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“The height of the other party, it feels so stressful!” A Shen looked at Xiandao and the others coming over and sighed with some emotion.

“After all, they are different from the elders of Xiangyang, each of them has real strength, so defend well!” As soon as Mu Shen finished speaking, he greeted the Immortal Dao.

In the blink of an eye, Sendo is aligned with Maki Shinichi, Usumi against Akagi, Fujisawa against Rukawa Kaede, Mitsui against Ashin, and Hanayuki against Fukuda.

Sendo, who was dribbling the ball, suddenly shot out and passed the ball to Fujisawa, and after Fujisawa received the ball, his figure instantly turned into a blue lightning bolt, breaking through Rukawa Kaede.

“So fast!” Rukawa Kaede’s pupils contracted, and he suddenly turned around and chased after him, only half a position away from Fujisawa.

After Fujisawa rushed into the three-point line, he was about to come to the penalty area just before he suddenly jumped up and prepared to throw the ball in his hand.

The figure of Rukawa “One Seventy-Seven” Kaede instantly accelerated, one step ahead of Fujisawa, and then suddenly turned around and stretched out his hands to seal Fujisawa.

“Throw? Wrong! ”

I saw Fujisawa suddenly change his movements in the air, turn his wrist around, and pass the ball to Usumi under the basket around Rukawa Kaede.

“It’s a good story, Amu!” Hikoichi said in support from the sidelines.

“Drink~!” After receiving the ball, Usumi jumped up and poured the ball into the frame with both hands!

“Usuke!” Akagi was stunned for a moment because of Fujisawa’s wonderful pass, and after reacting, he quickly jumped, and the second came first, and his right hand directly slapped the ball down and gave it to the fish to live a large hot pot.

“Beautifully covered, Akagi!” Mu Shen rushed over to catch the ball and praised, and then quickly dribbled to the opponent’s half.

“Back to defense! Get back to defense! Hua Xing shouted loudly, and the figure hurriedly rushed to his own half.

And Mu Shenyi almost rushed to the blue half first, followed by the Immortal Dao behind him.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Shen rushed to the penalty area, got up and jumped, ready for a layup.

But in the next moment, Sendo and Fujisawa jumped up almost at the same time, stretching out their hands to seal all the routes for the layup in front of Maki Shenichi.

However, Mu Shenyi suddenly put the ball back and threw it back hard.

Ah Shen on the outside just caught the ball passed by Mu Shenyi, and put on a shooting posture to prepare for a jump shot.

“Such a long distance again!” Hikoichi was surprised.

Mitsui on the field hurriedly rushed towards Ah Shen, and at the same time was shocked in his heart: “Ah Shen deliberately lagged behind a few steps when attacking, this group of guys has clearly planned it!” ”

However, just after being shot by Ah Shen from a long distance, Mitsui became wary, and the distance from Ah Shen was not too far, and he had time to block this ball.

But before Mitsui could get closer, he was blocked.

“Futian!” Mitsui looked at Fukuda, who he had blocked, in amazement, and when his gaze shifted, he saw Ashin, who was a meter away, jump up and throw the ball.

Everyone stopped and looked at the basketball flying in the air.

“Ugh~” The ball scored, and Ah Shen scored a point again.

“Well done, God!” Ichigo and Ashen high-fived in celebration.

“Blue side pause!” The referee poses a timeout.

The players from both sides stopped their movements and left the field to return to their respective rest areas.

“Paused?” Hikoichi was a little surprised.

“In less than a minute of the first game, Bai Fang was able to score six points, which shows that the tactical arrangement of the high-head coach is very appropriate.” Yayoi Aida explained.

At the Lingnan rest venue, Coach Taoka’s face was ugly.

“Amu, what about your full-court three-pointers? What about your plunder? Coach Taoka asked with a calm face.

“Huh? Coach, didn’t you say it didn’t work? Fujisawa looked at Coach Taoka with a blank look and asked rhetorically.

“I…” Coach Taoka choked and was about to speak, the corners of his mouth twitching.

During the practice match, Coach Taoka thought that Fujisawa’s moves were too unconventional and disabled, even the meteor slam dunk!

“Old man, it should be adversity now, it should be my turn to appear, right?” Sakuragi, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, came over and asked.

“Stay while going, don’t bother me!” Coach Taoka said angrily, and turned his head to look at Usumi.

“Nani? What do you say, old man? Sakuragi’s eyes widened, pointing at Coach Taoka’s temper and instantly exploded!

“Sakuragi, calm down, calm down!” Miyagi grabbed Sakuragi behind and struggled for half a day to persuade Sakuragi to stop.

“Usumi, you will be blocked just now with such a good opportunity, if not, let Hanayuki take your place, tell me, can you block Akagi next?” Coach Taoka asked loudly….

“Yes!” Usumi roared in response.

“And Mitsui, Ah Shen actually shot two three-pointers in your hands in a row, do you only have offensive ability and can’t defend?” Coach Taoka reprimanded.

“Next time I will definitely block it and return the ball!” Mitsui responded loudly.

Coach Taoka nodded, and looked at Hua Xing again and instructed: “Hua Xing, watch Fukuda closely, his offensive ability and auxiliary ability are very strong, and he will be directly targeted!” ”

“Hiss~ Coach Taoka launched a fierce attack, and really no one let go!” The cross-country and grass planting grass watching the game shivered, and Coach Taoka’s firepower did not recede.

After 100 seconds, both teams enter again!

Lingnan has the ball, and Xiandao dribbles to the white half.

Fujisawa, who was in the opposite position with Rukawa Kaede, suddenly ran, shook Rukawa Kaede from side to side, and rushed to the restricted area.

Immortal Dao’s gaze froze, his right hand dribbled the ball and took a step back, Mu Shenyi hurriedly followed, and then Immortal Dao turned the ball from his right hand behind him to his left hand, and quickly passed the ball out.

Fujisawa, who was sprinting, did not turn around, directly stretched out his right hand to catch the ball, and continued to rush to the penalty area.

“What a wonderful fit!”

5.7 Fujisawa rushed into the box and went straight to the basket, got up and jumped, ready for a layup.

Akagi jumped up and stretched out his hands to block Fujisawa’s layup, while Kaede Rukawa, who was chasing behind him, also jumped up, stretching out his right hand to block from behind.

However, the next moment, Fujisawa glided his body to the right in the air under the stunned gazes of Akagi and Rukawa Kaede.

The moment Fujisawa’s body began to fall, Fujisawa pulled the ball out with his right hand in the direction of the frame.

“Ugh~” The ball hollowed into the net under the gaze of everyone!

“It’s Zebei’s move!” Hikoichi exclaimed as he thought back.

“This goal looks like an easy one!” Yayoi Aida looked deeper, and Fujisawa looked adept at using this trick, throwing the ball in the face of Akagi and Rukawa Kaede’s defense without any hurry. _

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