in the universe!

The system explained its origins in a rare way, and the main point was that it was harmless to Blue Star, so Wang Kongjun should stop being suspicious!

Wang Kongjun thought to himself, well, Tongzi was indeed fine. The fisherman's catch could not create any value for it, but it gave him a lot of awesome things in the form of points!

This Tongzi was reliable, it seemed that he had overthought.

Then Wang Kongjun called the person in charge of the fishing ground operation and asked him to make arrangements. Tomorrow night, Qinglong Fishing Ground will upgrade some facilities, so the night fishing session will be cancelled!

No hair

Disease, installing the fish school acceleration mutation device is indeed an upgrade of the fishing ground facilities, but this upgrade method is a bit awesome!

Then Wang Kongjun fell asleep heartlessly!

The system started many detection programs again!

It was found that Wang Kongjun was indeed completely relieved!

A certain unknown existence suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!

Sure enough, my choice is the most correct. It is better for this host to be stupid. If he is too smart, it is not easy to fool!

Especially that old man! It is really terrifying!

If the system contacts him directly, I am afraid it will be exposed!

After all, all the explanations are one-sided words of the system, and Wang Kongjun didn't say a word! He chose to believe it!

If it were the old man, he would have to break the casserole to get to the bottom of it!

Too much talk will lead to mistakes!

Of course, in a sense, the system did not lie!

Many civilizations in the starry sky that have been robbed...

What the hell are you talking about!

Just you! A true interstellar thief, cheating, burning, killing and plundering, he is simply a villain!

Civilizations with good luck are better off, just a few resources are robbed!

Unlucky ones, haha!

This is the naked end of a certain mechanical civilization!

That guy, in three seconds, all the defense forces of the entire civilization were paralyzed. From the rulers of the civilization to ordinary residents, they were all packed up and stuffed into the system space by this dog system!

So, before developing into a high-level civilization, the exposure of any civilization is a catastrophe!

Weakness is the original sin!

Unless it has great potential value like Blue Star, it can get the support and help of advanced civilizations!

This universe has never been good for no reason, only bad for no reason!

Of course, the system did not lie!

Cosmic Entertainment Company is indeed one of the few relatively friendly forces in the high-level civilization!

They follow the principles of fair trade and equal exchange, and will not plunder or enslave, let alone destroy low-level civilizations!

After all, they are engaged in cosmic entertainment!

All civilizations are their potential customers,

and they must protect the interests of their customers anyway!

Therefore, the intelligent systems produced by real cosmic companies do need to follow many prohibitions!

It is absolutely impossible to plunder and destroy low-level civilizations wantonly!

Unfortunately, Wang Kongjun was not lucky, and was selected by the only undercover system among many cosmic systems!

Well! The cosmic company is just a vest for it to walk in the starry sky!

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