Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1185 Sporadic information

In response to Shi Fei's inquiries, Ban Yue Mao always answered immediately: "As the boss expected, the black elves are attacking Obsidian City. They are using heavy siege weapons on a large scale. According to the footage sent back by the intelligence personnel at the front , I don’t think it’s a problem for the black elves to break through the walls of Obsidian City.”

Shi Fei was stunned when he heard Half-Moon Cat's answer, and murmured: "The black elves are attacking the city wall? Shouldn't they have already entered the city?"

"Enter the city?" After hearing Shi Fei's words, Ban Yue Mao was silent for a while and said: "I just confirmed with the frontline intelligence personnel again that the black elves are attacking the walls of Obsidian City and have not entered the interior of Obsidian City...

Boss, where did you get the information that the black elves have entered the city? "

Shi Fei knew that he said something he shouldn't have said, so he covered it up: "The black elves are underground nomads, and Obsidian City is a level 13 dungeon. The black elves do not have the ability to directly attack this fortified city, so I guessed at first that the black elves are The elves already have other ways to cross the walls of Obsidian City and enter the city directly to fight in the streets...

Only then would they think that the black elves had entered the city.

Wait a said that the black elves are using heavy siege weapons on a large attack Obsidian City? "

I don't know if Ban Yue Mao believed Shi Fei's explanation, but she replied: "Yes... the black elves who attacked Obsidian City did have a large number of heavy siege equipment, as well as a certain amount of alchemy equipment."

That’s not right!

Shi Fei compared his memory.

In the previous life, when the black elves attacked Obsidian City, they took advantage of the carelessness of the city's defenders and used a small group of elite assassins to seize the city gate. Then the dark cavalry rushed into the city before the defenders could retake the city gate.

In the end, the Black Elves captured the defenders' war equipment through rapid urban street fighting, and then broke through the inner city defenses of Obsidian City. Finally, they completed the occupation of the city and cut off the logistics supply of Black Iron City.

Although Shi Fei's memory of this war is not very deep, the process was probably like this. The black elves are short of supplies and definitely don't have many heavy siege weapons.

So... where did the heavy war equipment used by the black elves come from?

Shi Fei originally thought that the plot of the Obsidian City War had not changed, but there were major plot changes. This was a change beyond his control.

And whether this change will have an impact on the Black Iron City War... Shi Fei doesn't know yet.

As long as the black elves can capture Obsidian City.

When Shi Fei was about to learn more about the battle situation in Obsidian City, Half-Moon Cat said: "Boss, Bauhinia City has sent an envoy from Bavaria, who has won the trust of King Wadsworth."

"I understand. He should be here to ask about this sneak attack. After all, this is a private action I took without any instructions. Ask him to wait for me for a while, I will be there soon."

Shi Fei saw that the CD of his "sniper" skill had been restored, and shot a magma dragon to death with one arrow. Then he ended his short break of spawning monsters on the battlefield and drove the golden dragon under him to fall to the military camp below.

Bavaria, who rushed over from Bauhinia City, was very happy. When the war in Black Iron City was stalemate and the elves had no way to achieve a decisive victory in the short term, the sudden appearance of Shi Fei's disappeared army near Black Iron City was simply a turning point in the entire war, giving the dwarves of Black Iron City a fatal blow. With one blow, victory was directly given to the elf.

Once the dwarves' problem is solved, the Five-Color Flag Alliance will be solved. Bavaria, who needed to send an envoy to Obsidian City to negotiate with Daliang, accepted the order of King Wadsworth and came to the battlefield of Black Iron City to commend Shi Fei.

Shi Fei and Bavaria are both trusted ministers of King Wadsworth. Although the relationship between the two is not very harmonious, they are still relatively familiar.

This time Bavaria brought the appointment of King Wadsworth, and the second-line army led by Shi Fei was reorganized into the main army of Bauhinia City. After replenishing high-level troops and enough heroes, they directly participated in the attack on Heite City.

King Wadsworth spoke very highly of Shi Fei and made it clear that when the war in Black Iron City is over, he will receive more rewards when he returns to Bauhinia City.

When Bavaria relayed King Wadsworth's commendation to Shi Fei, his heart was really sour. The two close ministers of King Wadsworth have already made great achievements in the Black Iron City, but they are still stuck in the mud of negotiations with the Five Color Flag Alliance.

"Master Feishaozushi's surprise attack here gave us a foothold to attack Black Iron City. The rebellion of the dwarves will be put down soon. Congratulations, sir, for achieving the greatest achievement in this war. I will go to Obsidian City again." I’ll take my leave now to deal with the Five-Color Flag Alliance matter…”

Bavaria was unhappy and wanted to leave as soon as possible, but was held back by Shi Fei. He asked: "Master Bavaria has to deal with the Five-Color Flag Alliance... Why do you want to go to Obsidian City?"

Bavaria said casually: "Duke Daliang from the Shangjiang Alliance of the Five-Color Flag Alliance is in Obsidian City at this time. The Five-Color Flag Alliance is funding the dwarf rebels. This is also the reason why we have a conflict with the Five-Color Flag Alliance in Shangjiang.

Now that we have secured victory, we need to end the war with the Five Color Flag Alliance as soon as possible and concentrate on dealing with the Kingdom of Death.

The matter is urgent, I need to go to Obsidian City now. "

Bavaria, who was unwilling to stay here any longer, wanted to leave, but how could Shi Fei let him go at this time.

Shi Fei continued to stop Bavaria and asked: "Duke Daliang of the Five Color Flag Alliance is in Obsidian City? You must tell me clearly about this matter. Maybe I can be of some help."

Although Bavaria is a little jealous of Shi Fei's achievements here, he also knows that this suddenly rising elf adventurer does have great abilities. It is best not to offend him when he is in the spotlight and trying to please King Wadsworth. So Bavaria briefly introduced the process of meeting Daliang in Obsidian City.

"Yes, he is in Obsidian City... Black Iron City built a weapons manufacturing factory under the Torch Tower of Obsidian City. The Five Color Flag Alliance finances the King of the Hill in Black Iron City by selling dwarf weapons.

The last time I met Daliang, he said that the Five Color Flag Alliance might support the dwarves to become an independent race.

The King of the Hill must have made some sort of deal with him.

Now that there is no suspense in the Black Iron City war, the Five Color Flag Alliance has no one to support and should be unwilling to continue fighting with us.

Mr. Feishaozushi, your mission is to break through the Black Iron City and gain greater achievements. Just leave the affairs of the Five Color Flag Alliance to me. "

Bavaria was about to leave again, but this time Shi Fei did not stop him, but said: "Now the black elves are attacking Obsidian City. If Mr. Bavaria goes to Obsidian City now, your elf identity will make you a target of the black elves' attack. "

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