Start with an Archangel

Chapter 102 The ambush begins

After all the talk, Daliang finally calmed Shu Xiao's restless heart and sent her out of the captain's room to let her get familiar with his griffon.

Two hours later, the Blackfire Fleet sailed against the wind to the northernmost point of Sidney's battle plan, and then the ships of the entire fleet turned southwest. The strong northeasterly wind swelled the sails, and the sailors pulled the rigging together to adjust the sails to the most wind-resistant position. The bow of the ship sank due to the strong power pressure, and the sea water was chopped. The huge waves from the bow hit the open deck, and the ship kept accelerating.

Da Liang was also constantly adjusting the positions of the ship models on the combat map based on the positions of the Black Fire Fleet and the troop transport fleet. The two fleets approach the vertex along the two sides of a corner on the map in the form of a model. As time passed bit by bit, the models of the two fleets finally met on the map.

At this time, Shu Xiao's shout came from outside: "Master! Master! The target fleet has really appeared. They are to the south of us. That NPC hero is so awesome... his calculations are so accurate!"


Daliang quickly rushed out of the captain's cabin and entered the bridge. Shu Xiao was riding her royal griffon at the top of the mast, shouting and pointing to the distant sea. Da Liang immediately took out his telescope and looked towards the southern sea. Sure enough, a fleet had just emerged.

It's a troop transport fleet, yes!

"All captains of the Blackfire Fleet listen to the order and raise the battle flag! Prepare to fight!"

"The Blackfire Fleet temporarily established the First Squadron, which consists of the 'Skeleton Soldier', the 'Iron Glove', the 'Iron Boot', the 'Iron Hat', the 'Iron Plate Armor', and the flagship 'Skeleton Soldier' , Fleet Commander Sidney, is responsible for the main combat missions against the enemy fleet; the Black Fire Fleet temporarily establishes the Second Squadron, under the jurisdiction of the 'Black Fire', the flagship 'Black Fire', Fleet Commander Daliang, the task is to serve the First Fleet Provide air support and magic support.”

"Shu Xiao, take off! Take off!"

Following Daliang's continuous orders, the three-masted battleship "Skeleton Soldier" raised the flagship flag, and other battleships also raised the battle flag to the top of the main mast. Then the First Fleet used its speed advantage to break away from the "Black Fire" , approaching the troop transport fleet.

After receiving Da Liang's order, Shu Xiao took off with all the griffins. During the process of gathering in the air, three status magics were cast on them by the magic mages.

Advanced bloodthirsty thaumaturgy

Advanced body shield

Senior Holy Spirit Zuoyou

And when Da Liang was about to apply some more magic to the "Skeleton Soldier", he found that the first fleet had already run out of the range of the magic mage.

So quickly... It is indeed correct to separate the first fleet.


Specialty: Navigator (the speed of the ship is increased by 10%, and the speed of the ship on the sea is increased by 10%)

Special Skills: Elementary Navigation (ship speed increased by 10%)

Intermediate offensive technique (the melee lethality of troops increases by 10%)

Intermediate gunnery (cannon damage increased by 10%)

After Sidney became the commander-in-chief of the First Fleet, under double acceleration, the First Fleet's speed surged and it quickly cut inward towards the troop transport fleet.

Shu Xiao left six griffons to protect the "Black Fire" and quickly chased after it.

When the Black Fire Fleet discovered the troop transport fleet, the lookout on the mast of the "Coconut Tree" also saw the Black Fire Fleet. When he saw that the fleet that suddenly appeared in the northern waters all raised their battle flags, he shouted loudly. He shouted from the deck below: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack! The unknown fleet from the north at 11 o'clock is approaching at high speed. They have one three-masted warship, four two-masted warships, and one three-masted merchant ship. Attention! This is not a drill. This is not a drill, all personnel are prepared to fight. Inform the captain that we are about to be attacked..."

The lookout's shout caused chaos on the entire deck. Centaurs, dwarves, and elves rushed out of the cabin. The cannons were stripped of their coats, barrels of gunpowder were carried out, the gun doors were opened, and the gunners faced outwards. Look around and clear away aquatic plants that affect your vision.

Captain Lucius rushed out of the captain's cabin as soon as he received the warning. He stood on the bridge and looked through binoculars at the approaching fleet from the north, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The enemy fleet rushed in very fast. Not only did they take advantage of the northeasterly wind, but the fleet leader should also have the ability to accelerate. Seeing that the enemy was charging with a very clear purpose of raising the battle flag, it was obvious that they were here to ambush you. Damn it...who leaked it? How did they know that my fleet would pass by this location at this time...

spy! There must be spies among the top brass of Chongming City!

Lucius cursed loudly, but he also knew that this was not the time to guess who was the spy. He should get the fleet into combat as soon as possible, otherwise it would be dangerous if his own fleet was overwhelmed by the enemy fleet and could not form its formation.

"The fleet immediately formed a combat formation. All Pegasus knights took off and pressed forward to buy time for the fleet's tactical formation. Each battleship was responsible for the magical blessing of its own Pegasus knight..."

In the troop transport fleet, the battleships accelerated to separate from the troop transport ships and formed a battle line at sea to meet the enemy fleet. The two troop carriers deflected their course and planned to hide in the safety zone on the left side of the battleship.

The Pegasus knights on each ship took off one after another, and magic rose from the battleships one by one, shooting at the Pegasus knights belonging to their own ships. After the round, these Pegasus knights who took off, led by several Silver Pegasus knights, flew towards the charging enemy fleet.

Sidney stood next to the helmsman of the "Skeleton Soldier", with his left hand on the hilt of his sword and his right hand on the bridge guardrail. His battleship was at the forefront of the entire fleet. The high-speed hull set off waves one after another, and water droplets scattered all over the sky splashed at his feet.

Not long ago, he was a pirate who didn't know if he would survive the next day. In the past, he was the captain of an ordinary two-masted battleship in the Pudong Fleet. In addition to patrolling, his mission was to deal with those philistine businessmen. Once upon a time, his dream of joining the navy was to lead a fleet to fight a magnificent naval battle, but the reality was not what he imagined. If he wanted to be promoted in the Pudong fleet, his status was more important than his ability. Gradually, his dream was buried. In the bottom of my heart.

Now, a powerful battleship is at his feet, and a powerful fleet is behind him. The fleet in awkward formation ahead is his prey this time.

Sidney stared at the fleet in the distance and whispered: "The naval battle on Feichen Island is really low-level. Only this kind of battle can excite me. Only a fleet of this size is worthy of being destroyed by me."

At this time, all the Pegasus knights in the Hong Kong troop transport fleet took off. They simply formed a formation in the air and flew towards Sidney's fleet.

"All archers, be careful not to let the enemy's Pegasus knights get close to our masts and protect our sails..."

As soon as Sidney's order was given, the cries of griffins came from the sky behind. Then a large group of griffons flew over the fleet, and huge shadows quickly passed over the deck. The griffins arrived. Led by a royal griffin knight, they flew around the mast at low altitude and firmly protected the sails of the first fleet.

The human soldiers cheered to the gryphon.

Sidney's iron-gloved hand smacked down hard, fight!

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