Start with Ageless Youthful Art Chapter 109


Chapter 109 Accidents

In the cauldron, a quaint three-color token is suspended out of thin air.

As several strands of Qi entered the cauldron, the flames in the furnace rose a little, and the rune outlined on it gradually detached, slowly entrenched three feet above the token, and condensed into a delicate sword shadow .

Without the blessing of rune, the token is like the hard ice that has been basking in the hot sun for a long time, melting into a tumbling liquid.

Li Yan stared at cauldron and pondered for a moment, then suddenly poured liquid metal on the rune in the fire.

zi zi!

As if the scorching sound of cold water in the hot pot rang out, three-color silk threads like blood vessels were constantly being born in the fire, and quickly wrapped around the illusory shadow of the ups and downs in the midair.

weng weng!

The magic sword trembled, showing unprecedented solidity.

In a spurt of energy

Li Yan secretly said in one's heart, opened his mouth, and suddenly sucked the rune on the fire.

The talisman and the spiritual liquid transformed by the token, such as the nectar and jade dew, completely fell into the belly of the Taoist.

Li Yan immediately closed his eyes slightly and listened back to his ears as he breathed.

Stop holding hands, sinking your mind into the spiritual platform.

Li Yan suddenly realized that a round thing had been quietly born.

It looks like a full moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it hangs brightly in Li Yan's Niwan Palace, releasing light and cleaning the Lingtai.

I can vaguely feel the fierce sword qi in it.

This thing is the sword pill, the hidden sword that removes the lead and restores its original appearance.

Li Yan's mind moved, and he spat out the sword pill again.

With the change of his thoughts, the length and contraction are all unsatisfactory, his momentum is rushing, and everything he touches in the quiet room immediately turns to dust.

It's truly a killing technique like first under the heavens.

Li Yan took back the sword pill contentedly, flicked his sleeves, and took back the Yin Fiend Xuan snake who was guarding outside the house.

Pinch your fingers and it's time for the Great Immortal Ascension Assembly.


When Li Yan entered the main hall of Qingyang Temple, more than ten people, including Xu Xiuyuan, were already waiting there.

In addition to Xu Xiuyuan's son and daughter, as well as Lu Daoji's father and daughter, there are seven others, one of them is an old man who has a cultivation base of the 5th layer of Qi Refinement.

"We've met the envoy of Shengxian."

Both Xu and Yuan raised their hands and bowed to Li Yan respectfully.

No matter what the normal friendship is, at this moment, Li Yan, as the envoy of the ascendant from the Xunfeng view, should be treated with courtesy in every circumstance.

Li Yan naturally didn't understand this truth. After receiving this ceremony, he sat in the first seat with peace of mind.

"The Great Immortal Ascension Assembly was held in the Qingyang Temple. There are three people holding the Ascension Order. Do you have any objections?"

Taking out a jade slip, Li Yan Duanzheng asked.

Xunfengguan sent Shengxian envoys down the mountain, and of course they would not let them come.

Each Great Immortal Ascension Assembly needs to be recorded with a specific jade slip, in case there are unscrupulous Taoists who use power for personal gain and break the sect rules.

After all, most of the people who can be given the Immortal Promotion Order have made great contributions to the sect. If the rights and interests of the descendants of the hero cannot be protected, who is willing to work for the sect?

However, the rules have always been a loophole.

For example, when Xu Xiuyuan exchanged the Bai Family's immortal decree, he also saw that no one in the Bai Family owns the affiliation. .

"We have no objection."

Everyone naturally said the truth.

"Then Poor Daoist announces that the Great Immortal Ascension Assembly will start immediately."

Li Yan took out the question beads from the storage bag and motioned for the nearest teenager to come forward. Take the test.

This person is the grandson of Yuan Daoren.

Being able to be brought to participate in the Great Immortal Ascension Assembly by a Taoist who traveled to the realm at night, his grandfather had obviously tested his aptitude, and it was nothing more than a cutscene to test it again.

Sure enough, the stone beads suddenly lit up after a while.

The rays of light that escaped are not inferior to Xu Lingjun, and of course they are far from comparable to Li Yan at the beginning.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan has a successor."

Li Yan smiled and bowed his hands to Laodao joyfully said.

"Where! Where!"

Old Daoist stroked his beard laughed, trying his best to hide the joy in his heart.

follow closely from behind is the brother of the Bai Family.

It's just that no matter the eldest or the second, the brothers blushed and couldn't let the stone beads emit even the slightest light.

Although they have been psychologically prepared in advance, they have seen Li Yan's Divine Immortal methods these days.

However, everyone has their own destiny. Thinking of the large sum of money that Xu Xiuyuan promised to his family, Bai Family father and son's heart immediately became hot again.

Isn't it good to be a hedonistic son of rich parents if you can't become an immortal?

Finally, it was the turn of the grandfather and grandson who collided with Li Yan that day.

The young grandson carefully placed his hand on the stone bead with anxiety, but he did not wait for the stone bead to change for a long time.

"Sun You'an, there is no ginseng."

Li Yan's only light-hearted remarks, but it brought a complete end to a young boy's dream of becoming an immortal.

She pouted and tried her best to ask Li Yan to give herself another chance.

Just looking at Li Yan's cold eyes, the fear of immortal finally prevailed.

"Don't be discouraged, even if you don't get on the cultivation path, this immortal decree will keep you rich and noble for the rest of your life, can someone change it?"

Li Yanchaoqing Yuan Daoist cast a look at them, and then again comforted the two who had not detected the genus.

"Reporting to the Immortal Envoy, Disciple is willing to exchange half of the family business with Brother Bai for jade talisman. Brother Bai also agreed to this matter. Please enlighten the immortal envoy."

Xu Xiuyuan stood up abruptly, cup one fist in the other hand and said to Li Yan.

"Anthracene? Scholar Bai, can what Brother Qingyuan said be true?"

Li Yan heard this looked towards old man.

"Reporting back to Immortal Envoy, what Xu Guanzhu said is true, the two sons of little old man have no affiliation, and holding this immortal decree is useless, it is better to exchange with Xu Guanzhu, It's good to be the beauty of an adult."

Obviously the old man discussed it with Xu Xiuyuan.

Xu Xiuyuan's conditions were much better than sect's.

"Poor Daoist took the liberty to ask again, during this process, did Brother Qingyuan be persecuted?"

Holding the jade slip in his hand, Li Yan asked tirelessly .

"Xu Guanzhu is a kind man, and the conditions he gave us are not bad at all."

The old man shook the head, supporting Xu Xiuyuan.

"Since it's your love and my wish, Poor Daoist can't talk about it, but if the immortal decree is exchanged, you can't go back, and I hope the lay people know."

Li Yan nodded, It was considered that he approved this move, and at the same time signaled Xu Lingjun to step forward and walk through the process.

Xu Lingjun became the second Dao Child to pass.

Lu Daoji showed a moving look, looked thoughtful and turned his attention to the grandfather and grandson of the Sun Family.

However, before he could make any move, he saw the old Sun Family suddenly displayed and bowed down to Li Yan.

"The villain, Sun Chengdong, dared to ask for mercy from the immortals, and also gave the villain a chance to enter the gate of immortality."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

Let two chase three, congratulations to Taobo! There is one more update before three o'clock, so I'll make up for today's two! charge charge charge!

(end of this chapter)

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