“It can’t be.”

The twist vine almost subconsciously refused.

Are you kidding?

Now his most profitable game is League of Legends.

This can be shown with just three data.

First, League of Legends earned 12.4 billion by selling skins.

Second, the live broadcast value and influence of League of Legends in Daxia is second only to several sports such as football, basketball, and F1.

Third, League of Legends revenue of $2.8 billion last year still ranks first among all Penguin Group games.

In this way, the market value of League of Legends has soared to 90 billion US dollars, converted into Daxia coins, that is, 585 billion.

In Daxia Dynasty, how many companies can there be with a market value of more than 585 billion?

“Brother Chen, you should understand that the Red Rabbit Bicycle is not qualified to compare with League of Legends.” After taking a deep breath, Twist Vine tried to speak.

“In this way, I only need five years of League of Legends shares, and after five years, your Penguin Group can buy it back, how about it?”

“Is it to exchange shares with Chitu Bike?”

“Equivalent replacement, when the time comes, the market value price will come, and the shares will be preferred.”

Twist Vine was silent for a while, “In this way, our Penguin Group will suffer losses, Chitu Bicycle, the future market value price will inevitably fall, even if I hold 71.2% of the shares, it is not comparable to the 13.7% of the League of Legends shares in your hands.” ”

“That’s three years, that’s my bottom line.”

“We need to discuss.”

Twist Vine hesitated, said sorry to Chen Xiao, and hung up the phone.

He looked back at the five tiger generals of the Penguin Group and a group of think tanks and directors.

“Guys, now Chen Xiao wants to use 80 billion in exchange for 13.7% of the shares of our United of Heroes, hold it for 3 years, and after 3 years, we can recover the shares at the market value price according to the contract, what do you think?”

“In 3 years, according to our current stock price assessment of Chitu Bicycle, within one year, it will definitely decline to a market value of more than 200 billion, which is still because Chitu Bicycle continues to lay domestic and foreign markets and increase the amount of investment.”

“After 3 years, I am afraid that there will only be a market value of about 100 billion left, and when the time comes, the chips in our hands will be greatly devalued, and I am afraid that 71.8% of the shares of Chitu Bicycle will not be exchanged for 13.7% of the shares of League of Legends.”

Twist Vine’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly when he heard this, “Then what do you think of League of Legends?” ”

“This game, starting from S2, became popular, and in S3 and S4, it has occupied a large part of the game proportion among domestic college students, high school students, and social game enthusiasts.”

“This year is S5, EDG won the MSI championship, and it has excited domestic players for a while, and the market value price is expected to rise.”

“If I can win the S5 World Championship this year, I think the market value of League of Legends, that is, the riot company, will skyrocket.”

“Therefore, I think it will be a loss, it is better to reduce the price to less than 10% of the shares.”

“Before we wholly acquired two leading companies, it is in order to make money in the future. The treasure basin is all in hand, and it is not a wise choice to take the initiative to give it away now. ”


“I agree.”

In an instant, almost half of the people in the entire conference room raised their hands in agreement.

“But have you ever thought about it, now the team of the Kimchi Country, three. Star disbanded this year, and the two team members joined the LPL teams, but the dynasty team SKT is still there. ”

“Can they really win the championship?”

“Is it an EDG that has a problem now, or is it LGD, which is gaining momentum?”

“I don’t think it’s reliable.”

Twist Vine’s brows furrowed, “What about the OMG team that Chen Xiao acquired the shares?” There is no chance. ”

“If it is the old OMG team before, it is called the light of the planet, the dark forces, and maybe there is a little chance, after all, they faced the kimchi country team in the world arena that year, but they played 3:0, and now the whole team has changed, not a single old man remains, all have become second-line substitutes, such strength wants to win the championship, it is simply a fool’s dream, but it should be no problem to enter the playoffs.” After all, they left UZi. ”

“In this way, Chen Xiao is not for the OMG club, he is just for the whole people to broadcast a large number of LOL anchors, and can better broadcast, comment, and edit things about LOL.”

“In this way, after tomorrow’s opening, we will immediately sell the shares of Chitu Bike, leaving only 30% in our hands, at that time, even if it is a loss, we will not lose much, and if we sell 41.2%, at the current market price, we can earn back more than 1200 billion, and then count the 120 billion given by Chen Xiao, then this transaction, we Penguin Group, can make a net profit of 240 billion.”


In an instant, the whole office boiled.

“It is worthy of being President Ma, or the god of business.”

“Mr. Ma, with an extra 120 billion cash flow, then this time, we can do a lot of things.”

“Yes, Mr. Ma, this time our Penguin Group will definitely continue to swallow those small companies, and it is best to swallow the other live broadcast platforms.”

“Mr. Ma, in fact, we previously took out 86.5 billion to invest in these shares, and also took out others, including the PP chat software team and Daily Express, our loss this time should be about 140 billion.”

“Earned back 240 billion, in fact, that is, some shares, can be converted into cash flow income, which is about 33 billion.” Next to him, Xu Chenyi, the last person left of the Penguin Five Tigers, frowned and spoke.

“Lao Xu has a point.”

“What do you mean, Lao Xu? Will this deal continue? ”

“Of course.”

“And it’s to be promised immediately.”

Xu Chen crossed his fingers on the table, “We, Penguin Group, will we care about tens of billions of revenues?” ”

“What we care about is the image and façade of the company.”

“In this battle, Wang Jianlin + Hu Yajun, Yida Group and Dragon Tiger Real Estate, the two hundred billion companies, are not Chen Xiao’s opponents, making Chen Xiao famous.”

“And what about us?”

“We Penguin Group will be able to suppress and Ali snap. The cooperative Yuanzhen Group, in this way, in people’s hearts, we Penguin Group, will always suppress Yuanzhen Group. ”

“That’s the point we put up in people’s minds.”

“For this reason, even if we lose tens of billions, it is worth it.”

“Moreover, the cooperation between Yuanzhen Group and Ali Snap will not last long.”

“After Taobao Group has a live broadcast platform, they will abandon Yuanzhen Group, so that Yuanzhen Group, which has the first live broadcast platform in China, will definitely fall to us, so this five-year cooperation, we will not only not lose, but also make a big profit.”

“Okay, then promise to come down.”

The twist vine hit the nail on the head.

“After the market opens tomorrow morning, we will immediately sell 41.2% of the shares of Chitu Bike, make a cash flow first, and earn back our losses.”



PS: In the upper right corner is the hydrogen power yacht fitness area

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