The water quality of ten acres of water depends on one fish!

Luoshen Lake has 6 million acres!

To transform the entire Luoshen Lake into a fish paradise suitable for all fish, at least 600,000 bionic fish are needed!

Deep water areas need to be increased!

A conservative estimate is that one million are needed!

Tsk tsk tsk! That is 1 billion points, which is difficult to accumulate before Luoshen Lake is opened!

And the management of tens of millions of fishing spots after Luoshen Lake is opened also requires the cooperation of a large number of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft!

For Wang Kongjun, this thing is extremely cost-effective, equivalent to a low-profile version of the bionic robot!

So before Luoshen Lake is opened and a large number of points are collected, he will not consider expensive things!

Let's build up the Luoshen Lake One-Star Fishing Ground first!

After the exchange, Wang Kongjun didn't plan to sleep!

With a teleport, Wang Kongjun has appeared at the highest peak of Luochuan Mountains!

Wow, a meteor shower, this scene is rare, and with his physique, his eyesight is much better than an astronomical telescope, he will not miss this beautiful scenery!

Wang Kongjun lay diagonally in the crown of a towering ancient tree, holding his head with both hands, looking at the bright and mysterious stars in the sky!

His state of mind is very different from before!

For the vast universe, at this moment, his heart is full of endless yearning and curiosity!

In the mysterious and unknown endless civilization, countless strange and unknown creatures were born!

There are also the forbidden land of the universe mentioned by the system, the mysterious and terrifying creatures in the vast sea of ​​stars!

And now...

Is he finally getting close to this dream? !

Powerful ability is the best catalyst for breeding a person's ambition!

Now he is not an ordinary person. He has become strong enough to fly across the starry sky and shuttle through the galaxy!

However, he knows that it is not the right time yet. A person's journey is always lonely!

He needs to find his partners and companions to accompany him through the long and lonely journey!

Time passed quietly, and soon it was twelve o'clock!


A system prompt sounded:

Host, please note that the fish swarm mutation device attachment has arrived near the orbit of the blue star. It is expected that it will be accurately delivered to the fishing ground in ten minutes!

At the same time, in the vast starry sky!

Around a bright blue planet!

Suddenly, colorful lights flashed!

Those colorful lights formed a huge ribbon above the planet!

Upon closer inspection, they were mysterious meteorites flashing with strange lights!

At this moment, those colorful mysterious meteorites are constantly approaching the blue planet!

Substances that can accelerate the induction of benign mutations in organisms are also the most precious resources in the starry sky!

If an ordinary civilization gets one, it may be the hope of species evolution and civilization leap. Therefore, whenever a special substance appears, it will attract countless high-level civilizations to snatch it!

It has to be said that the fish swarm mutator is definitely the most cost-effective existence so far, and its actual value far exceeds other two-star rewards!

Because there are tens of thousands of special meteorites here!

Some of these things are collected by the system wandering in the starry sky for billions of years!

But where did most of them come from! Well, they were given free of charge by other civilizations!

Under the peak civilization, it’s a killing spree! No civilization can stop the invasion of the system. To put it in one sentence, it’s doing whatever it wants!

Compared with the survival of the entire civilization, this thing is not so important!

Of course, my brother Tongzi has always been a goose that plucks feathers and beasts that leave skins!

It is impossible to only get such a few things when you take action. If you steal and empty the most precious resource base of other civilizations, the leaders of those civilizations can only accept it with a pinch of nose!

You even have to greet them with a smile and send them off with drums and gongs!

The system has been an interstellar robber for so many years, and it can still be alive and kicking. Needless to say, it is either very powerful or backed by the top forces!

For them, it is a great gift that they were not destroyed!

Of course, low-level civilizations cannot keep this thing, and most of it is concentrated in the hands of top civilizations!

However, for those who are weaker than themselves, the system talks about force, and for those at the same level as themselves, the system starts to talk about reason!

For the star giants of several top civilizations in the universe, the origin of the system is no secret!

This is the last remnant of Krypton civilization!

You can say that Krypton civilization is bad, but you can never say that Krypton civilization is bad!

This race

The arrogance and domineering are engraved in the bones!

It is not aimed at other civilizations, but at all existences in the universe, no matter what your origin is, no matter whether you are known or unknown, no matter what the universe is destroyed, the change of times, etc., it is all garbage!

This group of guys with only muscles in their brains, when the star sea descended, when other civilizations fled in a hurry and stayed away!

All members chose to fight head-on, no one was scared! It's all members, from billion-year-old antiques to dozens of years old larvae, as for the younger newborn Kryptonians, they were gone the moment the star sea descended!

For a civilization, it's a blood feud, not to mention Mangcun Krypton!

Damn, you stole my home, no matter who you are, I must kill you!

Krypton is gone, but most of the creatures in the star sea were also killed or injured, and they had to stop expanding the star sea area!

You know, this is still an away game, the enemy environment!

When the opponent's strength doubled and their own strength was greatly weakened!

The brilliant record caused!

When thinking of this, all the big guys in the starry sky were numb!

Damn, a good king bomb was beaten to pieces by the Kryptonian civilization!

If they could survive a little bit, survive for tens of millions of years, and all members became star sea anglers!

Tsk tsk tsk tsk, how can the current star sea be qualified to become the source of the universe's destruction? I'm afraid it has long become the exclusive fishing ground of the Kryptonian civilization!

No matter how many star sea creatures there are, they are not enough for them to kill!

Unfortunately, there is no if. If the Kryptonian civilization was scared, it would not be the overlord who ruled the universe for billions of years!

So, for the only seedling left on Krypton, many top civilizations are holding it in their mouths for fear of melting, holding it in their palms for fear of falling, and carefully protecting it!

Even though they have developed for so long, found many methods against the star sea, and cultivated many powerful star sea anglers!

However, up to now, they still haven't been able to stop the spread of the Star Sea!

Uh! The results they have created over the years are far less than what the Kryptonian civilization killed!

So they all know that their civilization potential has reached its limit and they are no match for the Star Sea!

Now all the means are just to delay the decline and prolong their life!

As the only backup left by that existence, the system has become their last hope!

So, they unconditionally meet the needs of the system!

Tsk tsk tsk! This guy obviously doesn't need to rob, just say what he wants!

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