Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1101 Reoccupy Songjiang City

At this time, Kuka looked at Daliang and Monica flying in the air, and the admiration in his heart could not be increased.

This is a win!

Just now, he was still complaining about Daliang's order to him to stop attacking. He believed that this was a blind command, causing him to miss the best opportunity to quickly end the battle and increase unnecessary losses.

Now look again...

The Lord is indeed an Lord. He stopped a chaotic battle by saying a few words casually, and then said a few words casually...the enemy surrendered.

If I had not obeyed the orders of the adults just now, but had led my troops to charge, this effect would never have been achieved. Not only would they not be able to accept this powerful black elf army, they would also lose some of their own strength.

Your Excellency's art of war is truly admirable. Your ability to control war is beyond my own comparison!

"All the troops obey the order!" Kuka loudly ordered his troops: "March to Songjiang City and escort the Lord into the city."

The cavalry and flying troops took action and pressed against Songjiang City from land and air.

At this time, Songjiang City had already opened all its gates.

The flying troops crossed the city wall and chased after Da Liang and Monica who had entered the city; Kuka led the cavalry and roared through the city gate in front of the black elves guarding the city, and then dispersed into various roads in the city, heading towards the city lord's palace together.

The dark cavalry under the Black Fire Leader were galloping in Songjiang City. This scene was very similar to when the black elves captured the city.

The last time it was Abigail who occupied the city, this time it was Monica who was expelled after Abigail occupied the city.

Kuka led the army to occupy Songjiang City, which had given up resistance, while Daliang and Monica landed at the location of the Songjiang plane teleportation array.

The black elves guarding here all knelt down outside the teleportation array, saying words of loyalty to Monica.

Monica was very curious about Daliang bringing her here: "Sir, shouldn't we occupy the City Lord's Mansion now?"

Only then did Da Liang remember that Monica had just been resurrected and didn't know that he was the key to dealing with Abigail. So Da Liang told Monica about Abigail's current situation, and then said: "Abigail's soul has been sacrificed to the Dragon of Darkness by herself. Now Abigail has just obtained A body of law-level power. It is very difficult to subdue and seal her. However, according to the prophet's method, she can be driven away from here.

After the prophet arrives with the potion, you only need to let the calmed Abigail stand on the teleportation array.

Abigail entered the teleportation array, and we immediately sent her to the other side of the teleportation array, and then destroyed the teleportation array. What she does on the other side has nothing to do with us..."

Monica heard that Abigail had turned into a monster. She was not happy that her revenge was avenged, but she felt that she had lost something. She looked at the battle in the sky. Although Abigail and Arbitration could not be seen fighting, the loud noises showed how fierce the battle was there.

"Abigail got the retribution she deserved. It was her endless desire for power that destroyed her. I will never follow her path. Sir, I will complete the task you gave me...exile Abigail." You, manage Songjiang City well."

Da Liang asked all the black elves guarding the plane teleportation array to leave, and the following frost dragons descended one after another.

"I hand over Songjiang City to you, of course, because I believe in your ability and loyalty. I think the prophet should be arriving soon. He is a wise man. If you listen to his instructions, you will be fine. banish Abi. Gayle.”

While he was talking, a portal opened next to him, and the prophet walked out of it holding a bottle of potion on crutches. And said in a tone of extreme surprise: "The divine power of darkness blocked my divination of the Dark Dragon. When he appeared and attacked you, it really scared me. But...the Duke created another miracle as always. , you not only drove away the Dragon of Darkness, but also successfully took over Songjiang City.

Without the attack of the black elves, our operation to expel Abigail would have been smoother. "

Daliang said with a smile: "We are very lucky to be able to survive. Now Monica is ready, let's... start."

The prophet nodded and turned to Monica: "Escaped from the mouth of the Dark Dragon, your strength has been greatly improved. I can feel... the divine power of darkness flowing in your body.

Maybe Abigail can be your boost. "

Daliang asked hurriedly: "Can Monica regain Abigail?"

This is a 16th-level creature. Although it has no sanity, if it can be controlled by Monica, it will be equivalent to adding another 16th-level top combat power to the Black Fire Leader.

But the prophet's words dispelled Daliang's ambition, and he replied: "No, no, no, the 16th-level creature cannot be conquered. But it may be possible to control it for a period of time.

It's just possible...Monica needs to experience it for herself before making a conclusion. "

Then, the prophet handed the potion in his hand to Monica and said: "I will teach you a blood sacrifice spell now, which can make the smell of your blood spread very far. Maybe your current strength can make the smell spread not only It's limited to the Songjiang area, but the entire plane. Of course, we can't feel this weak taste, but it's enough to trigger a response from Abigail's bloodline.

In other words, no matter where you use this blood sacrifice spell, as long as Abigail is in this plane, she will be teleported directly to you. Therefore, before your strength can compete with Abigail, don't casually use it.

Then there's this potion.

This is called a 'suppression potion'. The formula is very ordinary, and its function is naturally to turn an excited state into a calm state. Many mages will prepare several bottles of 'suppression potion' with them, which can speed up the recovery of magic power during meditation.

What I made is a master-level 'suppression potion', which should have a certain effect on level 16 creatures.

When Abigail is attracted by the smell of your blood, turn the 'suppression potion' into a mist for Abigail to absorb. This will suppress her rage and let your blood powers pull each other.

Then...she may listen to your instructions during the time the potion takes effect. "

Monica took the "Suppression Potion" from the Prophet's hand, looked at the light purple liquid in the bottle, she nodded and said, "I understand, Prophet."

The prophet raised the staff in his hand and tapped Monica's forehead with the handle. The red light flashed away from the blood drop on Monica's forehead.

"The blood sacrifice spell has been taught to you. If you have no doubts, let's start."

Monica looked at Daliang, and after Daliang nodded in agreement, she used her sharp nails to make a small cut on her fingertips.

A drop of blood dripped from the wound, turned into a ball of blood mist before it hit the ground, and then disappeared.

I don’t want to deliberately break the chapter, but I can’t help it.

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