As soon as the game started, Tsukutake took a three-point lead, and then Shonhoku quickly got into shape with Sakuragi’s rebound and Miyagi’s fast attack.

Tsujiuwu was caught off guard, and there were consecutive mistakes, and Xiangbei chased after the victory, and the score was much bigger than Tsukutake!

Until the second half, Tsuhisa was also unable to fight back!

“Xiangbei No. 10 has committed five fouls, exit!” After Sakuragi fouled again, the referee decided.

“Worthy of being the king of exit!” The people in Lingnan couldn’t help but sigh with emotion, the name is well deserved, although the end is late, but it will still end.

Fujisawa sighed slightly, what a familiar scene, what a familiar word.

Sakuragi, believe in yourself, you will still be out of the next game!

117:79, the final result of the battle between Shonbei and Tsujiuwu!

“It’s so strong, it’s really strong!” Hikoichi stopped taking notes and looked at the game score in shock.

“The strength of Xiangbei has indeed risen by more than one notch.” Usumi nodded and agreed with Xiangbei’s strength.

“Then, Xiangbei’s opponent in the next game is…”


Everyone in Lingnan turned their gaze in the other direction, Fujima and Huaxing, who were walking outside the field!

“Prepare well, tomorrow, there will be our competition!” Usumi stood up and left the scene.

The Lingnan team members followed Usumi and exited the arena, preparing for tomorrow’s 8-in-4 match!

Tomorrow, there are four races to enter a duel between the top 8 teams!

Two sessions in the morning, respectively, the first one, Xiangbei High School vs. Xiangyang High School!

The second game, Hainan University Affiliated High School vs. Wuyuan High School!

There were also two matches in the afternoon, the first Buri High School vs Great Northern High School!

The second match is Lingnan vs. Hamada Central High School!


“Amu, come on, I will also watch the afternoon game!” Early in the morning, Fujisawa’s mother encouraged Fujisawa.

“Ah, got it!” Fujisawa waved his hand and walked towards the subway station!

An hour later, everyone in Lingnan arrived at the stadium of the game, and the audience was almost full at this moment!

“Huh? There are so many viewers today! Hiko sighed as he walked.

“Naw, after all, it’s a match between Xiangbei and Xiangyang!” Off-road is a matter of course.

Just when the group of people in Lingnan passed by the stands on the second floor, they met another team – Hainan University Affiliated High School!

“Amu, it’s from Hainan~!” Hikoichi leaned over to Fujisawa and whispered, his tone full of excitement.

“Uh-huh? Huh? Fujisawa looked at Usumi and Maki Shinichi, who were standing in the front, looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and did not speak, and there was a hint of puzzlement in their eyes!

This should be silent victory, sure enough, the captain’s thoughts are incomprehensible to us ordinary players!

Of course, this is Usumi in Fujisawa’s eyes, and Usumi in the eyes of others is colliding violently with Maki Shinichi in momentum, and the momentum is fierce!

The audience who did not see the audience noticed this scene and were looking at the two teams in amazement!

The Xiangbei and Xiangyang players below have appeared one after another, warming up and preparing to play!

“Three minutes before the game starts!” The referee notifies you when the game is about to start!

Fujisawa looked at Fujisawa, who was explaining tactics to the Shoyo players, coach and player, Kenji Fujima.

Although the strength is also very strong, it is still inferior to Mu Shenyi, especially in terms of strength!

Three minutes passed in a flash, and the match between the two teams began!

The field resounded with the sound of cheering for Xiangyang!

The first time Xiangbei played in such a noisy cheering sound, his psychology was greatly affected, so much so that Akagi fouled the opening scrum!

In the next game, Xiangbei was suppressed all the way by Xiangyang, and was scored continuously by Xiangyang!

And Akagi encountered a flexible center like Hanayuki for the first time, and he couldn’t stop Hanayuki’s score!

Coupled with the four elders of Xiangyang, Xiangbei’s height is not dominant, especially Miyagi, and the shot in the face of the opponent cannot be stopped.

Xiangbei faced Xiangyang, both physically and mentally affected, and five minutes passed, and not a single point was scored.

“0:15, there is a lot of pressure in Xiangbei!” Fujisawa muttered a little boredly.

Finally, Xiangbei counterattacked, and Liuchuan Feng faced Xiangyang’s two-person joint defense layup to score, and Liuchuan Feng’s words also angered the self-esteem of others in Xiangbei.

Akagi, Sakuragi, Mitsui and Miyamoto all recovered and fought back, tying the score in just four minutes!

“17:17, it’s so slow!” Fujisawa said helplessly, why didn’t Fujima play yet!

In the final first half, Fuji Zhen still did not play, but Xiangyang had put Xiangbei on an equal footing, and the two sides played back and forth, and at the end of the first half, the score was 34:37, and Xiangyang led by 3 points.

After a 15-minute break, the team members of Xiangbei and Xiangyang entered again!

In the second half, the two sides changed fields, Xiangbei’s attack became more fierce, and three minutes later, the score finally surpassed Xiangyang, which made the Xiangyang players on the field a little panicked!

But also because of this, Xiangbei finally forced out Xiangyang’s real trump card, and Fuji Zhen came on!

Xiangyang under the leadership of Fuji Zhen is the real Xiangyang, and after Fuji Zhen plays, Xiangyang’s strength has risen to another level!

Fuji Zhen broke through the Xiangbei trio at the beginning, shooting and scoring, and then scored consecutive points in the next three minutes, once far surpassing Xiangbei.

Kaede Rukawa’s talent time has passed, and Kaze Xiu has set his sights on Mitsui, waiting for Mitsui’s headwind to turn over.

In the end, Mitsui Shou, the man of the flame, woke up and made four consecutive three-pointers with the cooperation of his teammates, pulling the score to 76:73, and Mitsui Shou also withdrew due to the loss of physical strength and collapse!

PS: It’s an excessive chapter, after all, the match between Xiangbei and Xiangyang is very exciting, and it can’t be brushed off in one stroke, nor can it be written in too much detail, otherwise someone will be impatient.

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