Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1277 Recharge

At this time, Moore suddenly had the illusion that as long as he was willing to spend money, he could buy victory against the black elves.

And he knew this was not an illusion, this was the truth.

As a commander-in-chief hero, Moore clearly knows how much the quality of equipment plays a role in the outcome of the war. Even level 16 heroes may be forced away by a group of armed level 15 heroes.

The army, blessed by various beneficial conditions, releases magic all over the sky as it advances. The sound of cannons continued, and the rocks were like a shower. Along the way, ravines were filled, city walls collapsed, and even the mountains split open a road...

However, Moore also knew clearly how much money it would cost to arm his army into what he imagined.

There will be a long war to fight in the future, and the funds Moore can use can only arm the tauren in his army.

Moore shook his head to get rid of the delusions in his mind.

"I'm really sorry, Your Majesty the Duke... I also want to expand the size of the King's Army's war equipment force, but the war equipment is too expensive and itself is very fragile. Therefore..."

Daliang raised his hand to stop Moore's refusal, and said: "I understand the difficulties of the Iron Shoe Kingdom... but please think about it carefully, Lord Moore. Is the life of the soldiers more important? Or is the money spent on purchasing war equipment more important?

Money can be earned again, but if an elite soldier dies, it will take time to recruit new warriors and money to arm them. Especially for the level 9 tauren, their training period and cost are longer and more expensive. In the battle against the black elves, the tauren also suffered the highest death rate.

I think Lord Moore does not have much confidence in defeating the Black Elves. Even if he wins, he will suffer heavy losses. At that time... after leaving enough troops on the border to resist another invasion of the black elves, Lord Moore may not have much military power to support the battle against the World Factory.

The purchase of war equipment and other war supplies was only a short-lived sharp pain in the Iron Shoe Kingdom's strength.

But it can prevent you from enduring the pain of insufficient troops for a long time in the future.

I think lord, you should have a very clear choice. "

In fact, Moore had already foreseen Daliang's speculation about the future war situation, but this time he could see more clearly what kind of difficulties the Iron Heel Kingdom would face in the future.

Facing the attack of World Factory, Endless Maze is already on the defensive. After the black elves are eliminated, this disadvantage will last for a very long time, and may even give the black elves a chance to invade again.

Therefore, for the war between the black elves, it is best to fight quickly, win the greatest victory with the least loss, and then return to the battlefield of the plane war with sufficient military strength.

"Your Excellency, you are absolutely right." Moore already had the idea of ​​"recharging" money, but how much money he would "recharge" made Moore hesitant. After all, he couldn't empty out the treasury. "But the Iron Shoe Kingdom is indeed in a very difficult situation right now. Is the Duke willing to accept the ore as payment?"

Daliang shook his head and said: "When we help you purchase materials, we pay each other with real gold coins. The large amount of ore payment makes it difficult for us to process these stones. After all, after we cooperate with Obsidian City, we have no shortage of ore. resource.

Of course, rare resources and alchemical resources are within the scope of payment.

What if the Iron Heel Kingdom could pay for what we need? We'll be more than happy to accept that as well. "

The endless maze is very rich in mineral resources, and the underground races are also very good at finding minerals, mining minerals, and refining minerals. But except for rare resources and alchemy resources, there is nothing that can be obtained in the dungeon.

However, rare resources and alchemical resources are strategic materials. The Iron Shoe Kingdom's purchase of war materials is not a small amount, and it is impossible to pay for it with too many strategic materials.

Moore knew that Shangjiang City was doing all-round business, so what could interest them in the Endless Labyrinth?

This gave Moore, who was in urgent need of war supplies to arm the army, a headache.

When Daliang saw that the time was right, he said: "I have stayed in Obsidian City for so long and found that in addition to the mineral resources in Endless Labyrinth, the slave business is also doing very well."

"Slave?" Moore didn't expect Daliang to be interested in the slave business in the underground city. If Shangjiang City was willing to let the Iron Shoe Kingdom use slaves to pay for the purchase of war supplies, it would really solve the Iron Shoe Kingdom's tight military budget problem. He said: "Yes, yes... the most indispensable thing in the endless maze is slaves. We can send people to capture any slaves that the Duke wants..."

Da Liang waved his hand and said: "We are not interested in those underground city natives who cannot adapt to life on the surface. Lord Moore, you also know that our Five Color Flag Alliance is at war with the Dreamland.

This war consumes a lot of basic troops, and Shangjiang is located in a small area so we don’t have many basic troops, so we want to expand the army by purchasing soldiers. But the world is at war, and there are no surplus troops for sale.

If the Ironhoof Kingdom can provide us with slaves capable of fighting on the surface, then we are willing to exchange war supplies. "

Moore already knew very well what kind of slave Daliang wanted.

There are three main sources of slaves in the dungeon: one is a race with too weak individual strength, such as cavemen; the second is a race with too few individuals; the third is a race with too low individual intelligence.

Daliang wants to buy slaves to form an army to fight against the dreamland. Even if the surface environmental factors are not taken into account, the morale of this kind of slave is very low, and it does not have much combat effectiveness on the battlefield. If the slaves could fight, the Dungeon King's army would use them themselves.

But there is a special kind of slave that meets Daliang's requirements.

Black elves are a sub-branch of surface elves, and surface combat will not have much impact on black elves. The number of black elves is very large, and if it is small, it will not make the kings of the dungeon feel threatened; the individual black elves are very strong and have their own military system; there is no problem with racial intelligence.

When Moore starts fighting against the black elves, there will definitely be a large number of black elf prisoners. To deal with these black elf warriors who cannot be recruited, keeping them is a hidden danger. The best way is of course to kill them all.

It would be different if these black elf warriors could be sold to Shangjiang City as slaves.

The black elves have a natural hatred for the elves. Even if they become slaves, the black elves don't have to worry about morale when attacking the elves. The Five-Colored Flag Alliance Army does not need to worry, as the black elves will switch sides and cause trouble for them.

If the trade of black elf slaves for war supplies can be done.

Moore did not need to kill prisoners, which triggered excessive resistance from the black elf army on the battlefield; Shangjiang City also obtained an elite army that could be used to fight against the Dreamland.

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