Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1139 The Elf is Coming

Da Liang knocked on the table to draw Monica's attention away, then pointed to a list on the table and said: "These are the lists of heavy war equipment and alchemy equipment I prepared for Ingram. You first take inventory of Songjiang City's inventory. Prioritize selling our old weapons to Ingram. The remaining part will be purchased from Shangjiang City in my name...

Get these weapons ready as soon as possible without delaying Ingram's siege.

The first batch of weapons went over with the garrison, and you quietly went over to inspect the terrain around Cihe City. Think about how to attack Thorn River City and block the passage between Obsidian City and the lower cave. I will send four black elf assassins from Obsidian City to be your guides, which will make it much easier for you.

Okay, that’s all that needs to be said.

I want to return to Obsidian City and meet the King of the Hill..."

Da Liang left Songjiang City with Monica's reluctant farewell.

Then... Songjiang City, which had originally stored swords and guns in storage, was re-armed, and the war equipment sealed in the warehouse was pulled out and renovated and maintained.

Groups of black elf armies were assembled in the city under the orders of the city lord Monica. The leading troops had already passed through the plane teleportation array and arrived at the Endless Labyrinth, heading towards Thorny River City. At the same time, military blockades and supply points were set up along the way.

Songjiang City implemented military mobilization and deployment intensively.

Daliang directly used the legion assembly flag inserted in the Obsidian City Free Market and returned to his Creed Slave Exchange.

Then he was told...

A small group of elves came from the magical realm and have been waiting for him here for many days.

The leader was still his old acquaintance...the druid Bavaria who had had many encounters in Rio.

The dwarves' construction of a weapons manufacturing factory in Obsidian City has alarmed the elves in the magical realm. This weapons manufacturing factory can provide weapons and military expenditures for Black Iron City, which the elves do not want to see.

Therefore, the elves protested against Obsidian City and demanded that the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory be closed down, but the city lord of Obsidian City refused.

The elves can no longer open a battlefield in the endless maze, so they can only use the dwarf weapon sales channels to prevent the dwarf weapons from being sold.

As a result of the investigation... the elves learned from the merchants in the free market that all the dwarf weapons in Obsidian City were monopolized by a human named Daliang.

The elves are not as ignorant as the black elves, and Daliang's identity was quickly determined by them.

Duke Feichen of Shangjiang City in the Five Color Flag Alliance.

It's the five-color flag again, and it's bright again.

If the five-color flag in Rio de Janeiro touched the cake of Bauhinia City, although Bauhinia City still doesn’t know which part of its cake was cut, it must have been cut. Now selling dwarf weapons is not just a problem for the main elf city in Bauhinia City, but against the elves in the entire magical realm.

So the elves responded quickly. King Wadsworth sent Bavaria, who had dealt with Daliang many times, to Obsidian City to handle this diplomatic issue.

A heavyweight diplomatic team composed of ten elf envoys is waiting for Da Liang's return at the Creed Slave Exchange.

Haug has stopped purchasing weapons produced by the dwarves under pressure from the elves.

At this time, all the free market merchants looked at the Creed Slave Exchange with gloating: Stupid humans, the dwarf weapons business cannot be swallowed up by you alone. Now... you are in trouble!

Da Liang didn't expect the elf to react so quickly, but since he dared to sell dwarf weapons, he expected the elf to come to his door.

So in that luxurious reception room, Daliang summoned Bavaria, the representative of the elves.

Bavaria is really aggressive...

In the city of Rio de Janeiro, he was punished by Daliang until he had no temper at all. In the end, he was forced to dare not leave the Rio Palace. But he didn't expect that the Five Color Flag Alliance would be so aggressive. Just after the Rio incident, they started trouble again in the Endless Maze and funded the dwarves who betrayed the elves.

This time Bavaria is not just the Redbud City behind it, he represents the anger of the entire Magical Realm elves.


Bavaria was taken to the reception room, and as soon as he stepped on the carpet, he started to accuse, but in the end he received a big hug from Da Liang: "Dear Bavaria, it really makes me so happy to see an old friend in this dark underground city. I'm happy. Come on, come on in, sit by the fire, and let the moisture in the ground go away first.

And red wine... This is the red wine I brought from Rio, you must miss the taste there. "

Daliang warmly welcomed Bavaria in, pressed him into a comfortable chair, and asked the attendant to pour red wine for Bavaria.

Since Da Liang's vampire maids were still in the returning convoy, the person serving as an attendant in the room was a temporarily transferred dwarf bear cavalry. Looking at these traitors, Bavaria finally couldn't hold it anymore and angrily shouted: "Duke Da Liang! On behalf of the Magic Realm, I make the most serious protest to you. I told you clearly in Rio de Janeiro that any person who funds the dwarves will His actions are all against the elves in the magical realm.

You have challenged our bottom line again and again. Do you really think we dare not go to war with the Five Color Flag Alliance?

Remember, this time we are no longer the Bauhinia City, you are facing the wrath of the entire elves! "

Daliang blocked Bavaria's spit with a field shield. After Bavaria finished speaking, he removed the magic and said kindly: "Master Bavaria, please maintain your magnanimity as an elf. And please don't elevate such a trivial matter to a high level. Amidst the conflicts between the camps..."

"A trivial matter!" Bavaria continued to spray: "Supporting the dwarves is definitely not a trivial matter. As the representative of this magical realm, I ask you to immediately stop all sales of dwarf weapons, otherwise you will be responsible for a war."

Da Liang once again removed the force field shield that was opened again, and then said angrily: "Master Bavaria, I warn you again. If you continue to be rude to a Duke of Shangjiang City... I don't know what I'm going to do. Which war you are responsible for, but I definitely know which war you are responsible for.

Please speak to me in a normal diplomatic manner. If you cannot control your emotions, I will inform His Majesty Wadsworth... Talk to me with a normal diplomat. "

Daliang's words caused Bavaria to stop his attack immediately. He wanted to overwhelm the other party in terms of momentum and force Daliang to agree to his conditions. Now it seems...failed.

Realizing that this opponent was still so difficult, Bavaria could only stabilize its mentality and prepare for a difficult negotiation with Daliang.

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