Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1050 If you want to fight, be more lively

Faced with a tidal wave of attacks by the interventionist forces and with the defenders retreating steadily, Da Liang actually issued an order for the entire army to attack.

How to attack?

This is not a stand-alone strategy game from a long time ago. Just click one option and click directly, and the army you control will charge and destroy the enemies it encounters.

Now it is a real confrontation between the two armies.

Anyone with some military literacy can see that these Brazilian individual players faced a well-trained and well-coordinated American game zone intervention force, and their defense was overwhelming.


Can you rush? Can you attack it?

The era when wars could be won with a few heroic words, a head advantage, or a desperate charge has long passed.

Players' battles in the game have gradually changed from relying on numbers and blood at the beginning to relying on a small number of elite and professional combat legions.

The 200,000 intervention troops can be said to be a quarter of the national strength of the United States in terms of elite level, but Da Liang actually wants to win the war with a million rabble who have no levels, no skills, no equipment.

The best thing to do is to persevere.

When the support from Brazilian players continues to arrive in Rio de Janeiro, and when quantity can make up for quality, the intervention force can be exhausted and retreat voluntarily.

But Daliang chose to win the war by taking the initiative to attack.

This is definitely a serious strategic mistake. Is he crazy?

I don’t know if Da Liang is crazy or not, but his speech on the national channel of the Brazilian Game Zone was quite inspiring. Looking at the mirror that was comparable to the ocean and made up of weapon reflections, everyone involved had the illusion that "we can fight back."

When the order for the entire army to attack was given, everyone really charged.

The Brazilian players summoned their mounts together, shouted and headed forward. Even under the uninterrupted attack of the intervention forces, the frontline personnel who were beaten so hard that they could not hold their heads up rushed out of the hastily built bunker, and with the magic in the sky, they charged forward while using any long-range attack method at their disposal. .

Then the dead are resurrected and rush to the front line.

It’s just that the tide of charging was torn apart in front of the tight defensive line of the American intervention forces in the game area...

The charge continued, and the Sun Waiter had recovered from the shock of his momentum.

He looked at his rock-solid front and said to Daliang with a smile: "What you do will only make it easier for me to win. The human sea tactics that you Chinese are good at have long been outdated."

At this time, the Chinese Expeditionary Force in the Game Zone had completed its formation change. The Jiuding Legion originally stationed in the rear formation pressed to the front of the formation. The Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion shrank to the center line. The three legions formed a vector formation for offensive breakthrough.

Ancient Beamon and Beamon, who had the strongest melee capabilities, were pressed at the front of the attack formation.

The expeditionary force moved forward on foot, and a professional mage group followed the Behemoths, applying buffs to them, releasing defensive shields and replenishing damaged health.

Shu Xiao's air combat troops deployed a "human"-shaped air defense belt over the military formation, and the flying ultimate creatures she led were scattered at every node of the defense belt. Shu Xiao himself flew to Daliang's side and shouted to the Sun Waiter: "Hey! Fight the ugly man with black wings if you want to, don't talk so much nonsense. I heard that you are a member of the Hell Plane Confrontation Team 'Seven Kingdoms' 'The boss, what a coincidence... I am the eldest sister of the heroic world camp's confrontation team 'Myth'.

We are hostile camps. Do you have the guts to start a camp war here? "

Daliang turned to Shu Xiao and said, "Don't laugh at me, mine are also fallen angel wings."

"You are handsome, even with any wings."


While Daliang and Shu Xiao were whispering, Sun Waiter recognized Sui Yue, the second commander of the Judgment Legion.

There is news that Suiyue is Chang'e in the newly established heroic world camp confrontation team "Myth". Now through Suiyue's confirmation, it seems that a powerful camp confrontation team has also been captured by Daliang.

As for starting a camp confrontation?

"Myth" is a newly established team to fight against the faction. Chang'e kicked out all the people from the original temple and recruited new members herself. Novices who have not been trained will naturally not have the tacit understanding of the veteran camp to fight against the team. The "Myth" is definitely not the opponent of their "Seven Kingdoms".

If there is a camp war, he can recruit crows from the Seven Kingdoms from all over the world to the battlefield in Rio de Janeiro. These are the top players in the game, and they are not much weaker than himself in terms of strength.

And Daliang must be in "Myth", and the crows must also be willing to use this battlefield to weaken "Myth"'s strength, making future camp confrontations easier.

"Blind arrogance will only accelerate your demise!" The Sun Waiter ordered the crows to gather in Rio de Janeiro, and at the same time started a camp confrontation mission, and said to Daliang and Shu Xiao: "Faction confrontation? Come on, let me see Let’s see what level the newly established ‘Myth’ is like.”

While Sun Waiter was talking, hell portals kept opening next to him, and players of the hell race flew out of the portals one after another. Some of them use spells to fly, some ride ultimate flying creatures, and some use flying props. Their aura is much higher than that of ordinary upper-level players.

At the same time... hell portals are constantly opening around Daliang and Shu Xiao, and the priests who have recently joined "Myth" will also face their first camp confrontation.

And the first battle is a team battle between the "Myth" of the Heroic World and the "Seven Kingdoms" of Hell.

Shu Xiao accepted a camp confrontation mission, and the conditions for the camp confrontation were met.

[The camp confrontation conditions are met, and the camp battle begins...]

Location: Rio de Janeiro, South America, main world

against teams

Good camp: World of Heroes, Myth, 13 people.

Evil camp: Hell, Seven Kingdoms, 15 people.

Confrontation range: The eastern beach of Rio de Janeiro, South America, in the main world.

Task description: If all members of one party withdraw from the battlefield or are completely wiped out, the confrontation ends.

Shu Xiao said on the "Myth" channel: "I am Chang'e... This is the first time our Shinhwa has participated in a camp confrontation since the establishment of Shinhwa. No one can be intimidated by my sister, and we all rush forward for my sister.

Jade Rabbit charges first! "

It feels very bad to be bright.

This girl, Shu Xiao, is a bit overwhelmed when she becomes a leader for the first time! Can this Jade Rabbit be a little more subtle? And... what is "The Jade Rabbit rushes first"? Why does it sound like shutting the door and letting the dogs out?

But Shu Xiao, who is the eldest sister, has already spoken, and Daliang must maintain the dignity of the eldest sister in "Myth"... Then go ahead!

Da Liang took out the League of Angels, and a light shield appeared on his left hand. Then Hayate began to accelerate and activate the skill "Terror Charge", rushing straight towards the Sun Waiter.

At the same time, Da Liang activated "Holy Strike", and the light shield enlarged and flew in front of the blast, once again enhancing the "Terror Charge" collision ability.

When Daliang launched a charge, Shu Xiao instantly accelerated and flew on Daliang's right wing. The light shield was summoned and launched a "holy strike".

Then Julian fell from the sky and flew on Da Liang's left wing, and also launched a "holy strike".

The three players and the hero turned into three fired cannonballs. Under the leadership of the commander, the entire expeditionary force launched an attack on the enemy in front.

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