“Old Liu, let’s… Shoot? Xiao Zheng, a photographer across the street, glanced at Liu Danhe, they were looking for positioning, and finally found Chen Xiao, this is about to fight, what are the two of them?

Originally, I wanted to film a national husband Chen Xiao, a scene of a female classmate who tore the scumbag by hand, but this scene in front of me was not torn by hand, but a fist to the blood, and he also picked up an iron chair.

This is to open a scoop for the other party!

“Shoot, of course you have to shoot, you even have such an aggressive appearance of the other party, if we don’t shoot, we can’t leave evidence, and the other party hit people first, if the time comes to catch and ask, we also have a reason.”

“But Lao Liu, those brats don’t seem to be rich or expensive in their families, and you look at their dresses, I’m afraid they have a connection with those punks on the streets of the magic capital, if this is called…”

Liu Danhe took out his mobile phone, “I’ll call the Modu Yinke Group and the National Live “297” company, they should be able to call many people, as well as Hou Yiting.” ”

“Okay, then I’ll continue filming here.”

In the field, Chen Xiao had already arrived in front of four rich second-generation men and women.

“, or get beaten together.”

“you, Chen Wei is our buddy, we advance and retreat together.”


The iron chair flew over against the brain door of several people, directly smashed more than a dozen steps away, smashed a coffee table, and “clicked” in place and fell apart.

The four young men and women were so frightened that they squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands, their faces extremely blue.

Chen Xiao casually grabbed the second chair from the side, raised his feet and jumped beside them, they only promised, and they didn’t dare to put one.

Let Chen Xiao take a step and step by step walk in front of Chen Wei, who was already pale with fright.

“Tell me, what did you scold just now?”

Chen Wei’s lips were trembling, and his body was even more straight.

What he is facing now is like a vicious tiger that has just been opened from a cage.

It is possible to swallow him at any moment.


“Don’t come here.”

Chen Wei moved his body, tilted his body, and fell directly to the ground.


The iron stool in Chen Xiao’s hand smashed down the door of his head.


Chen Wei screamed, and a hot mist had begun to ooze from the crotch of his pants.

Chen Xiao casually threw aside the iron chair that was still a few centimeters away from him.

Then cover your nose and step back.

“These are disgusting.”

“The big guys who are watching testify to me, this guy is everywhere on the streets of the magic capital. Poop, not civilized and unhygienic. ”

Chen Xiao said as he trotted into the tea restaurant.

“Let’s go, let’s slip away.”


Lu Xiaoxiao was stupid.

Isn’t this a fight?

She also thought that Chen Xiao was going to use an iron chair to beat that scumbag Chen Wei halfway, but she didn’t expect that he would scare the other party like this, and then prepare to slip away?

“I’m sorry, this gentleman, you broke the floor windows and iron chairs of our store, as well as the floor cleaning fee, and the coffee table, tableware, at least need compensation…”

“Ten thousand yuan, is it enough?” Chen Xiao opened Lu Xiaoxiao’s backpack, casually took out a stack of hundred yuan bills, and threw it to him.

“Thank you for your patronage, you go slowly.” The owner of the tea restaurant turned it with a smile, even in the downtown city of the magic capital, his daily turnover is not so much.

“Go, who can go today?” As soon as the group reached the door, they saw people surging on the street, and then a group of people with iron chains and tattoos. The young man of society came over with a wrench and a steel pipe.

“Yo, there are still you scum on the streets of this magic capital?”

“There are so many fast catches here, patrolling every day, what do you rely on for food.”

Chen Xiao stepped forward and quietly protected the two women behind him.

He still looked a little mocking and calm on his face at the moment, and he was actually panicked in his heart.

“System, is there any national art skill to get me one, there are at least twenty people on the opposite side in front of me, I can’t stand it.”


“Still there?”

In the distance, Chen Wei, wrapped in a coat under him, with a gloomy face, walked over with the help of the people next to him.

“I’m going to the hospital now, brothers, beat him, break a leg, 1 million.”

“Today’s appearance fee, 100,000 per person.”


Hearing this, these punks who usually wash cars in repair shops and work as network administrators in Internet cafes, and who distribute leaflets on the street, can still hold on, and rush up one by one.

As soon as he came to the door, he was forced to retreat by Chen Xiao waving an iron chair.

“I said, you also believe the words of those few losers who ate and waited to die just now.”

“There is a big deal today, even if you do something to us, you can still run?”

The bald head of the leading Scar glared at Chen Xiao coldly, “We get you, I don’t know if we will go in and squat for a few years, but if we can’t get out for a few of them, we can’t mix in this acre of land in the magic capital, you say, do we listen to these young masters, or do we listen to you?” ”

“Insightful 0.”

Chen Xiao suddenly put down the iron chair and sat down in front of them.

Spread your hands empty-handed.

“Well, I’ll give you this face, sit here today, and see if you can hurt me half a hair.”

“Chen Xiao.”

Behind him, Lu Xiaoxiao’s face turned pale with anxiety.

“Good boy, I’ll definitely give you a little more pain later.” The bald head laughed viciously, and the steel pipe on his hand smashed into Chen Xiao’s right hand, ready to directly abolish one of his hands.


“Who dares to touch a single hair of our chairman.”

“Brethren, play with them.”

At this moment, a lot of things were suddenly thrown in the distance.

What fat house happy water, popcorn, metal object detector necessary for security check!

All smashed towards more than twenty punks.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of staff wearing “Yuanzhen” cinema overalls directly rushed up, regardless of three seven twenty-one, picked up the tables, chairs and benches on the ground, and greeted the brains of these guys.

In the distance, there are still many people rushing towards here.

The number seventy or eighty people riding the ghost fire motorcycle had just rushed to the red street light a hundred meters away and were blocked.

It was a large group of young people in suits and leather shoes with a 2.6 sign of “Yinke Real Estate Sales Consultant” around their necks.

“Brothers, inside is the chairman of our Yuanzhen Group, if he loses a single hair today, we will have to be fired tonight.”

“Fuck him!”

“Lao Tzu doesn’t want to lose his job.”

“Zheng, dare to hit our chairman, Laozi will squeeze all your eggs. Burst. ”

The crowd is excited, these people pull people on the street all day to look at the house, waiting for the salary to be paid at the end of the month, so that the boss can be hammered under the nose?

Really when they are vegetarian?

These people, unarmed, actually directly removed the U-lock of the battery car that they ran the list, and carried it in their hands, at this moment, each person held a battery car U-lock in his hand, brandishing it, and he was also majestic and domineering!


PS: Thank you Mo Yuchen for your support of the urging vote, thank you very much!!! ~_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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