The fisherman was busy, and the fisherman was busy.

And each fishing center has hundreds of Qinglong fishing grounds dedicated fishing vehicles parked!

In the fishing center, the intelligent system will automatically detect the types, weights, and qualities of all fish!

The wild fish from Luoshen Lake and the feed fish put in later can be completely detected!

And in the past month, Nie Yuan has not been idle. Qinglong Group has recruited sales staff nationwide, from aquatic markets to various high-end, mid-range, and ordinary restaurants, restaurants, and some fish processing factories!

Has opened up 50% of China's aquatic product sales channels!

Even this share is still growing rapidly!

As for the reason!

Of course, the fish prices at Qinglong Fishing Ground are very competitive!

Since the fish swarm growth accelerator was invented, Wang Kongjun has been focusing on small profits but quick turnover. Whether it is feed fish or wild fish, the price is 20% cheaper than the same quality fish on the market!

In this way, there will naturally be a lot of customers, and there will be no worries about the sale of fish!

There is definitely some profit from wild fish, and the profit is very high, but buying farmed feed fish at a high price and selling them at a low price is definitely a loss in principle!

But with the fish swarm growth accelerator, this part of the price difference has been raised by the fish itself!

And with the bionic fish regulating the water quality, the meat quality of these feed fish is also improving rapidly, gradually approaching wild fish, and the price is naturally rising!

In other words, Wang Kongjun is actually not losing money in the return of fish, and can even make a small profit. This is the power of technology!

Of course, all the fish, whether each fish returns to the fishing grounds to continue to be the target of the fisherman, or goes to the market and becomes a delicacy on the dining table of thousands of families!

It depends on the judgment of the fish swarm mutator!

That's right, the meteorite is just the hardware facility of the fish mutator, and the entire fish mutator is also a very advanced intelligent system, including many software facilities!

Among them is the detection of the degree of mutation, mutation speed and mutation potential of each fish!

There is no doubt that the higher the potential, the higher the growth after mutation. Such fish, no matter big or small, no matter what species, must be kept!

After being screened by the intelligent system of the mutator, fish with low mutation potential can only go to the market!

Therefore, Wang Kongjun continues to purchase fish worldwide and sells a large number of fish from the fishing grounds, which is actually a screening process!

As time goes by, there will definitely be more and more mutant fish in Luoshen Lake in the future, and it is not impossible to even reach a 100% mutation rate!

In the future, Luoshen Lake will become a paradise for mutant fish, which is unique in the world and will also become one of the biggest selling points of Qinglong Fishing Ground!

Simply put, transforming the lake into a super giant fishing ground, or a fishing professional hierarchy, including a 10 billion fishing competition!

And so on, these things are replicable!

Some top consortiums, hidden families, and even national regimes can do it!

However, the existence of mutant fish is something they cannot replicate!

This will become the core competitiveness of Qinglong Fishing Ground forever!

Especially after the popularization of the cosmic breathing method and the emergence of some more powerful fishing auxiliary equipment, ordinary fish on Blue Star will definitely not satisfy the fishermen all over the world!

Then, Qinglong Fishing Ground will become their only and best choice!

This is undoubtedly one of the most important decisions in the development of Qinglong Fishing Ground!

Therefore, such a scene appeared in the entire Luoshen Lake Special Zone!

The fish transport trucks of Qinglong Fishing Ground purchased fish from all over the country at high prices and transported them to Luoshen Lake!

And a full truck of fish from Luoshen Lake was transported to all parts of the country for low-priced sales!

Uh, many people think that Mr. Wang is crazy? Buy high and sell low, even if there are several gold mountains at home, he can't afford to do that!

If it is just to ensure the fish density of Luoshen Lake, he can completely recycle these fish!

After being raised in Luoshen Lake for a few months, the feed fish have become wild fish, and with the brand effect of Luoshen Lake, the price has increased several times, which is more profitable no matter how you calculate it!

I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out!

Not to mention that they can't figure it out, many people in Qinglong Group can't figure it out. No matter how rich Mr. Wang is, he can't do this!

If you can't figure it out, then don't think about it. I'm just an employee! Buying and selling fish can get performance commissions. With Mr. Wang's frequent buying and selling, their performance is much better!

The monthly salary is ridiculously high. As for whether the boss makes a profit or a loss, it’s none of their business!

With Mr. Wang’s terrifying background, it’s impossible for him to go bankrupt anyway!

The governor of the special zone can mobilize the military at will. Even if he loses money, the country will cover it!

So, they don’t need to worry about it!

Of course, this society is never short of smart people. Some smart people are really smart. They buy fish from Qinglong Fishing Ground at a low price, transfer them from one hand to the other, and then sell the fish to Qinglong Fishing Ground. They make a lot of money this way!

For this kind of thing, Wang Kongjun has no better way for the time being. He can only rely on the joint screening of the Qinglong Group’s Purchasing Department and the Sales Department!

There are not many such smart people now, and it can’t affect Wang Kongjun’s mutant fish screening plan. If it really affects it, there is actually no way!

For example, marking the fish sold with a special identification mark exclusive to Qinglong Fishing Ground can completely solve the problem!

Qinglong Group is already doing relevant preparations, including technical consultation, equipment procurement, specific implementation of projects, etc. With so many fish, the workload is not small!

We can only do it slowly!

At 7 o'clock in the evening, the first batch of fishermen had left, and the fishermen in the night fishing field also rushed in!

Oh wow! The nests are all warm. I just cast the rod, and the float hasn't stood up yet, and the fish are caught!

After a day of rest, the fish that were frightened and hid are now out for food!

However, the nests that should be filled have to be filled! And they are filling the nests like crazy, and all kinds of nest materials are spread in pots like they are free!

Tsk tsk tsk, if this goes on, it is estimated that all fishing spots will be like the places where fish ponds are fixed with fish feeders, and there are fish wandering around every moment, waiting for the meal!

The fishermen in the daytime cast more than 100 kilograms today. It is fun to fish, but it is really tiring!

It can be said that it is more tiring than moving bricks for a day. When they left one by one, they were all shaking and their hands were shaking like sieves!

It was also the first time for them to find out that fishing can be so tiring!

Those with average economic conditions, who couldn't even get a house, fell asleep as soon as they got back to the car, but before going to bed, they all set the alarm clock for 8:30!

Well, it's the kind that will never stop unless it is turned off manually!

Although it's tiring, you have to grab the fishing tickets issued at 9 o'clock, and you have to fish tomorrow!

As for those with better conditions, after the end, they will naturally go to the massage center and sauna. After getting rid of all the fatigue, they will find a restaurant to have a good meal, recharge their energy, and fight again tomorrow!

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