On the other side, Buri attacked, and as soon as Takeuchi dribbled to the Lingnan half, Uekusa went over to defend.

“Finally changed, this guy should be a little easier to deal with!” Takeuchi breathed a sigh of relief.

Last year, Takeuchi and Uekusa fought each other, and there was hardly much difference between the two, and Takeuchi felt that he could fight back a wave.

Takeuchi looked at Chiba and Inoue for a moment, and then Chiba suddenly gave up defending off-road and got stuck between Fujisawa and Inoue.

Takeuchi instantly passed the ball and came to Inoue’s hand, who received the ball and jumped around Fujisawa to shoot.

“Boom!” But at the next moment, Yusumi appeared in front of Inoue from under the basket in two steps, suddenly jumped up, and fiercely covered the ball that had just been shot!

Inoue showed a hint of horror on his face, frightened by the momentum of the monkey boss!

“Well done, Captain!” Off-road received the ball flying over and quickly rushed towards the Buri half.

The Buri team desperately returned to defense, and just past the midfield, Nakamura turned around to defend the cross-country.

“Huh~? It’s really not a chance to pass! The smile on Off-Road’s face gradually became solemn, and he kept dribbling, looking for opportunities to break through.

A few seconds later, Yusumi came to the restricted area, and when he saw this scene, the corners of his mouth turned up again!

“Captain!” Cross country throws the ball in the direction of the frame with force.

Usumi found the right moment, jumped up abruptly, caught the ball with both hands, and poured it towards the frame!

Tanaka quickly jumped up to block the fish from slam dunk!

“Roar~!” Usumi roared, crashed into Tanaka, who came to block, and slammed the ball into the frame.

After the fish landed, the ball frame was still buzzing and trembling.

“Brave! Courageous and resolute! Brave! Courageous and resolute! Outside the venue, led by the Lingnan team members, the audience shouted Lingnan’s slogan.

“Slam dunk is really a morale boost, should I fill one too?” Fujisawa looked at the audience’s reaction after the Usumi Slam Dunk and showed a pensive expression.

Buri attacked again, and Chiba struggled to find an opportunity to throw the ball out of front of the cross-country.

“Bang! Airplanes~~! “The ball touched the edge of the frame, rotated around the inside of the frame a few times, and finally fell into the frame.

Lingnan ball!

“Bang! Bang! “Urigusa dribbled to the outside of the three-point line, and Takeuchi stood on the three-point line to defend Uesanagi.

Uekusa passes the ball directly into Fujisawa’s hand.

Fujisawa held the ball in both hands, and after two seconds of silence, the figure suddenly moved, disappearing in front of Inoue in the blink of an eye.

“Left? Right? Fujisawa dribbled and broke through too fast, Inoue reacted a moment late, and after being broken through, he suddenly turned around and chased Fujisawa.

After Fujisawa rushed into the box, he jumped up and shot directly!

“Hugh, even if it’s a foul… Stop you too! Inoue finally caught up and jumped up from behind Fujisawa and slapped Fujisawa’s arm.

“Snap!” Fujisawa’s left arm was hit by Inoue, but Fujisawa still threw the ball!

“Grab the basket…!” Inoue hurriedly shouted after landing!

“Brush~” The ball went in, Inoue’s face suddenly changed, and the remaining word could not be spoken.

“Shh~” The referee’s whistle sounded!

“Defensive foul, goal effective, plus a penalty!”

“Amu, nice job!” Uekusa ran over and gave Fujisawa a high five.

“Senior Amu, his 2+1 learning is good!” Kiyota looked at Fujisawa free throws on the court and commented with a smile.

But soon, Kiyota couldn’t laugh anymore, and looked at the game field with the corners of his mouth.

After Fujisawa scored the penalty, Buri organized the attack again, and Takeuchi was intercepted by Sendo when he passed the ball to Nakamura!

Sendo intercepted the ball and quickly rushed to the Buri half, and the Buri team immediately returned to defense, and Sendo passed the ball to Fujisawa.

Fujisawa jumped up directly to shoot after receiving the ball, and Tanaka and Chiba, who rushed over, also jumped up to block Fujisawa at the same time, and Chiba even stretched out his hand to cover it!

Fujisawa stretched out his left hand to protect the basketball, grabbed the ball with his right hand and threw it backwards, and at this moment, Chiba’s hand hit Fujisawa’s left hand.

“Bang~brush~” The ball touches the rebound, and then bounces into the frame.

“Defensive foul, goal effective, plus a penalty!” The familiar voice sounded again, and the faces of the Buri team members became even more ugly!

“2+1 again?” Saiko exclaimed.

“Would he do the same?”

“No, whether it is a friendly match or an eight-in-four game, Fujisawa has never used this trick, and I don’t believe Fujisawa will hide this trick, after all, even the half-court three-point shooting move was used at that time!” Akagi watched Fujisawa score another free throw.

“Could it be… Just watching a game, you can learn from Mu Shenyi? Miyagi muttered a guess.

“It seems that Fujisawa-san’s learning ability seems to be very strong!” Coach Anzai spoke, his tone revealing affirmation that Fujisawa had indeed learned recently.

“Sakuragi, Rukawa Kaede, you should pay more attention, the day after tomorrow and the match between Lingnan, you may face a player whose strength is above the Immortal Dao!” Afterwards, Coach Anzai said solemnly to the two.

“The strength is above the immortal path, old man, don’t worry, Fujisawa will be handed over to me!” Hahahahaha~” Sakuragi patted his chest, indicating that he was completely fine, and laughed unbridled.

“Big idiot!” Rukawa Kaede couldn’t help but be speechless when he looked at Sakuragi’s appearance.

“What do you say, bastard Rukawa Kaede, stinky fox…” Sakuragi stood up angrily and pointed at Rukawa Kaede and spouted directly.

In the second half, after Sendo and Usumi appeared, Buri’s ball was even more difficult to play!

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