The fish was caught, but she was still very busy.

A big fish escaped today, which made her angry all day long!

Hearing the footsteps behind her, Luo Doudou ignored them and continued to stare at the bottom of the water!

Seeing that Luo Doudou ignored him, Wang Kongjun smiled and approached him directly, "Hey, little Doudou, what's wrong with you today? You are so angry, who offended you?"

Luo Doudou snorted, "Hey! You don't know, I caught a huge fish today, if it wasn't for the line being cut, I would have to catch it!"

Wang Kongjun laughed immediately after hearing this, "Haha, no wonder you sat there angrily for a whole day, anyone would not be able to sleep for several days if it happened to them, okay, okay, I didn't eat lunch well, let's go eat first, then have a good rest, recharge our energy, and come back tomorrow to fish it well!"

Luo Doudou rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Do you think I can sleep? I don't care, I won't leave if I don't catch a big fish today!"

As for the fishing time limit, it is useless to Luo Doudou. Whose boss lady is fishing at home and what rules do you have!

Seeing Luo Doudou's determined look, Wang Kongjun was speechless!

Forget it, he should spoil his wife himself, she is just a big fish! Arrange it!

But Wang Kongjun can't just arrange it!

It's not possible that every time he appears, others will catch a big fish, and when he is not there, there will be no movement for several hours!

If this goes on for a long time, others will think that all the fish in this fishing ground know who is the boss, so he has to give face!

So Wang Kongjun walked to the fishing spot, looked at it for a few minutes, and then said, "Hey, Doudou, have you made a nest?"

Luo Doudou rolled his eyes and said unhappily, "Of course I have. I made more than 100 kilograms of nesting materials this morning. If you don't make a nest when fishing, you won't catch much. I don't know this common sense!"

Wang Kongjun immediately laughed, "Hey, although this is a reservoir, the density of fish is very high. Your nesting materials have been eaten up a long time ago. Wait for me to replenish the nest for you, and the big fish will come soon!"

Luo Doudou looked at Wang Kongjun with contempt, "Can you catch big fish by replenishing the nest? Then Zeng Dapen will win the fishing king award every day? Don't treat me like a three-year-old child!"

Wang Kongjun didn't mind at all, and laughed, "Just wait! Wait a minute, you will know!"

Then Wang Kongjun left. A moment later, Wang Kongjun came over on an electric tricycle with a full cart of nesting materials!

They are all green corn kernels fermented with the aroma of wine. This truck looks like it weighs several hundred kilograms!

The fishermen around were also confused!

"Oh my god, is Mr. Wang here to feed the fish today? This little bit is not enough!"

"That's right! Mr. Wang is too stingy! With such a large water surface, it takes tons to feed the fish!"

"Haha, Mr. Wang still needs to feed the fish! There are so many fishermen, and each of them makes a kilogram of nest, which means dozens of tons!"

"Oh my god, Mr. Wang is not here to make a nest! Tsk tsk tsk, he is the direct descendant of the big basin nesting!"

"I think it looks a bit like that. Although it is said that if you don't make a nest when fishing, you will often have empty air all year round! But is it really okay to do it this way? The fish are all fed!"

"Hehe, who cares, just take a look and you will know!"


Watching Wang Kongjun borrow a tricycle from somewhere and pull a lot of nesting materials!

Luo Doudou was also very upset!

He said angrily

"You have to be conspicuous in everything you do. How can you make a nest like this!"

Wang Kongjun smiled and said nothing more!

He will set an example for the fishermen today!

These fishermen don't feed the fish much recently!

The fish in Qinglongtan have a tenfold growth bonus, so they are very good at eating!

Let's show them a show today!

Then Wang Kongjun put down the nesting material!

He pulled with both hands and tore a big hole in the pocket. Then he held the two sides of the pocket and turned 360 degrees on the spot!

The whole bag of 50 kilograms of nesting material flew out like a cannonball in an instant!

It hit Luo Doudou's nest accurately, causing waves of water!

This scene completely shocked the fishermen!

"Oh my god! Is Mr. Wang still human? Fifty kilograms, thrown more than fifty meters, this arm strength must be more than a thousand kilograms, is this thing still human?"

"Yes, it's amazing, this hand strength is comparable to that of the Overlord Xiang Yu!"

"Oh my god, it's too strong!"

"Oh my god, whose nest is so big, I

The fish are scared away!"


All the fishermen were shocked by Wang Kongjun's terrifying power!

At this moment, Luo Doudou's beautiful eyes were full of surprise. This guy's power increased so quickly!

I immediately asked curiously, "Wang Kongjun, have you been eating pig feed behind my back recently? How come you are so strong?"

Luo Doudou knew that this arm strength was definitely abnormal, probably one-tenth of his limit!

Thinking of this, hey! This guy is not a normal thing either!

Then there is no pressure to be with him!

We are all mutants, so don't laugh at each other!

Wang Kongjun smiled when he heard this, "Hehe, it's okay. I have been gifted since I was a child and have supernatural powers. I was afraid of being caught for research when I was a child, so I have been hiding it. Besides, with our relationship, I can really kill you. I used to let you go!"

"Huh! ! ? "

Luo Doudou smiled when she heard this, her eyes narrowed into crescents, "Are you so confident? Let's spar tonight! If a woman doesn't get drunk, a man has no chance! If you can subdue me when I'm drunk, hehe, I may let you have some meat!"

Wang Kongjun's eyes widened when he heard this, "Oh my god, is it so exciting? Then I have to try it!"

"In this case, let alone a human, even if it's a fucking tiger, it has to be subdued! ”

At this moment, Wang Kongjun’s excitement reached its peak!

He immediately threw all the baits in the car down!

Tsk tsk tsk, if all the fishermen were to fish this way, the fishing line would have to rise by several centimeters!

Sure enough, the boss of the fishing ground still likes Master Zeng the most! He saves money on feed!

After making the nest, Wang Kongjun helped Luo Doudou change the bait again!

Wow, he really got some soft metal wire!

Cowhide, this thing is made of alloy metal, with top softness and toughness, and is more expensive than gold. 100 yuan per meter!

This circle alone costs several thousand yuan, and this is just its production value!

This thing is not available on the market at all, because it is not used at all!

I didn’t expect that this little rich woman Luo Doudou is so bold! Do you want to go fishing for sharks?

But it’s true, who can blame her for her abnormal physical fitness, so she dares to think about things that others dare not think about!

After hanging the bait, Luo Doudou swung the rod fiercely and threw it accurately to the nest fifty meters away!

Even her extremely thick 13-meter giant fishing rod is not something that ordinary people can handle!

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