The more you look at the world, the more you will be able to see it.

Of course, there is no need to explain this kind of thing, the position determines the vision!

The alien in the eyes of ordinary people is a transcendent existence in another world!

All she needs to do is to follow her heart and be happy every day!

It's that simple!

At the beginning, she also had the opportunity to set foot in that world, and even become the strongest in it, enjoying the admiration of thousands of people, but she didn't like that kind of life!

It's still comfortable to live now, without swords and shadows, no bloody fighting, plain and simple, pretty good!


Luo Doudou pulled out his giant metallic rod section by section!

The total length is 16.8 meters, weighs 168 pounds, and is made of all-steel titanium alloy metal rod. Each node has a special pressure node, which can bend to unload the force when under pressure!

This is specially customized by the Heavy Industry Group under the Luo Group. It can withstand a pressure of 10,000 pounds without breaking!

It can only be said to be very awesome!

Of course, it is difficult to pick up this thing, and it requires a force ten times its own weight to throw it out. Ordinary people can only look on!

The fishing line is also an extremely soft special metal wire, but it is a lot thicker than what Luo Doudou used before, and has a stronger pressure bearing capacity, eliminating all the possibility of line cutting!

Finally, there is the fish hook, which is made of all steel, weighs 128 grams, and is full of several sharp barbs. It is absolutely impossible to get off the hook!

This set of fishing rods is the legendary back-to-the-water battle rod. Either the fish comes up or the person goes down. There is absolutely no third possibility!

As usual, Luo Doudou prepared the nesting materials first, and then started to make nests crazily. His nesting skills were not inferior to Wang Kongjun's!

He threw dozens of kilograms of nesting materials without blushing or panting, and threw them dozens of meters away with his bare hands without any tools!

This scene made all the fishermen dumbfounded and amazed!

"Oh my god! Is this guy still human? If I had this much strength, I would be awesome. I could catch any big fish!"

"This is the real-life version of natural power. My god, it's terrifying!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, that huge fishing rod, that awesome fish hook, it's for sharks!!"

"Hehe, I don't know if there are sharks, but there are 800-jin giants. I'm afraid Doushen is going for that king fish!"

"Fuck, this is really worth looking forward to. Just look at Luoshen's equipment, it's awesome at first glance. If this fish bites the hook, it's really possible to catch it!"


Luo Doudou also hung a fist-sized ball of bait, and then cast the hook handsomely. Listening to the discussions of the people around him, he also smiled without saying a word!

After casting the rod, Luo Doudou lay on the luxurious fishing chair with peace of mind and waited patiently!

To catch a giant, you must be patient!

Some people can stay there for ten days or half a month without moving!

Fishing, especially fishing for giants, is a sport that tests both one's physical fitness and one's character!

People with an impatient temper are not suitable for fishing!

What a pity, Luo Doudou is destined to be disappointed!

Without Wang Kongjun's control, the big guy would have been lying motionless at the bottom of the water!

Wang Kongjun was also busy until the afternoon, directing the workers to install the fully transparent bulletproof glass that formed the aquarium!

The one hundred display booths are large and small, the largest is 20 meters by 20 meters, 10 meters high, covers an area of ​​400 square meters, and the water area reaches 4,000 cubic meters.

Let's just say that there is no pressure to put giants under 10,000 jin in!

Of course, there are no such large freshwater fish at present, but Wang Kongjun made preparations in advance!

In addition to this largest one, there are more medium-sized aquariums of 10 meters by 10 meters!

Giants under 1,000 jin can swim freely in it.

The glass was transported in whole pieces by special vehicles!

Several large cranes were responsible for placing these glass weighing more than ten tons in the designated location!

Other staff members were responsible for assembly and handover!

The speed was very fast!

On the first day alone, more than a dozen were installed!

In the afternoon, Wang Kongjun left Qinglong Gorge. When he arrived at Longwei Beach, he habitually glanced at that location!

A beautiful figure came into view!

Oh, that girl really took the bait!

Wang Kongjun immediately smiled and walked over quickly!

As soon as the news of the 800-jin giant was released, Wang Kongjun knew that this girl could not wait!

Luo Doudou's ears with eyes closed

He moved slightly, and then his expression relaxed!

Wang Kongjun walked to Luo Doudou, put his left hand on her shoulder naturally, and said with a smile, "Oh, isn't this our Doudou? Why did you come back so soon? Are you reluctant to leave me?"

Luo Doudou rolled her eyes: "Who missed you? I came back to catch big fish. Go play and don't scare away my fish!"

Wang Kongjun didn't get angry when he heard it. Anyway, Luo Doudou was just like that. He had long been accustomed to it. He smiled and said, "Hey, this big fish is not that easy to catch!"

Although Wang Kongjun can also manipulate it manually, the popularity of Qinglong Fishing Field has been high enough recently, and netizens are almost aesthetically fatigued!

Let's wait a few days. The Giant Fishing Field will be almost ready in a few days!

Let Luo Doudou catch a giant fish at that time, just as a promotion for the Giant Fishing Field!

Wang Kongjun had no doubt that when Luo Doudou really caught that 800-jin giant fish, the fishermen would be crazy!

At least this would prove one thing, that 800-jin giants are beyond the reach of ordinary people, but they are definitely not the limit of human beings!

Since others can catch it, they can too!

It is estimated that there will be many more muscular men among fishermen in the future!

Well, the kind of muscular men who will burst their clothes and show their tendons as soon as they catch a giant fish!

Wang Kongjun stayed with Luo Doudou for the rest of the time, chatting with him from time to time!

"Hey, Doudou, have you told your family about getting married? I have already told Aunt Shen, and she will arrange it!"

Wang Kongjun asked with a smile.

Luo Doudou opened her eyes, her beautiful eyes were like autumn waves, and she said with a bit of anger, "Humph! Of course I said it, otherwise why would I run back!"

"Why are you so impatient? How can a cooked duck fly away? Don't worry, my dad will arrange it!"

Thinking of this, Luo Doudou hesitated for a moment, and then said lightly, "By the way, you have to go back with me to see grandpa in a few days. My grandpa is very fierce to outsiders and hates people who are lazy the most. When the time comes, you should be serious and don't smile all day long!"

"Okay, I remember, I am such a good grandson-in-law, he can't wait to be happy!"

Wang Kongjun laughed!

Luo Doudou snorted lightly: "Humph, although he is a little fierce, he is very gentle to me, much better than you!"

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