Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1024 First meeting

In order to cooperate with Daliang's strategic progress in South America, Yingshi Virtual Bank also launched the "Brazilian Game Zone Friendly Legion Mutual Assistance Investment" plan.

Bank of England announced:

After the teleportation arrays in Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City were built and put into operation. British World Bank will set up a Brazilian branch in Rio de Janeiro specifically to provide credit services to Brazilian gamers.

It also launched an unprecedented interest rate policy and showed its utmost sincerity to support the Brazilian player groups affected by the plane war.

All Brazilian game groups that have signed the "Formal Convention on Game Ethics in the Brazilian Game Zone", in addition to receiving many preferential policies from Yingshi Virtual Bank, can also have an exclusive green channel for RMB and gold coin exchange, which can be more favorable than the market price. Get gold coins at a price and sell gold coins at a price higher than the market price.

The Bank of England has carried out overwhelming publicity in the Brazilian gaming area, and all Brazilian players are eagerly looking forward to the early signing of the "Game Ethics Convention".

At this time, Daliang, who had completed the preliminary layout, exited the game.

Ada had already arrived at Shangjiang and asked to see Daliang so that she could thank him in person.

At this time, Shu Xiao also knew the entire process of Daliang's rescue of Ada. This kind of rescue operation across the hemisphere was simply the best fit for Shu Xiao's eager-to-justice temper.

"Okay! I usually see you being submissive when I bully you, but you are still very manly at critical moments. This kind of cross-ball rescue, hero saving beauty... If I were Ada, I would definitely give my life to you."

Da Liang didn't dare to jump into the hole dug by Shu Xiao. He showed his master's style and said: "What does it mean to be submissive! You don't know whether your master and I are pure men? Heroes save beauties and pledge themselves to each other. It’s an old bridge in China, and foreigners simply don’t have it.

Hurry up and find some clothes for me, and let's go see Ada together. Then we will meet with Xu Man and Uncle Jin. The intervention corps in the American game area are already on their way to the Brazilian game area. Let's discuss how to deal with them. "

"Okay, my man!" Shu Xiao kissed Daliang and ran to the closet to help Daliang find clothes for formal occasions.

Da Liang picked up his mobile phone and first booked a restaurant, then asked the staff of the Judgment Corps to send Ada to the restaurant: "Just let Ada and her brother go there, we young people It's easy to talk, and then you can find a way to arrange her parents' jobs. Whether it is for humanitarian reasons or for publicity in the Brazilian game area, you must do your best to solve this matter.

The salary should not be too high or too low, and they should do the work that they can do.

There is also the matter of Ada and his brother studying abroad. If you can't solve it, go to the University Alliance and Yingshi Virtual Bank.


Ada is now a public opinion figure in the Brazilian gaming community. The sensation Daliang created in Rio de Janeiro quickly made her known to all Brazilian players.

The lowest level scavenger in the game. She doesn't have any time to play in the game. She has no levels, no skills, no equipment, nothing. Every day she goes online is to pick up refreshed resources and other people's unwanted garbage in the wild.

She spent every minute of her online time making money, earning college tuition, getting rid of her own destiny, fulfilling her wishes, and moving out of the slums.

Very touching and very inspiring.

However, it was such a strong and sensible girl who encountered the most terrifying thing in the game. If it weren't for the big appearance to save her, she would have died.

The contrast between the whole incident and fate is really touching, making people want to vent their anger.

The widespread problem of offline violence in Brazilian gaming areas was brought to light at this moment. Across the Brazilian internet, there was a denunciation of the problem of offline violence.

The call for signing the "Formal Convention on Gaming Ethics in the Brazilian Game Zone" is getting louder and louder, and the wave is sweeping across South America.

We can see in the future that when the Brazilian game area signs the convention and implements it, game areas in South America will also sign the convention one after another, and the game environment here will return to the order it should be.

And it all started when Daliang and Ada met for the first time in the game.

Now the two of them are about to meet for the first time outside the game.

Every adolescent girl longs for a Prince Charming in her heart, and the increasing hormones give them the most rudimentary desire for love. Girls in this period can easily fall into the trap of a heartbeat. Love is love and will not be affected by any material or external factors.

Ada was about to meet Mr. Daliang, and her heart was pounding.

What kind of person is he...

Ada's brother Tommy has recovered from the shock of being shot. He regrets very much why he argued with his sister and missed the best time to escape.

Fortunately, everything is over and they are safe.

Tommy has been very curious about this strange country since he stepped off the plane. There are no gang members on the streets here, gathering together to stare at passers-by, ready to rob at any time; the police here do not even carry guns when on duty; it is already late at night when we get off the plane, and you can see people walking slowly on the streets everywhere passers-by.


And the restaurant they are in now, with its clean and spacious must cost a lot of money to eat here.

Tommy didn't know what happened to Ada, nor what kind of wave had been set off in Brazil in the game. He knew that a Chinese named Daliang rescued them from Tiago.

He must be a more powerful gang boss than Tiago!

Tommy thought so, and then asked Ada with some worry: "Ada, Mr. Liang won't point a gun at me again, will he?"

Ada was thinking about what to say after meeting Daliang. When she heard her brother's question, she said angrily: "I told you, don't always think about becoming famous by playing football. Only a few stars will emerge out of tens of thousands of slum children. Thinking about making money by playing football is not as good as studying hard, which will make you smarter. Listen up, guns are banned in China... Even if someone wants to put a gun to your head, they will not choose this occasion.

Moreover, Mr. Daliang is a very gentleman. He invited us to eat here. You must not embarrass me. "

"I know, I know... you have told me many times on the road. He is your Zorro. He has a noble status, but he is willing to draw his sword and fight for the people at the bottom.

Of course...he is also my savior, but I have nothing and can only repay him when I become a football star in the future.

But playing football in China... maybe I should take your advice and study hard. "

Ada continued to lecture: "Don't talk about repayment so casually. You should start with respect. Look...that person should be Mr. Daliang..."

Ada's words suddenly stopped, and Tommy immediately looked out the door, and then couldn't help but admired: "Mr. Daliang's female companion is so beautiful. Is that his girlfriend? Oh...he also brought a football."

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