Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1238 Ninth Level Black Fire Leader

The remaining apostles listened intently to Daliang's explanation of the mission, and realized that they were being brought to a whole new level of the game.

A secret that most rulers of the plane don't know, a prop that both Cloud City and Hell want to get... This operation is to steal this artifact from under the eyes of the two most powerful forces in the entire game world. All precious props have to be stolen. The difficulty is not that great. If Zero had not already agreed to accept this task, someone else would have backed down.

Therefore, after Daliang gave a brief explanation of the mission, No. 1 said worriedly: "Since both Yunzhong City and Hell know the role of the obelisk... When Yunzhong City transfers the obelisk tower, will Hell... Will they also take action to snatch it? And will Yunzhong City send the supreme angel to escort the obelisk tower?

Number Zero, although you are the Demon King of Destruction, have your strength reached level 16? Do you have the ability to fight against the Supreme Angel alone?

If we can't stop the Supreme Angel, no matter how many people we go to, we will be destined to die. "

Daliang responded to No. 1’s question: “I think that in order to prevent Hell from robbing the obelisk tower, Yunzhong City will definitely put pressure on Lucifer on the battlefield of Furnace City.

To Hell, the Crucible City is far more important than an obelisk in the realm of death. Moreover, the relationship between Hell and the Kingdom of Death has just stabilized. In this plane of the dead, Hell does not have its own territory yet. Even if they take away the obelisk tower, there is no safe place to place it.

The possibility of Hell sending someone to snatch the obelisk is very slim.

As for...will Yunzhong City send the supreme angel to escort the obelisk tower?

Michael is watching over Lucifer in the Crucible City; Gabriel is fighting against the Desolate Monarch and President Lucas; Metatron needs to be in charge of Cloud City, and I think there will be at most one supreme angel escorting the obelisk tower, no. No more.

My strength... Since I have to hide my identity, I can't attack with all my strength. But I can invite a level 16 hero to help and block a supreme angel, so there should be no problem. "

This was almost a disguised admission that they had level 16 strength. The apostles present suddenly felt a cool breeze blowing from their backs. They all know that there is a huge difference in strength between themselves and Miushi, but... this is probably too big.

Level 16! Law level!

The apostles looked at each other. All their skills were top-level. They didn't know where to learn master-level skills. They had already understood the rules!


Moreover, Mieshi can also invite a level 16 hero to help. This hero dares to come and fight the Supreme Angel and become the enemy of Yunzhong City.

What an ability this is!

He is worthy of being a strong player chasing the top plot, and his strength has reached a level that ordinary players cannot even imagine. Now the apostles are beginning to feel happy that they stayed. Being brought into such a top-notch plot means that the higher temple has opened a crack for them.

Whether you can squeeze in or not depends on this effort.

The morale of the apostles increased greatly, and they expressed their willingness to go all out for this mission...

Daliang obtained the help of the top players in the entire game and became more confident in robbing the obelisk tower. The decisive battle at the Evernight Cathedral has not yet begun, and the implementation of specific actions still needs to wait for the preliminary investigators to be in place.

The apostles who participated in the robbery of the obelisk dispersed after the meeting and went back to prepare the props, equipment and heroes they would need when the operation began.

Daliang, who had completed the mobilization, returned to the Black Fire Territory at this time.

The Blackfire Territory at this time was a ninth-level cemetery territory. Since Daliang was promoted to the Death Lord, he obtained the drawings of all the core buildings needed to upgrade the cemetery territory. The Black Fire Territory, which does not need to waste time to obtain blueprints, has entered a stage of full-speed development with sufficient funds and resources. It is expected that it will be promoted to the tenth level territory in a week.

After the Black Fire Territory entered the ninth level, it built an important defensive building - the Dark Sky Curtain.

The Dark Canopy is a high tower that can generate death energy. Wandering undead monsters will constantly appear within the area enveloped by the death air. The level of the undead monsters is related to the territory level and the Dark Canopy level. At the same time, the dense death aura also has the effect of blocking light, hiding the entire territory in the fog. It is a unique defensive building in the cemetery territory.

After Daliang obtained the territory of this cemetery, he relentlessly worked to widen the shipping lanes and reclaim the sea to create islands. After such a long period of construction, the island has reached its initial scale.

Several ports were built around the island, and large ships entered the core area of ​​the Black Fire Territory along the widened waterway. Skeleton workers worked day and night to fill the warehouses on the island with these materials transported from Snowfield City and Shangjiang City.

Then various processing buildings use the delivered raw materials and materials to process and produce various finished products. There are war equipment, soldiers' ordnance, cannonballs, gunpowder, barrels, vehicles... These materials are then loaded onto ships or sent to places where they are needed through plane teleportation arrays.

The Black Fire Leader provides more than 60% of the logistics supply for Daliang's troops.

Therefore, the defense of the Blackfire Territory is also the top priority of the entire Blackfire military system.

As players continue to explore the ocean, the Black Fire Territory, which was originally located in the hinterland of the East China Sea, gradually appears under the eyes of players. Although the outer reaches of the Blackfire Territory are protected by reef areas and garrison fleets, they still cannot stop players from developing new maps. On the contrary, because it is dangerous enough, a large number of ships come in and out every day, which stimulates players to explore the secrets here.

Battles have occurred many times. Although the Blackfire Territory garrison fleet has repelled the invading players again and again with its terrain and strength, Da Liang also knows that this is not a long-term occasion, and the players have begun to take advantage of the Blackfire Fleet.

So Daliang relied on his position in Shangjiang to include all the sea areas around the Black Fire Territory into Shangjiang's ruling area.

The original Blackfire Territory garrison fleet was transformed into a regular navy in Shangjiang, and the entire sea area became a military restricted area.

With Shangjiang's tiger skin, angel patrols, and the strength of Shangjiang City and the Five-Color Flag Alliance, most players were frightened away. As for the sporadic infiltrators, they couldn't even enter the reef area. After the dark sky was built, the Black Fire Territory was completely hidden in the thick fog, and the territory became safer.

Daliang unfolded the wings of the fallen angel in the form of a human priest, overlooking the entire Black Fire Territory from the air.

Looking at the large cargo ships connected end to end in the channel in the reef area, looking at the undead buildings built on the islands and under the sea, looking at the angels patrolling the vast sky with groups of griffons and Pegasus knights...

What was once a small cemetery has now grown into a city that can influence the world.

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