Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1080 Visitors

The turmoil that occurred in the Obsidian City Free Trade Market quickly subsided.

Haug and his assassin hut are exposed, and no one stands up for the unpopular profession of assassins. Even the Assassin's Guild had no intention of avenging Haug.

Assassins are assassins. They use their lives to make money. If they are killed, they can only admit that they are not good at skills.

After Hauge died, most of his men were recruited by other slave traders. All his properties were confiscated by Obsidian City, and then after an auction, Obsidian City earned a large amount of free wealth.

No one will avenge Haug, and he will soon be forgotten.

Daliang solved a life crisis for Margaret, and in return... Margaret also actively prepared to form an assassin group for Daliang.

First, Margaret needs to go to the black elf tribe that she has contact with and recruit four skilled assassins. Then she would discuss Daliang's guess that the elves were disguised as black elves with the matrons of these elven tribes.

If there are elves disguised as black elves and destroying the ore transportation roads in Obsidian City, then the black elves will never let these surface elves run wild on their own territory.

Margaret left Obsidian City and headed to the lower cave. Da Liang waited in Obsidian City for the moment when Hauge's slave exchange was auctioned.

Margaret is very supportive of Daliang's desire to operate the slave trade in Obsidian City.

She could see that Daliang was very rich. He not only saved her but also befriended the dwarves of Black Iron City. If he bought Haug's slave exchange, he could get part of Haug's business.

There is no competition or conflict between the slave business and the ore business, but rather complement each other...

If Da Liang could take root in Obsidian City, it would only be good for Margaret, who runs the ore trade, but not bad.

Margaret, who went to the black elf tribe, also said that she would introduce Daliang to the black elf tribe she knew. These nomads often attack weak tribes and turn all defeated tribes into slaves and sell them.

Margaret left with a strong escort. She arranged for Daliang to live in her residence in Obsidian City, and asked the people who stayed behind to give Daliang the greatest respect.

Da Liang settled down in Obsidian City. After acquiring Hauge's property, he temporarily lived in Margaret's home.

Before Daliang could wait for the auction at the Hauge Slave Exchange, he first received a visit from the dwarves of Black Iron City.

The dwarf Pluto brought a dwarf who seemed to have a very high status in Black Iron City. The gray beard did not make this dwarf look any older, and every move he made showed the aura of a strong man. Pluto followed behind him, looking extremely respectful and respectful.

Da Liang borrowed Margaret's reception room to receive the dwarf visitor.

After the dwarf entered the reception room, he asked Pluto to wait outside the door with all his subordinates, and no one was allowed to come in. When he and Daliang were alone in the room, the dwarf gave Daliang a human aristocratic salute: "Hello, Duke Daliang of the Five-Color Flag Alliance and Shangjiang City. I'm glad to see you here. I'm also surprised to see you here. you.

I heard about what you did in Rio de Janeiro in the overworld...

No matter what the purpose of Shangjiang City is in Rio de Janeiro City, you all helped us and reduced the number of troops invested by Bauhinia City against Black Iron City.

We are grateful for your help. "

After being recognized, Daliang was not surprised. He told Margaret his real name, just to let this name spread to the ears of the dwarves in Black Iron City.

Margaret and Pluto are ignorant and don't know what the "big light" represents. If the top rulers of Black Iron City don't know about "Daliang", then they deserve to be wiped out by the elves.

Shangjiang City played a very strange pawn in the magical realm in Rio de Janeiro.

This location would make Bauhinia City, the largest main city of the elves, uncomfortable, but it would not stimulate the elves to use too drastic countermeasures. Shangjiang's actions in Rio de Janeiro undoubtedly increased the goodwill of Black Iron City.

The dwarves must also be eager to establish contact with the Five-Color Flag Alliance and turn this sideline into actual military support to share the pressure on Black Iron City.

Daliang is the Duke of Shangjiang City, one of the main allies of the Five Color Flag Alliance. It was this Duke who personally presided over the establishment of diplomatic relations with Rio de Janeiro. He is also the first diplomat to come out publicly since the establishment of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Moreover, the first stop of diplomacy was to find trouble with the elves.

Definitely the person the dwarves are most eager to see.

Therefore, Daliang knew that as long as the dwarf knew that he was in Obsidian City... in this city, which was only separated from the Black Iron City by a plane portal, important people would definitely be sent to meet him.

Sure enough... when Black Iron City learned that Daliang was in Obsidian City, it immediately sent a big shot, a very big shot.

Daliang saluted the dwarf according to the standard etiquette of a lower noble meeting a superior noble, and said: "Daliang of Shangjiang City has met His Majesty, the King of the Hill of Black Iron City... I really didn't expect that in your capacity... you would come here to see me.

This makes me feel honored and terrified at the same time..."

The person who came to visit Daliang was the owner of Black Iron City, the King of the Hill, one of the seven kings of the magical realm.

When Pluto returned to Black Iron City and reported the information that their ore suppliers might be assassinated by elves, the King of the Hill, realizing the seriousness of the situation, immediately summoned Pluto.

Then I heard Da Liang's name when I found out what happened.

Unlike Pluto, the King of the Hill didn't know who "Daliang" was. In fact, he learned that Shangjiang City had established diplomatic relations with Rio de Janeiro City despite the obstruction of Bauhinia City. The King of the Hill has been trying to establish contact with the Duke of Shangjiang City to obtain the Five Color Flag Alliance to support the independence of the dwarves.

Therefore, the King of the Hill asked Pluto... "Daliang" in detail about his appearance, clothing and demeanor, and then felt that this human race was probably the Duke of Shangjiang.

So the King of the Hill immediately asked Pluto to take him to Obsidian City to meet "Daliang", and after meeting Daliang, he became more certain of his judgment.

Daliang announced his identity and confirmed the Hill King's guess, which made the dwarf king very happy and surprised: "You actually recognized me! In order not to disturb Obsidian City during this visit, I I'm not wearing a crown, I'm not wearing royal armor, I'm just wearing casual clothes, how did you recognize me?"


Daliang feels that this question is difficult to answer. He cannot say: I have never seen you, but other players have seen you and took photos and posted them online to show off. When I saw the photo of the Dwarf King, I clicked a like button.

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